Eastern Black and White Colobus Monkey Flashcards
What is another name for the eastern black and white colobus monkey?
The mantled guereza.
How many working digits does the mantles guereza have on its hand?
Why can colobus monkeys occupy niches that most other monkeys cannot?
They have a specialized digestive system similar to that of a ruminant.
Where does the word “colobus” come from?
It comes from the Greek word for “mutilated”, due to the fact that the colobus monkey’s thumb is only a stump.
How long is a mantled guereza from head to tail?
5 feet
How much does a large mantled guereza weigh?
30 pounds
Are male or female colobus monkeys larger?
How do colobus monkeys determine when they will breed?
When food is most abundant.
What is the gestation period of the mantled guereza? (months)
6 months
How old are mantled guerezas when they are mature?
4 years
How long do mantled guerezas live?
15 years
What is the range and habitat of the mantled guereza?
It is found in the forests of central Africa.
What do mantled guerezas eat?
Leaves, fruits, seeds, insects, and buds.
what is the average size of a troop of mantled guerezas?
10 monkeys.
Who leads the group of mantled guerezas?
A dominant male.
How do mantled guerezas socialize?
They call, display, and groom each other.
How large is the territory of a mantled guereza troop?
30 acres
Are mantled guerezas diurnal or nocturnal?
How far can a mantled guereza jump from branch to branch?
30 feet.
Why do colobus monkeys lack a thumb?
It allows them to climb more easily.
What is the main purpose of the long tail and hair of the mantled guereza?
It acts like an aerofoil to help guide them through the trees.
Do mantled guerezas share in the care of infants?
What prey on colobus monkeys?
Birds of prey, leopards, and chimpanzees.
What is the conservation status of the mantled guereza?
Least concern.
What are some threats to the mantled guereza?
Hunting for their fur, habitat loss.
True or false? The mantled guereza can survive well in secondary forest.
What is secondary forest?
Forest that has re-grown after a major disturbance.
True or false? The mantled guereza only has the capacity to feed from a few plants at a time.
How old are baby colobus monkeys when they get adult coloring? (months)
4 months
True or false? Colobus monkeys are monogamous.
False. They mate with several females.
Once a male colobus monkey leaves his troop, where does he go?
He is solitary or joins a bachelor group.
True or false? The mantled guereza is common throughout its range.
False. Some subspecies are endangered.
How many species of colobus monkey are there?