Ecosystem Flashcards
In order to survive and reproduce living organisms have to
Interact with other organisms as well as the environment they live in
The sum total of all the biological, physical and chemical conditions surrounding an organism
Specific area in a biome with characteristic vegetation in which there is close interaction with abiotic and biotic components where organisms also display adaptation for survival in their environment
There is a sustainable flow of energy through an ecosystem and recycling of nutrients.
Example of a ecosystem
Lakes ponds, desert
Study of ecosystems
Study of relationships and interactions between living organisms and between organisms and the natural environment in which they occur
An ecosystem consists of
Abiotic and biotic components
Abiotic components like
Physio graphic(landscape) factors
Edaphic(soil) factors
Atmospheric gases
Physio graphic factors
North facing slopes get more sunlight than south facing slopes therefore they are warmer, drier and plants thrive while south facing slopes are cooler and wetter where shade plants like ferns thrive
Slope affecting the rate of water run off
A steep slope water run off is faster than a gradual slope and soil erosion occurs frequent. Soil on a steep slope is shallow and infertile and few plants and animals are present.
Height above sea levels
Areas high above sea levels experience extreme weather conditions such as string winds and snow
Planntd and animals occur differently from high above sea levels and those closer to sea level
Edaphic factors
Three types of soil is clay loam and sand
Clay consists of tiny soil particles while loam has lighter bigger particles and sandy soil is coaster and consists of big particles
Soil type
Ph level
Minerals in the soil
Air particles in the soil
Soil air
Some spaces between soil particles are filled with water while others with air for survival of soil organisms
In sandy soil there are bigger spaces between soil particles and it is well aerated, while clay has very small and poorly aerated.
Water holding capacity
Large spaces between soil particles makes soil a poor conductor of water holding capacity while clay is the opposite.
Water rapidly filters through sandy soil taking along valuable nutrients, leaching process.
Drainage of clay is poor and plant roots may rot easily
Loam is suitable for plant growth as it has medium water-holding capacity is well aerated and contains sufficient nutrients
Humus content
Humus is decayed plant and animal matter
It increases both the soil fertility and water holding capacity of soil. Soil with high humus content is usually dark in color
Some plants such as azaleas and protease grow better in acidic soil (low pH)
Succulent plants grow better in alkaline soil
However most plants grow in neutral soil
In high Rainfall regions with sandy soil
Nutrients are leaches and the soil becomes acidic
Plants need light for photosynthesis
However light is limited to avoid excessive damage to tissues therefore the day length affects the growth of a plant = photoperiodism
Light intensity also affects growth movements and turgor of a plant. Some plants adapt to the light intensity to which they are exposed to. In shade plants photosynthesis takes place at a much lower light intensity rate.
Example of nocturnals
Bats and moths
Ectothermic animals, where the body temperature depends in the environmental temperature become inactive in cold winter temperatures and hibernate to survive
Endothermic animals keep their body temperature constant regardless of environmental temperature also hibernate or migrate to warmer habitats during winter.
A winter sleep, spanning cold winter periods and conditions, during which the metabolism and heart rate of the animal decreases.