ECM 1407 Computer and AI: good and bad Flashcards
How is Machine Learning distinct from Artificial Intelligence?
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that makes computers perform tasks we (used to) think of as requiring human intelligence.
Machine Learning (ML) is a subset of AI focused on developing systems that can learn and improve from experience without being explicitly coded. It involves algorithms that analyze data and learn from that data.
Two types of learning
Supervised learning
The task is to learn a mapping function from inputs x ∈ X to output y ∈ Y
The output data is labelled, so we expect a specific correct output from an input through the model.
Unsupervised learning
The task is to make sense of data. We have inputs x ∈ X but we don’t have associated outputs
AI irl applications
self-driving cars, navigation systems, proofreaders
A branch of engineering that makes mechanical devices perform physical tasks that we (used to) think of as human-like activities.
Examples: Car manufacturing, surgical robots
Who are the Luddites? What was their origin?
The Luddites were artisan textile workers who had spent years learning their craft;
- they feared machines were robbing them of their livelihood
- They broke into factories and smashed up textile machines
The movement was named after Ned Ludd;
- Who had allegedly smashed two stocking frames in 1779
- But he never really existed..
What is the directive of Neo-luddites
Current-day Luddites
The Neo-luddites are anti-technology
- They see computers as enabling big corporation to operate more efficiently in their pernicious goals of making more money and destroying nature.
What are the fears of the neo-luddites?
1) Unemployment
2) Manufactured needs
3) Social inequity
4) Social disintegration
5) Benefits to big business/government
6) An ominous uniformity of knowledge
Neo-luddites & their beliefs on unemployment
Neo-luddites: computers lead to unemployment!
- Without the “dignity” of work, redundant people ask themselves:
○ Why are we here? How should we behave in society?
- Widening the job security gap.
- 40% of jobs at risk
Neo-luddites & the thought of manufacturing needs
Neo-luddites: computers manufacture needs
- We mistake “wants” for “needs”
- Planned obsolescence: new products are designed to have a limited useful life
- Social influencers generate demand for things just because they are there, not because they satisfy real needs.
The case in favour of neo-luddites against manufacturing needs:
Apple fined 25m EUR for slowing down old phones
Neo-luddites on Social Inequity
Neo-Luddites: Computers lead to social inequity
Household income has shown to be lower overall when there’s no computer access
They refer to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
Neo-luddites on Social Disintegration
Neo-Luddites: Computers lead to social disintegration
- The mere presence of cellphone in a room can decrease the quality of an in-person conversation.
Neo-luddites against benefits to big businesses
Neo-Luddites: Computers lead to benefits to big business/government
- Big companies have an enormous amount of data about us
- Computers lead to the “Always on” culture
Neo-luddites on the ominous uniformity of knowledge
Neo-Luddites: Computers lead to an ominous uniformity of knowledge
- The use of computers in school thwarts development of social skills, intellectual skills and human values
- Creates echo chambers
Define technological singularity
Technological singularity is a point in time at which artificial intelligence (or more broadly, technology) advances so far that we cannot comprehend it anymore.
- This technology would become uncontrollable and irreversible.