Ecology and Geography of life Flashcards
It is a large, relatively distinct terrestrial region with characteristic climate, soil, plants and animals.
A frozen layer of permafrost and low-growing vegetation that is adapted to extreme cold and a short growing season characterized this biome.
Boreal forest or taiga
They are dominate by conifers, which are adapted to cold winters, a short growing season and acidic, mineral-poor soil.
Temperate rain forest
Large conifers dominate it, which receives high precipitation.
Temperate deciduous forest
It occurs where precipitation is relatively high and soils are rich in organic matter. Broad leaf trees that lose their leaves seasonally dominate it.
Temperate grassland
It typically has a deep, mineral-rich soil and has moderate but uncertain precipitation.
Characterized by thickets of small-lead evergreen shrubs and trees and a climate of wet, mild winters and dry summers.
Found in both temperate (cold deserts) and sub-tropical (warm deserts) with low levels of precipitation, in inhabited by organisms with specialized water-conserving adaptations.
Savanna or tropical grassland
It has widely scattered trees interspersed with grassy areas. It occurs in tropical areas with low or seasonal rainfall.
Tropical rain forest
Mineral-poor soil and high rainfall that is evenly distributed throughout the year characterize it. It has high species richness and high productivity. Its structure of vegetation has: emergent layer, canopy, understory, shrub layer and ground layer.
Free-floating organisms.
Strongly swimming organisms.
Botton-dwelling organisms.
Littoral zone
It contains emergent vegetation and algae.
Limnetic zone
Open water away from the shore that extends as far down as sunlight penetrates.
Profundal zone
It holds little life other than bacterial decomposers.
Neritic province
It is open ocean from the shoreline to a depth of 200 m.
The euphotic zone
It is the upper part of the neritic province, where enough light penetrates to support photosynthesis.
The oceanic province
It is that part of the open ocean that is deeper than 200 m. Its uniform environment is one of darkness, cold temperature and high pressure.