Common Humanity- unlikely to be a full essay- done :) Flashcards
What is meant by common humanity?
-Emphasises the nature of humans as social creatures with a tendancy to co-operate and be rational
Whilst there is some disagreement over…
…the concern over unchecked capitalism on common humanity, and how the state should be involved in this.
Main argument of the common humanity essay?
It is a stronger argument to suggest…
Socialists agree to a large extent on the principle of common humanity.
What do all socialists believe about common humanity?
-We are naturally inclined to work together- mutual understanding+ support.
-Belief in fraternity + community rather than individualism.
What do socialists propose to tackle unchecked capitalism?
-An interventionist role of the state.
What do socialists tend to disagree on concerning a general hostility to capitalism and impact this can have on common humanity?
-Revolutionary Socialists+ Democratic socialists-
Marx+ Engles-HN deformed by capitalism and corrupts anyone with it. Abolish-Common humanity will flourish- no exploitation.
Webb-- state should be used gradually remove exploitative capitalism.
-Third way/ social democracy- Capitalism can be reformed + harnessed.
Crosland- state organised to redistribute wealth + reduce social inequality
DISAGREE- Giddens- public serices for equality of opp.
Everyone fundamentally disagrees on how to achieve.
How do socialists believe cooperation rewards people?
-deeper moral level
-negative traits will be reformed+ skills developed.
What essay would common humanity likely be tied into?
-human nature.