Ecclectic Flashcards
4 types of cardiomyopathies
definition of dilated hypertrophy
less than 40% EF in the presence of increased left ventricular end-diastolic volume
difference between dilated & hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
(DOES HAVE: less than 40% EF and increased left ventricular end-diastolic volume.
pathology: dilated hypertrophy
chamber enlarges (w/o hypertrophy) , the myocardial fibrils overstreatch, and their ability to effectively contract is impaired
progression of dilated hypertrophy
- weakened contractility r/t weakened myocardial fibrils
- decreaed CO b/c can’t effectively eject blood forward which creates backwards pressure
- pulmonary/systemic congestion from backward pressrue
what happens when contractility decreases?
SNS/baro & chemoreceptors/RAAS to compensate
vessel diameter & afterload
vasoconstriction increases afterload
RAAS activation & hemodynamics
RAAS increases preload (augments SV/CO) and afterload but over time, the increased workload leads to a oxygen demand increase
s/s of dilated cardiomyopathy
causes systolic dysfunction so they show s/s of heart failure (pulmonary *& systemic
common EKG w/ dilated left ventricle
s/s of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
s/s of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
definition: hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
hypertrophy limited to the left ventricle only (dilated cardiomypathy can be any chamber) & it isn’t dilated
*leading cause of sudden cardiac death in young adults & causes outflow obstruction
most common reason for sudden cardiac death in young adults
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
treatment goals for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy 4
improve ventricular filling
optimize SV
reducing obstructions to ventricular ejection
reducing risk of sudden cardiac death
what type of problem is dilated versus hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
dilated = systolic disfunction (HF under 40%) hypertrophic= diastolic. leading cause of sudden cardiac death in young adults
rx for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
BB & CaChB b/c it will improve diastrolic dysfunction to increase ventricualr filling and optimize SV
rx that decreases ventricular wall tension
rx to avoid in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
anything that increases or decreases afterload
*problem b/c they decrease CO by increasing outflow obstruction
why do you give a BB for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
b/c it will decrease HR & contractility which will improve her s/s
definition: stress induced cardiomyopathy
non-ischemic cardiomyopathy caused by a suden tempoary dysfunction of hte myocardiou
*possibly r/t ANS and exxcessive release of adrenalin
aka stress induced cardiomyopathy
aka broken heart syndrome
b/c the characteristic bulging of the LV apex w/preserved function of hte base looks like the octopus pot = takotsubo
prognosis of stress induced cardiomyopathy
unique b/c it is sudden, tempoary, and the heart returns to normal function in 2 months
5 treatment priorities for stress induced cardiomyopathy
optimize fluid minimize myocardial oxygen demand decrease afterload prevent complications monitor for dysrhythmias
3 potential complications of stress-induced cardiomyopathy
low bp
cardiogenic shock
chronic HF
*fast onset so heart can’t compensate for rapid decrease in function
what type of dysfunction is restrictive cardiomyopathy
diastolic b/c rigid walls so can’t expand to fill
s/s of restrictive cardiomyopathy
acrivity intolerance
s/s of congestion
Long QT syndrome
repolarization disorder
*risk torsades & sudden cardiac death
QT corrected. QT measurement corrected to the ventricular HR changes
5 types of rx that cause Long QT
antiemetics ABX antidepressants antipsychotics antidysrhythmics
*low K or low Mg, bradydysrhythmisas, subarachnoid hemorrhages
how to measure Long QT
beginning of QRS to end of T
normal QTc
QT intervals by HR so it must be “corrected” for HR.
*0.44 seconds are less
risk of Long QT
ventricular arrythmias
do not do if snake bite
NO tourniquet!
