Economy Flashcards
What is meant by the economy?
-the process or system by which goods and services are produced, sold, and bought in a country or region.
Whilst there is some agreement over…
…the level of exploitation in capitalism, how this has led to inequality and that the economy should work in the interests of the people.
The main argument of the economy essay?
It is a stronger argument to suggest…
Socialists disagree to a large extent over the economy.
Two main points of the economy essay?
- Disagreements over ideal type of economy.
- Disagreements on what to do about economic impact on human nature.
Two main counterpoints of the economy essay?
- All critical of the free-market if left unchecked.
- All see economic activity as important in detrmining social structure + human nature.
Which socialists agree that economic activity is important in determining social structure + has a large impact on human nature?
-Beatrice Webb+ Crosland- does create inequality and is wasteful- especially unfettered capitalism.
-Marx- capitalism is the root of all evil and can only create ‘Misery, toil and slavery’
-Third way- aware they need communal responsibility to offset the negative impacts of capitalism.
Which socialists agree that private property can be explotiative?
-**Marx, Crosland and Webb- **Maximisation of profits means comprimising the working class+ cooperative federalism for webb.
social democrats + third way- trade unions to ensure fair practice
Which socialists disagree over what to do about the negative impacts of capitalism on human nature?
Marx- revolution necessary- communal society based on common ownership- human condition plastic.
-Luxemburg- need for general elections, ‘without a free srtuggle of opinion, life dies in every institution’
Webb- gradual reform of the state. ‘the inevitibility of gradualness’
-Crosland- greater social equality (comprehensive eduction) - no communal owership- infringe individualism
-Giddens- opportunities to escape poverty- communitarianism- individualism + free market.
Which socialists disagree over what to do about private property and the markets?
Marx + luxemburg- Abolish private property- no profit= no explotation.
**Webb- **gradual nationalisation-
Crosland +Giddens- too much nationalisation would cause a dull state
Crosland- mixed economy- non essentials private (keynisian) wealth of capitalism taxed- redisribute wealth
Giddens- free competititon- no nationalisation- wealth state. tax as high as 83% under labour too high-kept at 40%.