Ecosystems Flashcards
Define ecosystem
All interacting living organisms and the non-living conditions in an area
Define community
All the populations of living organisms in a particular habitat.
Define habitat
The area inhabited by a species
Define population
A group of organisms of one species that live in the same place at the same time
Define species
The smallest and most specific taxonomic group
Define ecology
Ecology is a branch of biology that deals with the distribution, abundance and interactions of living organisms at the level of communities, populations, and ecosystems, as well as at the global scale.
Explain what is meant by the phrase “ecosystems are dynamic”.
Means they are constantly changing
Define the term biotic factor
The living components of an ecosystem e.g the presence of organisms, the size of the populations of organisms and the competition between the organisms
Define the term abiotic factor
The non-living conditions in a habitat e.g. amount of rainfall and yearly temperature range, light, water and oxygen availability.
Define the term “edaphic factor” and give 3 examples.
Soil factors- soil types have different particle sizes : 1. clay- fine particles, is easily waterlogged and forms clumps when wet 2. loam- this has different sized particles, retains water but does not become waterlogged. 3. sandy- this has coarse, well-separated particles that allow free draining- doesn’t retain water and is easily eroded.
Define food web
Systems of interlinked food chains used to show the transfer of biomass and therefore energy through the organisms in an ecosystem.
Define food chain
Chains used to show the transfer of biomass and therefore energy through organisms in an ecosystem. Each stage in the chain is known as a trophic level.
Define trophic level
Stages in a food chain- starting with producer the rest are consumers.
Define the term heterotroph
Organisms that acquire nutrients by the ingestion of other organisms.
Explain what the arrows represent in a food web.
Arrows represent the transfer of energy- they point in the direction that energy is being transferred.
Define consumer
Organisms that obtains its energy by feeding on another organisms.
Define producer
Organism that converts light energy into chemical energy.
Define detritovore
- Organisms that speeds up decay by breaking down detritus into smaller pieces e.g woodlice- wood, earthworm-dead leaves 2. Increase the surface area of organic material for decomposers to work on. 3. Perform internal digestion
Define decomposer
- Organism that breaks down dead organisms releasing nutrients back into the ecosystem. e.g primarily microscopic fungi and bacteria like oyster mushrooms - wood 2. Obtain their energy by saprobiotic nutrition- digest waste externally by secreting enzymes onto dead organisms or organic waste matter. 3. This releases stored inorganic compounds and elements back into the environment.
Define the term biomass
Mass of living material
Define the term dry mass
The mass of living material without its water content
Explain why dry mass is a better indicator of biomass than fresh mass.
Dry mass excludes fluctuating water concentration which would affect the mass.- unreliable.
Explain how to calculate the dry mass of each tropic level in a food chain.
- Multiply the dry mass present in each organism by the total number of organisms in that trophic level. 2. To work out dry mass organisms have to be killed and then placed in an oven at 80 degrees until all water has evaporated- two identical mass readings. 3. Biomass is measured in grams per square metre for land and grams per cubic metre for water.
Explain how to experimentally measure the energy content of organic matter.
- The energy available at each trophic level is measure in kilo joules per metre squared per year 2. To allow for changes in photosynthetic production and consumer feeding patterns throughout the year.
Explain how pyramids of numbers, biomass and energy represent data about an ecosystem and the relative merits of each.
- Pyramid of numbers- producers are always placed at the bottom of the diagram with subsequent trophic levels added above. Shows the actual number of organisms. 2. Pyramids of biomass- usually always pyramid shape , show, it is almost always less biomass than the trophic level before. 3. Biomass consists of all cells and tissue of the organisms present, including the carbohydrates and the other carbon compounds the organism contain. As carbon compounds are a store of energy, biomass can be equated to energy content.
Explain how energy is transferred from one trophic level to the next.
- When animals eat only a small proportion of food they ingest is converted into new tissue- part of the biomass which is available for the next trophic level to eat.
Define the term “ecological efficiency” and write an equation to calculate it.
- Efficiency with which energy or biomass is transferred from one trophic level to the next 2. Energy or biomass available after the transfer/ energy or biomass available before the transfer *100
Explain 3 reasons why only 1-3% of the sunlight producers receive is converted into chemical energy.
- Not all of the solar energy available is used for photosynthesis- approx 90% is reflected, some is transmitted through the leaf and some is of unusable wavelength. 2. Other factors may limit photosynthesis 3. A proportion of energy is lost as it is used for photosynthetic reactions.
Define net production
Plants use 20-50% of the gross production in respiration. 2. The rest of the energy is converted into biomass- this is the energy available to the next trophic level.
