ECL Book 1 TOPIC6 Enviromental protection Flashcards
accept that something is true - elismer, elfogad
[a unit of area, approx. 4050 m2/0.4 hectares] - angol hold
unfavourable, harmful - kedvezőtlen
alternative energy
nonconventional energy (wind, solar, thermal, etc.) - alternatív, megújuló energiaforrás
at an alarming rate
at a frightening speed - riasztó ütemben
the variety of animals and plants - biológiai sokféleség
burning fossil fuels
burning oil and coal - foszilis anyagok égetése
carbon footprint
the environmenta l pollution caused by a person, a society or an organisation - ökológiai lábnyom
clearing of forests
cutting down all of the trees in a wood - erdőírtás
the act of using up - fogyasztás
conveyor belt
a continuously moving strip that transports objects, usually in a factory - futószalag
lacking or not having enough of something - hiány
cutting down trees in large numbers - erdőírtás
in such a bad situation that you would do anything to escape - reménytelen, kétségbeesett
moving equipment to where it is going to be used effectively - bevetés
lack of rain for months or even years - aszály
obligation, task - kötelesség
a small, thin animal that has no legs or bones and lives in the soil - földigiliszta
letting out, releasing into the air - szennyezés, kibocsátás
guessed/calculated approximately - becsült
more than usual - túlzott
the pouring of too much water, usually formed when suddenly a lot of snow melts or after heavy rains - árvíz
to make something safe and suitable for a long time - jövőbiztos
garbage patch
an area covered with trash - szemétfolt
germs, bacteria
microscopic creatures that cause illnesses - baktérium
greenhouse gases
gases that form a layer in the atmosphere, and don’t let the heat of the sun reflected back from the surface of the earth escape out into space - üvegház hatású gázok
interior blinds
rolls of cloth or plastic you pull down in the room to block the sun - árnyékoló redőny
something that cannot be repaired - helyrehozhatatlan
natural disasters
floods, earthquakes, fires, droughts, etc.- természeti katasztrófa
natural resources
things that exist in the environment that people can use: land, water, air, forests, minerals, coal, etc. - természetes erőforrások
visibly, apparently - észrevehetően
nuclear power
energy gained from the fission or fusion of atoms - atomenergia
overwhelmed drainage system
a sewage network that cannot cope with the amount of water - túlterhelt vízelvezető rendszer
permeable surfaces
areas that allow the water to flow through them - áteresztő felület
small animals (usually caterpillars and bugs) that damage crops or food supplies - kártevők
small animals (bacteria, worms, fleas etc.) or plants that live inside or on another animal or plant - paraziták
point of no return
the moment from where there is no way back, where things cannot be turned - pont, ami után nincs voisszatérés
something that takes too long - elnyújtott, elhúzódó
renovation - felújítás
renewable energy sources
non-conventional sources of energy that cannot be exhausted, such as wind, solar, thermal - megújuló energoaforrások
clever, smart, creative - találékony
completely different from before, brand new - forradalmi
can be adapted to any size; a system that can grow - méretezhető
scarce resources
resources that we don’t have plenty of - szűkös erőforrások
slight change or move - enyhe változás
soil pollution
the contamination of the ground - talajszenynezés
solar power
energy that comes from the sun - napenergia
a class of plants or animal; animals or plants of the same kind - faj
being pushed under water - elmerült
tempering effect
an influence that makes something less extreme - temperáló, kevésbé szélsőséges hatás
water power
the energy that can be gained from flowi ng water -vízenergia
well-insulated house
a building that does not let the heat in or out - jól szigetelt ház
wind power
energy gained from the blowing wind - szél energia
to survive, get over something without suffering damages - ellenállni