Economic recovery Flashcards
What factors allowed for the ‘economic miracle’ between 1949 and 1963.
- The Nazi legacy
- German strength
- Erhard’s social market economy
- Adenauer
- Foreign input
What (and when) was Erhard’s investment aid law? Why was this good?
- December 1951
- provided gov subsidies to aid the heavy manufacturing industry (as it was picking up less quickly than consumer industries).
- efficiently linked state resources to a free business economy.
What about Erhard made him so economically effective?
- He was a highly qualified economist with experience running economic affairs under the Allied occupation from 1945.
- He was also just in post long enough for his policies to be thoroughly embedded, holding his position for 14 years.
What were Erhard’s banking controls?
Ensured the maintenance of a strong currency through importing cheap materials and exporting expensive, good quality goods.
What was Erhard’s economy called?
The social market economy
What were Erhard’s social market economy ideals?
Private businesses free to set own prices and respond to market forces (within the gov framework). State regulates where necessary to ensure fair competition.
What was the co-determination law? When?
- 1951
- Permitted workers in iron and steel some say in management decisions.
- Impacted 103 companies.
How did Adenauer’s political dominance contribute to the economy?
- He provided a stable leadership under which the economy could flourish. Despite Erhard’s conflict with him, he needed him to dominate West German politics.
How did Adenauer play the ‘cold war card’
The German economy was able to benefit massively from American aid and political backing as Adenauer had aligned West Germany with the West.
What were the five Rs?
- Reconstruction
- Reintegration
- Restitution
- Restoration
- Labour Relations
What was Reconstruction in Adenauer’s era?
4 million new homes by 1957.
What was Reintegration in Adenauer’s era?
refugees gradually dispersed from ‘holding camps’
What was Restitution in Adenauer’s era?
Compensation paid to individual Nazi victims.
What was Restoration in Adenauer’s era?
1951- 131 law allowed former Nazis to be employed as civil servants, leading to the re-employment of over 150,000 Germans.
What were Labour relations in Adenauer’s era?
low wage demands and low strike record in Adenauer’s time. Co-determination showed non-confrontational labour relations.