Cardiology Flashcards
heart if low K
increased heart irritiability
heart if high K
decreased automatcity/condution
heart if low Ca
decreased contractility/increased irritability
heart if high Ca
increased contractility
purpose of magnesium
stabilizes the cell membrane
heart if low Mg
decreased conduction
heart if high Mg
increased myocardial irritability
supplies right ventricle and 90% of population’s SA node
supplies the Right ventricle and SA node
blocked RCA
inferior MI
inferior MI
right coronary artery blocked & SA Node
bradycardia due to SA node involvement
type of MI with bradycardia
inferior MI b/c SA node so bradycardia
LCA block. basicically the entire left side of heart is blocked
LCA block
occludes both LAD & LCX so basically the entire left side of heart
what does LAD block MI’s
anteroseptal MI
MI when left circumflex (LCX) is blxed
lateral & posterior MI
definition of STEMI via EKG
ST elevation in 2 contiguous leads over 2mm
positive troponin
ST depression in 2 contiguous leads
troponin initial rise
troponin peak
14-25 hrs
troponin return to baseline
3-5 days
CK-MB initial rise in MI
CK-MB peak in MI
CK-MB duration in MI
2-3 days
myoglobin initial rise and peak
initial rise in 2hrs
peak 6-9hrs
return to baseline in 1 day
normal troponin =
under 0.04
troponin of probable MI
over 0.4
when do you need a right sied EKG
inferior MI
inferior MI
leads in inferior MI
avoid if inferior MI
BB & nitro
when don’t you give nitro if MI
NEVER if inferior MI b/c SA node is blocked so bradycardia
complications of inferior MI
bradycardia & AV blocks
needed if inferior MI
pacing, fluid challwnge
NO nitro or BB
blocked in anterior MI
type of MI where the LAD is blocked
anterior MI
V2, V3, V4
anterior MI = LAD
lead changes if the LAD is blocked
= anterior MI
V2, V3, V4
worst prognosis MI
anterior MI b/c large area of left ventricle is blocked
V2, V3, V4
what part of the 12 lead EKG is abnormal if anterior MI
worst prognosis
LAD blocked
bottom 2 of 3rd column = V2, V3
top on 4th column = V4
V1, V2, V3, V4
anteroseptal MI
anteroseptal MI
V1, V2, V3, V4
difference between anterior and anteroseptal MI
anterior MI = V2-V4
anteriorseptal = V1-V4
what is affected in anteriorseptal MI
left ventricel
papillary muscle dysfunction = cardiogenic shock
I, aVL, V5, V6
Lateral MI (LCX)
Lateral MI
I, aVL, V5, V6
posterior MI
dominant R wave in V2
dominant R wave in V2
posterior MI
V1, V2, V3
posterior MI
needed if pt has CP w/o apparent MI
15 lead to look at the posterior segment
MI that is teh execption to MONA-B
inferior MI
5 types of MI
posterior = V1-V4. LCX anterior= V12-V4. LAD inferior= II, III, aVF. RCA lateral= I, aVL, V5, V6. LCX septal = V1, V2. LAD
septal MI
V1, V2
V1, V2
septal MI
axis shifts
axis shifts towards hypertrophy
away from infarctions
axis shift in hypertrophy
axis shift towards hypertorphy
axis shift in infarction
axis shift away from hypertrophy
STEMI mimic
widened QRS over 0.12. or rabbits ear
look at V1 for changes
rabbit ears
where do you look for BBB
V1. widened QRS over 0.12 like rabbit ears
right versus left BBB
widened QRS over 0.12 seconds
turn right, flip turn signal up so upright V1
turn left, flip turn signal down so downward V1
widened QRS over 0,12 seconds
turn right, flip turn signal upright so upright V1
rabbit ears
what is LBBB associated with
new MI
another sign of new MI
used to determine if EKG changes are a normal variabt of LBBB or potentially a STEMI
Sgarbossa’s criteria
benefit of Gp2B3A inhibitors
post MI, Ingegrillin & Aggrestat anticogulate with a half life of 8hrs versus up to 4 days w/asprin
rx post MI to prevent ventricular remodeling
ACE in
why do you receive ACE in post MI
prevent ventricular remodeling
when do you give fibrinolytis post STEMI
within 12 hrs of MI
contraindication to fibrinolyticcs post MI
cannot be in cardiogenic shock
complication psot MI
cardiogenic shock
repair blocked RCA
saphenous vein
repair blocked LAD
inferior mammary artery
use Adenosine
narrow complex SVT
use amidarone
VF/pulseless VT
300, 150
dose of Adenosine
6mg then 12mg
dose of Adenosine
300 then 150
amidarone versus adenosine
AMidarone - VF/pVT. 300/150
Adenosine - narrow complex SVT. 6/12
use of atropine
SB or organosphosphate posioning