Define respiratory losses
- Energy lost in respiration (heat?)
Write an equation for net production
Net production= gross production - respiratory losses
Define primary production
The generation of biomass in a producer
Define secondary production
The generation of biomass in a consumer
Explain 4 reasons why consumers at each trophic level convert only a small amount of the biomass in the trophic level below to their own organic tissue.
- Not all the biomass of an organism is eaten e.g plant roots or animal bones. 2. Some energy is transferred to the environment as metabolic heat, as a result of movement and respiration. 3. Some parts of an organism are eaten but are indigestible - these parts (and their energy content) are egested as faeces. 4. Some energy is lost from the animal in excretory materials such urine. `
Draw, label and annotate, a diagram showing the flow of energy through trophic levels and out of the food chain.
Look at p 613. 1. Sun→produces→primary consumer etc 2. Arrow up pointing to decomposers and detritivores 3. Arrow down to energy lost as heat during respiration
Explain why food chains with more than 4 trophic levels are rare.
As by the time it gets to the 4th trophic level there is not sufficient biomass and stored energy left to support any further organisms.
Describe how humans have manipulated energy transfer through trophic levels in the farming of plants and animals to our advantage.
- Plants are provided with the abiotic conditions they need to thrive 2. Competition from other species is removed- pesticides 3. As well as threat from predators.- creating barriers. 4. Agriculture creates simple food chains - so in farming animals or animal produce for human consumption, only 3 trophic levels are present. So less energy is less. 5. In plants for humans- only 2 trophic levels. 6. This means that the minimum energy is lost as there are fewer trophic levels than in the natural ecosystem, 7. This ensures as much energy as possible is transferred into biomass that can be eaten by humans.
Compare the movement of energy through an ecosystem with the movement of elements such as nitrogen and carbon.
- Energy has a linear flow through the ecosystem- enters from the sun and is ultimately transferred to the atmosphere as heat. As long as there is sun it is good. 2. Nutrients constantly have to be recycled throughout the ecosystems in order for plants and animals to grow. 3. This is because they are used up by living organisms and there is no large external source constantly replenishing nutrients in the way the Sun supplies energy.
Draw, label and annotate a diagram of the nitrogen cycle.
- Processes of nitrogen fixation, nitrification, denitrification and ammonification all form part of the nitrogen cycle. 2. Memorise it
Explain the importance of decomposers and detritivores in the recycling of matter in ecosystems
- Decomposition is a chemical process in which a compound is broken down into smaller molecules to its constituent elements. 2. These are often essential elements e.g. nitrogen or carbon, which cannot be directly used by an organism in the organic form it is in, in dead or waste matter 3. So they need to be broken down into inorganic elements and compounds, which are a more usable form and returned to the environment.
Define nitrogen fixation
Conversion of nitrogen gas to ammonium compounds
Define nitrification
Conversion of ammonium compounds into nitrites and nitrates.
Define denitrification
Conversion of nitrates to nitrogen gas
Define ammonification
Conversion of nitrogen compounds in dead organic matter or waste into ammonium compounds by decomposers.
Name the micro-organisms involved in the nitrogen cycle and state the nitrogen-containing molecule they use and the nitrogen-containing molecule they produce.
- Nitrogen fixing bacteria e.g Azotobacter (free-living soil bacteria) and Rhizobium (live inside root nodules) - contain nitrogenase which combines atmospheric nitrogen with hydrogen to produce ammonia. 2. Nitrifying bacteria e.g Nitrosomonas- oxidise ammonium compounds into nitrates 3. Nitrifying bacteria e.g Nitrobacter- oxidise nitrites into nitrates 4. Denitrifying bacteria- use nitrates as a source of energy for respiration and nitrogen gas is released. 5. Decomposers convert nitrogen-containing matter in dead organisms, faeces and urine into ammonium compounds.
Draw, label and annotate a diagram of the carbon cycle.
see p619
Explain why carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere may vary throughout a 24 hour period, seasonally and over many years.
- Photosynthesis only takes place in the light- in day lower levels of CO2 than in night 2. Lower CO2 in summer than winter days as photosynthesis is higher 3.
