Echinoderms Flashcards
a marine invertebrate
an internal skeleton, such as the bony or cartilaginous skeleton of vertebrates
a defensive organ like a minute pincer present in large numbers on an echinoderm
a perforated plate by which the entry of seawater into the vascular system of an echinoderm is controlled.
Radial canal
one of the numerous minute canals lined with choanocytes
Ring canal
the circular water tube that surrounds the esophagus of echinoderms
Arm / Ray
Arm of a starfish
Radial Symmetry
symmetry around a central axis, as in a starfish or a tulip flower
Bilateral Symmetry
the property of being divisible into symmetrical halves on either side of a unique plane
Water Vascular System
a network of water vessels in the body, the tube feet being operated by hydraulic pressure within the vessels.
Ambulacral Groove
a term typically used in the context of anatomical parts of the phylum Echinodermata or class Asteroidea and Edrioasteroidea
a small piece of calcified material forming part of the skeleton of an invertebrate animal such as an echinoderm.
Pyloric Caecum
one of the tubular pouches opening into the alimentary canal in the pyloric region
Pyloric Stomach
connects the stomach to the duodenum
Cardiac Stomach
consists of a mouth; an esophagus; a two-chambered foregut; a midgut with outpocketings called digestive glands, or hepatopancreas; and a hindgut, or rectum. The large anterior foregut, or cardiac stomach,
Any membranous bag shaped like a leathern bottle, as the dilated end of a vessel or duct
reproductive gland is a mixed gland that produces the gametes
Central Disc
Origin of starfish.
Tube Feet
) each of a large number of small, flexible, hollow appendages protruding through the ambulacra, used either for locomotion or for collecting food and operated by hydraulic pressure within the water-vascular system.
External Fertilization
male organism’s sperm fertilizing a female organism’s egg outside of the female’s body.
the action or process of regenerating or being regenerated, in particular the formation of new animal or plant tissue.
Sea star
a starfish.
Brittle star
ophiuroids are echinoderms in the class Ophiuroidea closely related to starfish
Sea urchin
a marine echinoderm that has a spherical or flattened shell covered in mobile spines, with a mouth on the underside and calcareous jaws.
Sand dollar
a flattened sea urchin that lives partly buried in sand, feeding on detritus.
Sea lilies
a sedentary marine echinoderm that has a small body on a long jointed stalk, with featherlike arms to trap food.
Feather stars
an echinoderm with a small disklike body, long feathery arms for feeding and movement, and short appendages for grasping the surface.
Sea cucumbers
an echinoderm that has a thick, wormlike body with tentacles around the mouth. They typically have rows of tube feet along the body and breathe by means of a respiratory tree.
Sea daisies
are small, circular animals related to sea stars. … Sea daisies have no arms