Eating D/o Flashcards
How many eating d/o can a person have at once?
Only one, the criteria are such that they are mutually exclusive diagnosis
- except pica
What is pica?
Any eating of nonnutritive, nonfood substances x 1 month
What if the person have ASD or some other diagnosis and they are eating dirt?
Still pica, can be part of another disease
What causes pica?
We dont know, usually no nutritional deficiencies are found
What is avoidant/restrictive food intake d/o?
A lack of eating due to
- lack of interest (sensory changes)
- concern about consequences of eating
Leads to persistent failure to meet nutritional and or energy needs
What makes avoidant food intake d/o different for anorexia or bulimia?
Its not about body fat perception
- even infants can have this
What is bulimia nervosa?
Binge eating followed by purging
- they loose control over eating during the episodes
How long just bulimia nervosa go on?
At least 1 week x 3 months
Severity of bulimia nervosa?
Mild - 1-3 episodes per week
Moderate - 4-7 episodes per week
Severe - 8-13 episodes per week
Extreme - 14 episodes per week
How do bulimia pts look?
They are usually weight normal or overweight
What is anorexia?
Restriction of energy intake - significantly low body weight
Anorexics are a little neurotic about?
Gaining weight (intense fear of wt gain)
- its a disturbance in the way in which on’e s body weight or shape is experienced
Subtypes of anorexia?
Restricting type - wt loss through fasting/exercise
Binge eating/purging type - vomiting, laxatives, diuretics or enemas
Severity of anorexia?
Mild - BMP > 17kg/m
Moderate - BMP 16-16.999 kg/m
Severe - BMI 15-15.99 kg/m
Extreme - BMI <15 kg/m
Big difference between anorexics and bulimics?
Anorexics loose weight
Bulimics stay fat