complications of snakebite -4
high RR/HR
oral numbness
treat scorpion bite
OR: benzo & atropine
s/s of scorpion bite
mild = pain/paresthesia severe = cranial nerve dysfunction (abnormal ocular movements) & neuromuscular dysfunction
blood tests arffected by heat injuries
increased Hct
increased BUN
IVF for heat injuries
NS b/c often already low Na
urine in heat injuries
incresed specific gravity
more concentrationed b/c fluid loss
how to labs/urine look in heat injuries
reflect concentration b/c fluid loss
3 types of heat related injuries
ABG in hyperthermia
respiratory alkalosis b/c hyperventilation (blow off CO2)
difference between heat exhaustion & heat stroke
exhaustion = no neuro impairment
stroke = AMS
mild hypothermia range
32.2 to 35C
core temp that = hypothermia
under 35C/95F
when does shivering stop
temps below 32C/89.6F
hallmark sign of hypothermia
paradoxical undressing r/t delirum
IVF temperature to rewarm
risk of rewarming
afterdrop = return of cold blood to the core
EKG in hypothermia
osborn wave/j wave
osborne wave
EKG in hypothermia
cause of dysrhythmias in hypothermia
increase in lactate & K
mamillian diving reflex
causes HF to drop to 10-25% . slowing down the HR allows the herat/brain to consumew less oxygen so you can stay under water for a longer period of time
needed s/p drowing
watch for: hypothermia & spinal immobilazation & increase PEEP & bronchospasm w/beta2 agonsit
vasoC to maintain CPP
initiate ventilation if drowing
widespread atelectasis & pulmonary shunt possible
increase PEEP: treat bronchospasm with beta2 agonist
when can you fly s/p diving
12hrs later
goal of giving oxygen s/p decompression sickness
promotes nitrogen washout
aka diving associated barotrauma
POPS = pulmonary overpressurized syndrome
where do the greatest pressure changes occur
4ft belwo surface
pt looks like they are having a stroke s/p diving
arterial gas embolism
pt has a nosebleed s/p diving
arterial gas embolism
flying s/p diving complications like decompression sickness & arterial gas embolism
pressurized cabin or rotary wing under 1K ft
**ground transportation is preferred
high altitude pulmonary edema
s/s of HAPE
rales elevated: HR, RR SOB at rest fever nonproductive cough w/pink frothy spuntum
vitals in HAPE
elevated HR/RR
SOB at rest
treat HAPE
descend supplemental O2 CPAP yperbaric nifedipine to promote pumlonary vascularture dilation
Rx for HAPE
nifedipine to vasoD
high altitue cerebral edema
what altititude sickness occurs the latest
HACE = high altitude cerebral edema
up to 5 days later
trigger for HACE
after 5 days of sustained high altitude over 12kFt
s/s of HACE
visual changes
treatment of HAPE
descend oxyten NO DIURETICS hyperbaric dexamethasone
rx for HAPE
NO dieuretics!`
bruise behind ear
battle sign
Bruddzinski sign
flex neck results in flexed hip
sign in pelvic fracture
Coopernail’s sign
ecchymosis of perineum around scrotum/labia
bluish discoloration around U
Cullen’s sign
sign seen in ectopic
sign in ICP/herniation
Cushing’s triad
Cushing’s triad
wide pulse pressure
irregular respirations
sign in pancreatitis
discoloration around the flank
flank discoloration
Hamman’s Sign
crunching sound with asynchronous heart beat
crunching sound with asynchronous heart beat
Hamman’s sign
sign in mediastinal emphysema
Hamman’s sign: crunching sound
signs that begin w/ “K”
Kehr: left shoulder pain. spleen rupture
Kernig sign: pain/resistance to knee estension when the hip is 90 degrees. menigntyitis
left shoulder pain
Kehr’s sign. ruptured spleen
sign of ruptured spleen
Kehr’s sign
Kernig’s sign
pain/resistance to knee extension when the hip is fledded 90 degrees.
pain to knee extension when the hipo is flexed 90 degrees
Kernig sign. meningitis
sign of cardiac chest pain
Levine sing. pt demonstrates pain w/clutched fist over middle of hte chest
pt demonstrates pain w/clutched fist over the middle of hte chest
Levine sing. cardiac chest pain
sign that indicates appy
McBurney: tenderness 2/3 the distance ebtween U and the ikleum
sign that indicates choley
Murphy’s sign
pt unable to take a deep breath on inspiraiton with deep lalpation beneath right costal margin
unable to take a deep breath on inspiration w/deep palpitation beneath right costal margin
Murphy’s. gallbladder
T12 fracture
Chance Fracture
Hangman’s Fracture
3 special names for spinal fractures
C1 = Jefferson C2 = Hangman T123 = Chance
distal radius fracture
Colle’s Fracture
COlle’s Fracture
distal radial fracture
2 signs of splenic rupture
how long can you leave REBOA in place
up to 4hrs
internal tourniqu3 to occlde blood flow form the aorta
REBOA = resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta
ventilator indication fo probable tension pneumoa
sudden increase in PIP & pPLAT
physiology of tension pneumo
medistinal shift
CXR of diaphragmenic hernia
scaphopid abdomen
when do you see Kussmaul’s sign
cardiac tamponade
*rise in venous pressure on inspiration s
early sign cardiac tamponade
pulsus paradoxus
late signs cardiac tamponade
Beck’s triad
Beck’s triad
muffled HS
narrow pulse pressure
pulse pressure in cardiac tamponade
narrow PP
EKG of cardiac tamponade
electric alternans: heart is getting closer to & further away from the camera as it moves around inside the sac of fluid (pericardial)
*R wave changes in height
suspect if R wave on EKG changes in height
electrical alternans = cardiac tamponade
