demand supply and market equilibrium Flashcards
Law of supply
as price increases the quantity supplied increase in a direct relationship.
Contraction of supply:
if market prices fall, we expect to see a contraction of supply and therefore a lesser quantity to be supplied
Extension of demand
a decrease in price causes there to be an extension along the demand curve and therefore a greater quantity to be demanded
Contraction of demand
a increase in price causes a contraction along the demand curve and therefore a lesser quantity to be demanded
the amount of goods or services that consumers are willing and able to buy at a given time
A good that adds value to another; as consumer demand more of one they demand more of the other- frequently brought together
two goods that are used for the same purpose; as consumers demand more of one, they less of the other
Market equilibrium
a situation that occurs in a market when the price is such that the quantity that consumers wish to buy is exactly balacendd by the quantity that firms wish to supply
factors that cause the supply curve to shift
Productivity Indirtect taxes New producers Taxes Subsidies Weather
factors that cause the demand curve to shift
Population D1 will shift right Adverstiment Dq shift left to D2 Subsite good Income D1 shifts right to D2 Fashion Interest rate Complements
is the quantity of a good or service that a producer is willing and able to supply onto the market at a given price in a given time perio
Economic Costs of production
value that could have been generated had the resources been employed in their next best use
what is sira
Allocate scare resources
Signal to producer
Incentive to change price to make profit
what order for sira
Signal to producer
Incentive to change price to make profit
Allocate scare resources
what does excess demand cost
upward pressure
what does excess supply cost
downward pressure as there are more than
people want
Indirect tax
tax on consumer expidenture
Price mechenisiom:
interaction of demand and supply to allocate resources.
functions of money
medium of exchange
store of value
unit of account
standard of deferred payment
charcytericts of money
hard to counterfeit
durable and portable
acctepantce when making transaction
hold value over time
inferior good
as income increases quantity demand decreass
shows alternative combination of two goods and services attainable when all recourses are fully and efficiently employed
consumer goods
goods and services that are used by people to statists their needs and wants
capital goods
goods that are used in the production of other goods such as factories offices roads machines and equipment
define market failure
Where the free market mechanism fails to achieve economic efficiency