EBM5: Diagnostic and Screening Tests Flashcards
Types of prevention
Primary: avoid developing the disease
Secondary: diagnose early and treat, like STD screening
Tertiary: Reduce morbidity and mortality
Risk/benefits of screening?
Test sensitivity (how accurately can it check) specificity and predictive value has to be assessed and there has to be a cure for the disease
Also the cost of the test and the resources needed
Also do patients benefit?
What are the preclinical phase and clinical phase
Preclinical starts when the disease is acquired, clinical starts when it is diagnosed, in between are the symptoms
What are the goals of screening
Reduce mortality and morbidity
What is lead time bias
Additional time bought when the disease is identified from screening even before the symptoms appear
Difference in the time bought by screening and the time they would otherwise had due to symptoms
What is length bias
Relates to the progress of the disease whether it is slow or fast.
Disease with long bias (slowly progressing) are more likely to be detected by screening
Which cancers are more aggressive
Cancers diagnosed in early screening are least aggressive, in the middle of the screening schedules are most aggressive
What is overidiagnosis
Disease that can be cured but dont need to be cured since they are not the cause of death
What is test validity
Tha ability of a test to determine if the person has disease and the person who doesn’t
What is a feature of all tests
They all are continuous
What is test sensitivity
Ability of the test to correctly identify those who have disease
False positives reduce sensitivity of a test
What is a feature of a test with high sensitivity
Because of their high sensitivity we get a few false positives
What is the concept of SNNOUT
We use sensitive test to rule out a disease. It is important to know why (because there is an overlap of people who dont have disease and who have disease to the right of the graph)
What is specificity
The ability of a test to determine who dont have a disease
False negatives reduce the specificity of a test
What are specificity tests used for
If a test specificity is high then we can correctly say that a person has a disease if their test results are positive
How do you find sensitivity
TP/TP+FN, TP=Ture positives, FN = False negatives
How do you find specificity
What is gold standard
A test has a perfect sensitivity and perfect specificity
What is a positive predictive value
If a test result is positive then what is the probability that a person has the disease
From this you can also determine the negative predictive value
What happens to PPV and NPV when prevalence increases
PPV goes up and NPV goes down slightly
What does prevalence do for sensitivity and specificity
No effect
Prevalence and predictive value
Prevalence can be pretest probability and predictive value can be post test proabability
What is likelihood ratio
What does it express
Likelihood that the disease is present/likelihood that the disease is absent
Also + = sensitivity/(1-specificity)
And - = (1-specificity)/sensitivity
It expresses how many times more a test is likely test result is to be found in diseased people (as compared to non diseased people)
Expands on the significance of the value of LR ratio
If LR is more than 10, then it is 10 times more likely that the test will come back positive for a diseased person that an healthy person
LR+ > 10, high diagnostic value
Explain sequential testing
It is a 2 stage test
If the first test is negative we stop
If the 1 test is positive we do the next test
Net sensitivity is low, net specificity is high
Explain simultaneous testing
These are used for screening a large number of people quickly. If the overall tests are negative, then the both tests have to be negative.
If either test is positive then either test are positive.
Net sensitivity is high, specificity is low