*the heart moves around b/c of the excess fluid and moves closer to/away from the camera
tracheobronchial disruption =2
SC emphysema
Hamman’s crunch: cruntching, raspy sound syncronous with the heARTBEAT
suspect if Hamman’s crunch
tracehobronchial disruption
blood in eye chamber
blood buildup in teh anterior chamber of the eye
femoral line landmarks
NAVAL= (lateral to medial)
*nerve, artery, vein, lymph node
how to match plt to pt
doesn’t need ABO/Rh matching but good idea
how to match FFP to pt
doesn’t need to match Rh
what is FFP
plasma w/o RBC
clotting factos
blood product to give if you need clotting factors
FFP (plasma w/o RBC and has clotting factors)
cryo (created from FFP & has certain factors)
most commonly used product to treat DIC
product used to treat hemorphilia
uses for cry
DIC, hemophila, vonWillebrand disease
how to make cryo
in Cryo
factor 8, 13, fibrogen, von willebrand factor
who can cave cryo
no ABO/Rh mathcing
transfuion associated circulatory overload
rx for TACO
s/s of TACO
HTN, distended neck veins
Transfusion related acute lung injury
2 “T” complications of blood transfusions
TACO = circulatory overload TRALI = acute lung injury
leading cause of transfusion related deaths
cause of TRALI
reaction ot the leukocyte antibodies in teh plasma
what does TRALI cause
acute pulmonary edema
CO increase in pregnancy
pulse increase in pregnancy
BP change in pregancy
decrease 1–15
blood changes in pregancy
dilution anemi
hct value decreasesa
GI in pregnancy
delayed GI emptying so increased risk of aspiration
how to describe G/P/…. if pregnant
GTPAL = gravity, term birth, preterm,, abortions, living kids
thin/thikness of cervix during labor
true labor
contractions w/cervical change
DTR scale
0 = absent 1- hypoactive 2-normal 3= hyperactive 4= clonus
rx for HTN in pregnancy
treatment for amniotic fluid PE
increase PEEP
invervention for shoulder dystocia
McROberts : knees to chest
suprapubic pressrue
sign of shoulder
turtle sign = appearance/retraction of fetal head like turtle going back into shell
maneuver during breech
Mauriceau’s maneuver
*finger s relieving prssure off bab’s nose
downward suprapubic while bay rotates out of brith canal
Mauriceau’s maneuver
for breech
fingers relieve pressure off of baby’s nose
downward suprapubic pressure while the baby rotates out of the brith canal
painful bleeding if pregnant
abriptio placenta
bleeding if abruptio placentae
suspect if pregnant lady is in a MVC
r/o abruptio placentae = painfull bleed
what msut be confirmed before you do a vaginal exam on pregnant
r/o placenta previa = placenta covers os
placenta covers the cervical os
placenta previa
contraindication to vaginal exam if pregnant
placenta previa = covers os
could cause red bleeding
consider if brigh red bleeding & pregnant
placenta previa
bleeding if placenta previa
bringht red and painless
assessment if uterine rputre
feel baby’s parts
stomach as hard as a board
abdominal assessment if uterine rupture
feel baby parts
stomach as hard as aboard
IVF __ml/kg for neonate IVF
neonatal condition where the back of hte nasal pasage is blocked
choanal atresia
choanal atresia
back of hte nasal passage is blockedq
characterization of persistant pulmonary HTN (neonate)
right to left shunt
marked pulmonary hypertension that causes hypoxia
neonate’s PVR > SVR
persistent pulmonary HTN
b/c right to left shunt
neonate’s abdominal contents are coming out of one side of hte umbilical cord
abd contents are coming out of one side of hte umbilical cord
treatment: like abdomianl evisceration & OG tube to decompress
“O” abdominal rign protersion of hte viscera. attached to umbilical cord
“O” abdimal ring, protusion of hte viscera, attach to umbilical
neonate complications where there is a protusion around the umbilical cord
relationship between HR & temperature
every 1C over 37, HR increases 10bpm
3 s/s of shaken baby syndrome
bulging fontannels
icnreased ICP
retinal hemorrhage
indicates CHF in babies
enlarged heart and liver
interventions for CHF in babies
stop IVF
give digitalis
worsening crying in a crying infant
= cardiac problem
ventricular septal defect
what might a baby w/patent ductus ateriorsus need
PGE1 to keep ithe PDA open
needs PGE1
patent ductus arteriosus to keep it open
2 medications affecting the patent ductus arteriosus
PGE1 to keep open
INdomethasin to close
use of PGE1 in kids
keep the PDA open
SE of PGE1 in kids
keeps PDA open but can cause apnea
use of INdomethasin in kids
close PDA
how do you open teh PDA
*can cause apnea
how do you close the PDA
oxygen or indomethasin
problem of coarctation of hte aorta
aorta is narrowed so heart must pump harder
aorta and pulmonary artery are swapped
aorta connects to right ventricle
pulmonary artery to elft venticle
neonate right to left shunt
tetraology of fallot
tet spells
sudden cyanosis & syncope
pathophysiology of Tetralogy of fallot
right to left shunt
pumonary stenosis
right ventriucle hypertrophy
overriding aorta
ventricular septal defect
treatment of Tetralogy of Fallot
watch for Tet Spells = sudden cyanosis/syncope
knee to chest, morphine, fentanyl
IF knees to chest/morphine doesn’t resolve the tet spell, RSI/intubate/oxygen
closure of fontannels
anterior = 16-18m posterior = 2m
pediatric urinary output
infant = 2ml/kg/hr peds = 1
pediatric assess
TICLS=tone, interactiveness, consolability, look/gaze, speech/cry