ECL Book 1 TOPIC5 The European Union Flashcards
adequate skills
necessary knowledge or abilities - megfelelő készségek
a low-carbon economy
an environmentally friendly economy that emits little C02 - alacsony carbon szennyezésű gazdaság
carbon neutral, having no carbon footprint - carbon semlegas
an action that helps a cause - közreműködés
economic and political union
a joint entity in terms of industry and governing principles - gazdasági és politikai únió
elected representative
a member of parliament or of a government who collected enough votes at the elections to stand for the interests of his or her voters - választott képviselő
employability skills
knowledge and abilities necessary to find a job and keep it - szükséges, foglalkoztatottsági képesítések
to give a person power or freedom to do something - felhatamaz
gaining freedom and power to control your own life -felhatalmazás
energy grid
the electrical system, power grid - energia hálózat
ethical and social background
the principles and values one has, and the family they come from - etikai és szociális háttér
EU instruments
legal bodies of the European Union that aim to achieve certain goals - Eu-s eszközök
expand and enhance investment
give more money to a wider scope of projects - bővíteni a beruházást
family allowances
money provided by the company or by the state that helps people support their family (usually dependent on the age and number of children) - családi pótlék
the fact of being male or female, especially with reference to social and cultural differences - nem
get away with this
not punished for doing this - megúszni, nem büntetett
improve access to
make it easier for people to use something - felhasználás javítása, hozzáférés javítása
job satisfaction
the feeling of pleasure with your work - munkával való elégedettség
labour market
the world of work - munkaerő piac
lifelong learning
continued education in adult life - élethosszig tartó tanulás
matching education to the world of work
making school teaching prepare students for real life and real jobs - az oktatás munkához való igazítása
maternity leave
the paid time off work a woman gets when she has a child - szülési szabadság
more competitive
have the possibility to be more successful than others - versenyképesebb
extremely large in number - számtalan
national of an EU member state
citizen of any country that is part of the EU - EU-s állampolgár
occupational illness
a long term sickness people get while they are at work - foglalkozási megbetegdés
oriented towards
having something as its target, looking at something as the aim - valami felé orientálódni
forecast, tell in advance - jóslat
urgently needing attention, needing to be dealt with immediately - sürgős, szorongató
rapid change
becoming different in a short time - gyors változás
regulated professional
a type of job that has clearly laid down rules, such as the requirements that doctors, lawyers, accountants have to fulfil to start their practice - szabályozott szakember
seek employment
look for a job - munkát keresni
social security
an insurance program guaranteed by the state that supports you when you are ill, unemployed or old - társadalombiztosítás
structural factors
aspects of the building up of the world - szerkezeti előnyök
can be continued for a long time because it does not harm the environment - fenntartható
sustainable economy
an approach in economy that aims to preserve the environment while serving human needs; industry that respects the rights of future generations to clean air and water - fenntartható gazdaság
team work
doing a task together with other people - csapatmunka
the workforce
all the people who work in a company, industry or country - munkaerő
treated equally
people behave with you in the same way as with everybody else - egyenlő bánásmód
unemployment benefit
support from the government you get if you lose your job - munkanélküli segély
unified structure
common framework - egységes szerkezet, közös keretrendszer
welfare benefits
money given by a company or by the state to people with the aim of improving their health and comfort - jóléti juttatások
a large empty space - üres
a person who helps other people without being paid - önkéntes
working conditions
circumstances of a job , such as working hours, where exactly people work, what is the equipment like, stress and noise levels, etc. - munkakörülmények
work permit
an official document that allows you to get a job -munkavállalási engedély
work placement
part of secondary school or university education when you go to a workplace and practi se what you’ve been learning - szakmai gyakorlat