Suggest two reasons why carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere have increased significantly over the last 200 years
- Combustion of fossil fuels- release CO2 that was trapped below Earth’s surface 2. Deforestation- removed significant quantities of photosynthesising biomass from Earth.- less CO2 is removed from atmosphere and cleared forest is burnt releasing more CO2 3. CO2 raises temperature, amount of CO2 dissolved in seas and oceans is affected by the temperature (high temp means less CO2 is dissolved) - global warming reduces the carbon bank in the atmosphere- further contributing in a positive feedback loop
Define succession
The progressive replacement of one dominant type of species or community by another in an ecosystem, until a stable climax community is established
Define primary succession
The predictable change in a community of organisms over time starting in a location where terrestrial life has not previously colonised. - newly formed land or exposed such as bare rock- no soil or organic material present.
Define secondary succession
The predictable change in a community of organisms over time starting in a location where terrestrial life had previously colonised but the larger plant and animal life is no longer present. - soil is present but no plant or animal species- e.g bare earth after forest fire.
Define deflected succession
- Succession is prevented from proceeding due to some external factor, usually human activity 2. Succession is halted before it reaches the climax community.
Define pioneer species
The first organisms to colonise an area
Define seral species/ sere
The steps in succession
Define climax community
- The final stage in succession, where the community is said to be in a stable state 2. Not further succession occurs as long as the abiotic conditions remain the same.
Define plagioclimax
- Stage in succession where artificial or natural factors prevent the natural climax community from forming. 2. The final stage in deflected succession
Give 5 adaptations that some species have for being pioneer species.
- The ability to produce large quantities of seeds or spores, which are blown by the wind and deposited on the new land 2. Seeds that germinate rapidly 3. The ability to photosynthesise to produce their own energy- light, rainfall and air are often the only abiotic factors present. 4. Tolerance to extreme conditions 5. The ability to fix nitrogen from the atmosphere, so adding to the mineral content of the soil.
Describe the effect pioneer species have on the environment.
- It changes the conditions of the environment to make it more suitable for a different community of organisms. 2. They are poor competitors and get out-competed by organisms that arrive once the abiotic conditions are less harsh.
Describe how the conditions of the soil change as succession occurs (and why).
- Over time weathering of bare rock produces particles that form the basis of soil- cannot support other species on its own. 2. When organisms of the pioneer species die and decompose small organic products are released into the soil. 3. This organic component of soil is known as humus. 4. The soil becomes able to support the growth of new species of plant- secondary colonisers- as it contains minerals including nitrates and has an ability to retain some water.
Describe how succession occurs
- Soil becomes able to support the growth of new species of plant- secondary colonisers 2. Secondary colonisers arrive as spores or seeds e.g. mosses- pioneer species also provide a food source for consumers, so some animal species will start to colonise. 3. As the environmental conditions continue to improve, new species of plant arrive e.g ferns- tertiary colonisers. 4. Tertiary colonisers- have waxy cuticles that protects them from water loss- can survive without the abundance of water- but need to obtain most of their water and mineral salts from the soil. 5. At each stage the rock continues to be eroded and the mass of organic matter increases. 6. When organisms decompose they contribute to a deeper more nutrient-rich soil, which retains more water.- makes abiotic conditions more favourable initially for small flowering plants such as grasses, then shrubs and then trees. 7. This period is intermediate community and many seral stages evolve during this period until climax community is attained. 8. At each seral stage plant and animal species are better adapted to the current conditions in the ecosystem. They out-compete many of the species that were previously present and become the dominant species.- most abundant species (by mass) present in the ecosystem at a given time.
Define dominant species
The most abundant species in an ecosystem at a given time.
Describe and explain the change in niche number and number of species (and so biodiversity) present as succession progresses.
- General increase in biodiversity- Abiotic conditions become less harsh and so more plant species can survive. More plants provides more different food sources for primary consumers. More primary consumers provide more different food sources for secondary consumers etc. More food sources provide more niches and more species arrive to fill each niche, increasing biodiversity. 2. But often it decreases as it gets towards the climax community- dominant species is out-competing pioneer and other species, resulting in their elimination. The more successful the dominant species the less biodiversity in a given ecosystem.
Explain why secondary succession is likely to occur more quickly than primary succession.
- Soil is already present so there doesn’t need to be time for soil to develop up to the condition required for a climax community. 2. Often tehre are seeds already present in the soil and so chance colonisation doesn’t need to occur. 3. Often the location of sites of secondary succession are near sites that are already colonised and so colonisation of this site is quick.
Give 3 reasons why deflected succession might occur
- Grazing and trampling of vegetation may occur by domesticated animals- results in large areas remaining as grasslands 2. Removing existing vegetation (such as shrub land) to plant crops- the crop become the final community. 3. Burning as a means of forest clearance- this often leads to an increase in biodiversity as it provides space and nutrient-rich ash for other species to grow such as shrubs.
