econ final elzenga 15 Flashcards
Market Failure:
a situation in which the invisible hand pushes in such a way that individual decisions do not lead to socially desirable outcomes
Sources of Market Failure:
Externalities, Public goods, Imperfect information
Government Failure:
when the government intervention in a market to improve the market failure actually makes the situation worse
the effects of a decision on a third party that are not take into account by the decision maker; can be positive or negative; when these exist, the marginal social cost differs from the marginal private cost
Negative Externalities:
when the effects of a decision not take into account by the decision maker are detrimental to others
Positive Externalities:
when the effects of a decision not take into account by the decision maker are beneficial to others; make the marginal private benefit below the marginal social benefit
Pareto Optimal:
a position from which no person can be made better off without another being made worse off
Marginal Social Cost:
includes all the marginal costs that society bears - or the marginal private cost of production plus the cost of the negative externalities associated with that production
Marginal Social Benefit:
the marginal private benefit of consuming a good plus the benefits of the positive externalities resulting from consuming that good
Methods to deal with externalities:
Direct regulation, Incentive policies (tax/market), Voluntary solutions
Effluent fees:
charges imposed by government on the level of pollution created
Market Incentive Plan:
a plan requiring market participants to certify that they have reduced total consumption—not necessarily their individual consumption—by a specific amount; If individuals choose to reduce consumption more than required, they will be given a marketable certificate that they can sell to someone
Free Rider Problem:
individuals’ unwillingness to share in the cost of a public good; Economists believe that a small number of these individuals will undermine the social consciousness of many in the society and that eventually a voluntary policy will fail; exceptions include times of war and extreme crisis
Public good:
a good that is nonexclusive (no one can be excluded from its benefits) and nonrival (consumption by one does not preclude consumption by others); sum demand curve vertically
Adverse Selection Problem:
a problem that occurs when buyers and sellers have different amounts of information about the good for sale and use that information to the detriment of the other