Capybara Flashcards
What is the world’s largest rodent?
The capybara.
Do capybaras enjoy swimming?
How long can a capybara hold its breath?
Up to five minutes.
Are capybaras social animals?
Yes, but they can also live solitary lives. They can be found in groups of up to 100 animals, but usually 10 - 20.
What is the range and habitat of the capybara?
It is found throughout South America except on the western coast in tropical forest, swamps, marshes, and savannas near water.
What is the conservation status of the capybara?
Least concern.
What are some human threats to capybaras?
It is hunted for its meat, hide, and fat.
What is capybara fat used for?
Medicinal purposes.
What does “capybara” mean in the traditional Tupi dialect?
One who eats slender leaves.
How long and tall do capybaras get?
3.5 - 4.5 feet long and two feet high
What are the three main traits that show how the capybara has adopted an aquatic lifestyle?
It has slightly webbed feet and a vestigial tail as well as nostrils that are high on their head.
Are capybaras compatible with other herbivores?
Yes. They will tolerate and share space with almost any animal that doesn’t prey on them.
What do capybaras eat?
Aquatic plants, fruits, leaves, and grass.
What two states have invasive (but non-breeding) populations of capybara?
Florida and California.
Why do rodents constantly chew things?
Their incisors grow throughout their life, so they need to wear them down a little bit.
True or false, capybaras bark like dogs.
What is the lifespan of the capybara?
Wild: 4 years
Captivity: 8 - 12 years
How many babies does the capybara have?
Usually 4 but up to 8.
How long does it take for the young to be able to live off grass?
One week.
What more familiar animal can the capybara match the speed of?
The horse.
True or false, capybara meat is prohibited during Lent.
How much does a capybara cost?
They can be legally owned as a pet in some states.
What are some predators of the capybara?
Pumas, jaguars, eagles, ocelots, caimans, and anacondas.
What sounds will the capybara make besides barking?
They will chatter.
How does a female capybara alert males that she is ready to breed?
She whistles through her nose.
Where do capybaras mate?
In the water.
What is the gestation period of the capybara?
130 - 150 days.