ECL Book 1 TOPIC1 Studying and Work Flashcards
A levels
a qualification in the UK taken by school students aged 16-18 - angol iskolai szint
admission to university
being accepted to stat university studies - felvételi az egyetemre
the period somebody spends with working for a professional or at a company to learn the skills needed for a job - gyakornoki
school subjects such as painting, sculpture, drawing, music - művészet
a task, at school it is usually an essay you have to write as homework - feladat
be on call
be ready to work or do something - ügyeletben lenni
blue collar worker
physical worker - fizikai munkás
a person who builds a house by hard physical work - kőműves
careers advice
counselling about work or further education opportunities - karrier tanácsadás
the daily travel from home to work and back - ingázik
aiming to be more successful than others - versenyképes
computer literacy
ability to use the computer - számítógépes ismeretek
correspondence course
a form of education that has lessons at the weekends - levelező tagozat
the school document that contains all the courses - tanterv
direct entry route
a possibility to start further education as a trainee, and learn the profession by doing it in practice - közvetlen elérési út
a kind or performing art on stage - dráma
goal, aim - cél
enter a profession
start a career - elkezdeni a karriert, szakmát
a permission not to do something - mentesség
(factory or office) buildings, equipment and services - felszerelés
finance their studies
pay for school - finanszíroznia tanulmányokat
get a head start
have some advantage over others - előnyt szerezni
a person who cuts your hair - fodrász
higher/tertiary education
further education after secondary school - felsőfokú végzettség
practice, professional training - szakmai gyakorlat
Jack of all trades
a person who has a little knowledge in many skills, rather than gaining expertise by focusing on one - ezermester
job prospects
possibilities for work - munkalehetőségek
a person who makes wood objects such as tables and chairs - asztalos
junior section
the first half of primary school - junior szekció, alsós tagozat
learn a profession
study at higher education - szakmát tanulni
learn a trade
study in a vocational secondary school - szakma tanulása
literacy skills
reading and writing - írás-olvasás készség
Local Education Authority
the body in charge of schooling in a town/city - helyi oktatási hatóság
a person who repairs water and sewage pipes - csőszerelő
private school
a school which is not run by the stateor the local government, but owned by a person or a group and students have to pay to attend - magániskola
professional job
qualified work - szakképzett munka
religious denominations
a type of church, e.g. Catholic or Protestant - vallási felekezet
rent a room
pay for accommodation by night - szobát kivenni
run by different foundations
managed by various organisations - különböző szervezetek működtetik
science subjects
the study of natural sciences such as physics, chemistry and biology - természettudományi tárgy
a person who doesn’t have a boss, but works for himself or herself, usually as a freelancer or the owner of his or her own business - egyéni vállalkozó
senior section
the upper part of primary school, usually starting at age 9/10 - felső tagozat (anglia)
skilled worker
somebody who has completed vocational school or has some other form of qualification for the job they are doing - szakmunkás
a person who has several different jobs (and these jobs are listed with a slash, e.g.: actor/waitress) - több munkával rendelkező?
social connections
the network between people - társadalmi kapcsolat
“soft skills”
abilities belonging to emotional intelligence, aspects of personality such as being able to cooperate and communicate effectively, problem solving, being able to work alone - jó képesítések
a boss or somebody higher up the company hierarchy - felettes
technical school
a kind of secondary school that takes four years, ends with a final exam and gives some professional training as well - technikum
the flip side
the less popular or negative side of something - másik oldal
a private teacher of one person or a small group of students - oktató
final - végső
vocational school
a kind of secondary education where you can learn a trade and become a carpenter, mechanic, joiner, plumber, hairdresser, etc. - szakiskola
white collar worker
office worker - irodai munkás