Define the term “sampling” and explain why it is important.
Sampling means taking measurements of a limited number of individual organisms present in a particular area. 1. Can be used to estimate the number of organisms in an area without having to count them all- abundance 2. Can be used to measure particular characteristic of an organism- measuring height of plants and taking an average
State the two general ways in which sampling can be undertaken.
Random and non-random
Define random sampling
Sampling where each individual in the population has an equal likelihood of selection.
Define non-random sampling
The sample is not chosen at random, it can be opportunistic, stratified or systematic.
Outline how to randomly sample an area.
Random number tables or computers can be used. 1. Mark out a grid on the grass using two tape measures laid at right angles. 2. Use random numbers to determine the x coordinate and the y coordinate on your rid 3. Take a sample at each of the coordinate pairs generated
Name and describe the 3 main techniques of non-random sampling.
Opportunistic- This is the weakest form of sampling, as it may not be representative of the population - uses organisms that are conveniently available. Stratified- Some populations can be divided into a number of strata based on a particular characteristic.- a random sample is then taken form each of theses strata proportional to its size. Systematic- Different areas within an overall habitat are identified which are then sampled separately.
Define the term Frame quadrat
A square rigid structure of fixed size used to identify an area to be sampled. It is usually dived in to a grid of equal sections
Define the term point quadrat
A frame containing a horizontal bar. At set intervals along the bar, long pins can be pushed through the bar to reach the ground. Each species of plant the pin touches is recorded.
Define the term line transect
This involves marking out a line along the ground between two poles and taking samples at specified points.
Define the term belt transect
Provides more information than the line transect; two parallel lines are marked and samples are taken of the area between the two lines
Define the term interrupted belt transect
Sampling using a frame quadrat at specific intervals along a line transect.
Describe 5 ways to sample animals.
- Pooter- catch small insects by sucking on a mouthpiece, draws insects into the holding chamber via the inlet tube 2. Sweep nets- catch insects in long grass 3. Pitfall traps- catch small crawling invertebrates in a hole that is dug in the ground- deep enough so they can come out and is covered with a roof structure to stop drowning. 4. Tree beating- a large white cloth is stretched out under the tree, the tree is shaken or beaten to dislodge invertebrate. 5. Kick sampling- the river bank and bed is kicked for a period of time to disturb the substrate. The net is held downstream for a set period of time in order to capture any organisms released into the flowing water
Describe 2 ways to sample plants (and sessile, or very slow moving, animals).
- point quadrat 2. Frame quadrat
Describe 3 ways of collecting data using a frame quadrat (that could be applied to either random or non-random sampling
- Density- Count the number of plants in a quadrat- density per square metre- absolute measure not an estimate 2. Frequency- individual members of a species are hard to count like grass or moss. Using small grids within a quadrat count the number of squares a particular species is present in. 3. Percentage cover- for speed as lots of data can be collected quickly. Useful when a particular species is abundant or difficult to count. An estimate by eye of the area withing a quadrat that a species covers.
Name, and state the equipment used to measure, 6 abiotic factors that could be measured when studying the abundance and distribution of organisms in an area.
- Wind speed- anemometer ms-1 2. light intensity- light meter lx 3. Relative humidity- humidity sensor- mg dm-3 4. pH- pH probe 5. Temperature- temperature probe degrees Celsius 6. Oxygen content in water- dissolved oxygen probe mg dm-3
Explain why a temperature probe linked to a data-logger may be advantageous over the use of a thermometer when investigating factors affecting the abundance and distribution of organisms in an area.
- Rapid changes can be detected 2. Human error in taking a reading is reduced. 3. A high degree of precision can often be obtained. 4. Data can be stored and tracked on a computer
Describe how the abundance of plants can be estimated (and then how population size can be calculated from this).
- Quadrats are placed randomly in the area. 2. The abundance of the organisms in that area is measured by counting the number of individual plants contained within the quadrat. 3. Estimated population number (m-2) = Number of individuals in sample/ Area of sample (m2)
Describe the capture-mark-release-recapture technique can be used to estimate the population size of an animal species.
- Capture as many individuals as possible in a sample area 2. Mark or tag each individual- not detrimental to animals 3. Release the marked animals back into the sample area and allow time for them to redistribute themselves throughout the habitat 4. Recapture as many individuals as possible in the original sample area. 5. Record the number of marked and unmarked individuals present in the sample (release all individuals back into their habitat) 6. Lincoln index to estimate population size: (number of individuals in first sample * number of individuals in second sample)/ number of recaptured marked individuals.