ECGs Flashcards
how many wires are there to give a 12 lead ECG
where are they
3 limb leads (RA, LA, LL)
1 earthed wire
6 chest wires - V1-V6
what wires contribute to lead I
I = 1 L
what wires contribute to lead II
II = 2 L
what wires contribute to lead III
III = 3 L
where is the earthed wire
right leg
what wire does aVR come from
what wire does aVL come from
what wire does aVF come from
F = foot
where is V1 on the chest
R sternal edge 4th intercostal space
where is V2 on the chest
L sternal edge 4th intercostal space
where is V3 on the chest
between V2 and V4
where is V4 on the chest
5th intercostal space, midclavicular line (apex beat)
where is V5 on the chest
anterior axillary line, same level as V4
where is V6 on the chest
mid axillary line, same level as V4 and V5
sinus arrythmia aetiology
sinus bc P wave followed by QRS
normal person with caffeine overdose/drugs etc
common in children
which lead is at the bottom of the ECG for you to read (figure out rate etc)
lead II
how long is one big square on ECG
0.2 seconds
how many small squares are in a big square on ECG
how long is one little square on ECG
0.04 seconds (0.2/5)
how to figure our rate if regular rhythm
300/number of large squares between QRSs
how to figure out rate if irregular rhythm
number of QRS in 30 boxes x10
what area of the heart does lead I represent
what area of the heart does lead II represent
bc connected to foot (LL) = inferior
what area of the heart does lead III represent
bc connected to foot (LL) = inferior
what area of the heart does lead aVL represent
bc most to left
what area of the heart does lead aVF represent
bc F = foot = inferior
what area of the heart does lead V5 represent
bc most to left
what area of the heart does lead V6 represent
bc most to left