ears terminology Flashcards
outer rim of the ear
outer ear (tragus, helix, lobule)
external auditory meatus
canal from outside of head to tm
prominence on inner side of ear; next to pre-auricular nodes
mastoid process
bone behind the ear
your ear lobes
collection of fluid behind eardrum in middle ear; no ear infection symptoms
hammer shaped bony landmark that ends with the umbo
cone of light
aka light reflex (reflects off of ear drum); 5 o’clock right ear, 7 o’clock left ear
aka anvil; bone in between the malleus and stapes (transmits vibrations)
conductive hearing loss
sounds can’t get through outer and middle ear; muffled - loud sounds
sensorineural hearing loss
permanent hearing loss due to inner ear damage
battle sign
bruising over mastoid process (result of trauma)
ottis media
middle ear infection; results in inflammation and effusion
ottis externa
inflammation of external ear canal