ECL Book 1 TOPIC7 Travelling and transport Flashcards
a better buy
something which is really worth purchasing - jó vétel
adventurous spirit
being ready for unusual and exciting things - kalandvágyó
something you have the money for and you consider it worth the money - megfizethető
every year - évente
a cheap way of travelling with a rucksack - olcsó utazás
bus schedule
a timetable that tells you how frequently buses run and where they go - busz menetrend
capable of
able to do something - képes valamire
to demand, loudly ask for - kiabál, üvölt
traffic jam - torlódás
cycle lanes
roads for bicycles - kerékpárút
imagining how things would be - álmodozás
having a firm decision to do something - eltökélt
easy-going travel -mate
somebody who never gets angry, adapts to you easily, and so it is pleasant to travel with them - könnyű utitárs
economic disparities
differences in well-being - gazdasági egyenlőtlenségek
something that brings the intended result, and works well - hatékony
something that does a task successfully without wasting time, efforts or money - hatékony
to increase - fokozza
fall to pieces
to break into parts - darabokra esik
fallen by the wayside
has become less important - parkolópály, nem fontos
fatal road accident
a deadly car crash - halálos közúti baleset
fertile ground
good quality soil - termékeny föld
the metal structure of the bicycle that holds your weight - váz, keret
transporting goods - teherszállítás
glued to the hip
always be together, just like Siamese twins - örökre együtt, egybenőve
heart wrenching
tragic - szív szorító
hilly terrain
landscape with hills - domvidék
improvised trip
a journey that has not been planned in advance - rögtönzött utazás
the network of roads, water supply, electricity, telecommunications, etc. -the structures that are needed in society - infrastruktúra
is not determined by
is not decided by - nem határozza meg
the plan of a journey - utazási program
kicks in
starts to have an effect - beüt
having a similar way of thinking - hasonló gondolkodású
to compare - összehasonlít
look out for
to search for - vigyáz valamire
major form of
the main means of - fő formája
mixing - keveredés
the right and possibility to move from one place to another (to live and work in another city or country) - mibilitás
no-frills way
simple method - sallagmentes módon
personal security and safety
protection from harm - személyes biztonság
potential of
possibility of - lehetséges, potenciál
price range
price category - árkategória
proposed expansion
the suggested growth - javasolt bővítés
reach a speed of X
do X (travel at X km/h) - eléri az X sebességet
red tape
bureaucracy - bürokrácia
right responses
the correct answers - helyes válaszok
safe facilities
safety boxes provided by hotels where you can place your valuables - biztonságos létesítmény
single-speed cycle
a bicycle on which you cannot change gears - egysebességes bicikli
specific circumstances
certain conditions - konkrét körülmény
sustainable development
an attitude to economic growth that respects the environment and thinks of the future as well - fenntartható fejlődés
technical innovation
creativity in industry - műszaki innováció
the best deal
the best business offer - legjobb ajánlat
the most questionable of friends
somebody who you don’t consider to be a real friend - megkérdőjelezhető barát
thick skin
endurance, being able to cope with problems - képes megbírkózni a problémákkal
traffic management
organising the movement of cars and buses - forgalomirányítás
travel sickness
feeling dizzy and sick when you are in a moving vehicle - utazási betegség
connected to the city - városi
urban environment
the environment of a city - városi környezet
unique charms
special beauty of that particular place - személyes varázs