0.5mg q3min to 3mg max
dose of atropine
max dose of atropine
use of dopamine
second line for bradycarida and low bp
dose of dop[amine
defibrillation dose
biphasic = 120 -200j monophasic= 200 then 360 joules
code Epi dose
1mg of the 1:10K every 3-5min
dose of Epi in a code
frequency of EPi in code
alternative to amidarone
lidocaine 1mg/kg
Class 1 antidysrhythmic examples -3
lidocaine, phenytoin, procainamide
aka sodium channel blockers
how do class 1 antidysrhythmics work
interfers w/Na channels, reduces the velocity oif action potential transmission within the heart (negative dromotrophy)
class 2 antidysrhythmis
what else do BB block
NE, Epi
2 things BB do
reduce HR and cardiac oxygen demand
Class 3 antidysrhythnics
K CHannel BLockers like amidarone, Sotalol
what rx class is amidarone
K channel blocker = class III antidysrhythmic
what rx class is Sotalol
K channel blocker = class III antidysrhythmic
what does CLass III antidysrhythmics
affects K efflux delaying repolarization which leads to an increae in action potential duration
what happens in CaChB
Class IV antidysrhythmic
blocks Ca entery into the cell
what happens when you block the entrance of Ca into a cell
CaChB = vasoD, negative inotrophy/dromotrophy/chromotrophy
alpha 1
increase HR/contractility
you have one heart
bronchodilate, blood vessel D
you have two lungs
gut kidney vessel dilation
decreased HR
action of phenylephrine
alpha agonist = vasoC
action of NE/E
vasoC/postive inotrophic
action of dobutamine
postivie introphic to improve contractility
pressors for hypovolemic shock
NE, dopamine
pressors for cardiogenic shock
dobutamine and nilrinone
indicator for NE
hypovolemic shock
indication for dopamine
hypovolemic shock
indication for dobutamine
cardiogenic shock
indication for milrinone
cardiogenic shock
rx that increases SVR
dopamine, phenylephrine, Epi, NE
effect of dopamine on SVR
increase SVR
effect of phenylephrine on SVR
increse SVR
effet of NE on SVR
effect of nitroprusside on SVR
effect of BB/CaCHB on SVR
action of nitroprusside
reduces preload/afterload by dilation
SE of nitroprusside
cyanide toxicity
how to tell if a med increases/decreases SVR & Preload
VasoC = increase preload & SVR VasoD= decreaes preload/SVR
SVR & preload of dopamine
SVR & preload of phenylephrine
SVR and preload of nicardipine
SVR and preload of nitroprusside
SVR and preload of CaCHab
accessory pathway of Wolff-Parkinson-WHite
accessory pathway is Bundle of Kent
Delta wave
delta wave
WOlff-Parkinson White
slurred upstroke on the leading edge of the QRS
WOlff-Parkingson White
aka delta wave
EKG of Wolff-Parkinson Wite
delta wave = slurred usptroke on the leading ege of the WRS
osler nodes
painful red fingertips in endocarditis
janeway lesions
red lesions on palm/soles in endocarditis
s/s of endocarditis
osler nodes & janewway lesions
inflammation or infection outside the heart
uremic pericarditis
pericarditis in pt in renal falure on dialysis
pericarditis post MI
Dressler Syndrome
dx Dressler Syndrome
pericarditis 4-6wks post MI
global ST elevation
buttlerfly/kerley B lines, bilateral diffuse infltrates
dx mild HF
above 300 BNP
severe HF
above 900 bnp
picograms per mililiter
unit to measure BNP for HF
most important intervention for HF
rip/tear between shoulder blades
aortic dissection
s/s that pt reports in aortic dissection
rip/tear between shoulder blades
CXR of aortic dissection
widened mediastinum, loss of aortic knowb, pleural efflusion
difference of 20mm hg in both arms
aortic dissection
treat aortic dissection
FIRST BB THEN VasoD (don't use vasoD first b/c tachycardia risk) pain rx restrict fluids unless hypotensive consider Blood
aortic aneurysm
NOT dissection. outpouching
repair aortic aneurysm
when over 5cm or symptomatic
HOman’s sign
dorsiflextion of food/contriction of the calf causes calf pain = DVT
skin temp in DVT
warm b/c blood can get to the limb but can’t get out
Virchow’s triad
venous risk factors for clot
vessel wall injury
skin temp in arterial occlusion
cold b/c blood can’t get to limb
skin temperatures differences in arterial versus venous occlusion
warm in DVT b/c blood can get in but not out
cold in aterial b/c blood can’t get to
crampin with ambulation
arterial occlusion