Ears Flashcards
Between what frequency range can we detect sound?
20Hz to 20kHz
The outer part of the ear is known as the X (cartridge covered in skin), it ends posteriorly in a fleshy lobule. The large outside rim is called the Y.
X= Auricle or pinna Y= Helix
What is the medical name for earwax, where is it produced?
Made by modified sweat glands lining EAM
What is the sensory innervation of the EAM and tympanic membrane?
Auriculotemporal branch of V3 (Mandibular from CN V)
Auricular branch of vagus (CN X)
What is the name for the central attachment point on the tympanic membrane, what does it attach to?
The umbro
Attaches to the handle of the malleus
The tympanic membrane is sloped so its lateral surface points which way?
Inferior and anterior
How does the body equalise pressure between the middle ear and atmosphere?
The eusachian tube runs from the ant wall of the middle ear to the lateral wall of the nasopharynx. It’s 3-5cm long and opens to equalise pressure but it also drains mucus from the middle ear
How does vibration travel along the three ossicle bones?
TM > Handle of malleus > head of malleus > incus > stapes
How is vibration passed from the stapes to the perilymph and then where does it go?
Stapes > oval window (connects mid and inner ear) > scala vestibuli > helicotrema (apex) > scala tympani > round window - then dissipates
How does the cochlear detect sound?
Disortion of the basilar membrane makes the hair cells of the organ of corti vibrate against the tectorial membrane just below, this displaces the sterocilia, allows an influx of ions and depolarises the cell
Where are high pitched and lower pitched sounds detected in the cochlear?
Low frequency (long wavelength)- AT HELICOTREMA (apex) High frequency (short wavelength)- Near oval window TONOTOPICAL ARRANGEMENT
Fibres from the cochlear duct then travel where?
Via CN VIII to: Cochlear nucleus (brainstem) > inf colliculus > medial geniculate nucleus in thalamus > auditory cortex
Do we use the ipsilateral or contralateral brain when processing auditory information?
Most fibres (in cortex or inf colliculus) are from the contralateral side however some remain from the ipsilateral side in order to help localise sound
What changes occur in the ear with age?
Ear drum + ossicle articulations stiffen, hair cells are damaged and the round window ossifies
(all cause hearing loss)
Which nerve carries information from the taste buds, then passes through the middle ear? Which CN does it join and where?
Corda tympani nerve
Joins facial nerve in facial canal then immediately exits skull via stylomastoid foreamen
The majority of the ear is contained within which bone?
Petrous part of temporal bone
What are the two parts to the middle ear?
Tympanic cavity proper- Everything opposite tympanic membrane
Epitympanic recess- All above membrane level (sup half of malleus and incus)
What is the OIAN of the tensor tympani muscle?
O: Cartlidge of eustachian tube
I: Handle of malleus
A: Tenses tympanic membrane (make sound quieter)
N: Mandibular nerve (V3)
What is the OIAN of the stapedius muscle?
O: Pyramidal prominence
I: Neck of stapes
A: Stabilises stapes and tightens annular ligament to dampen sound
N: Facial nerve (CN VII)
Where is Wernicke’s area and what is its function?
Sup temporal gyrus in dom (L) hemisphere
It does sounds to words (comprehension + understanding)
Where is brocha’s area and what is its function?
Inf frontal gyrus in dom (L) hemisphere
It does words to sounds (motor programming for speech)
What seperates brocha’s and wernicke’s area’s?
Sylvian fissure
What is aphasia?
Acquired disorder. Problems either using or understanding language
Which nucleus and cortical area’s are the primary governors of attention?
Pulvinar nucleus (connects to many cortical area's) Inf parietal lobe primary cortical region which governs attention
The inner ear is found in which bone portion?
Otic capsule in petrous part of temporal bone
What is the vestibular labrynth, what does it detect and how does it do it?
Contains the otolith organs (utricle and saccule)
Detects acceleration, has special sensory epithelium (maculae) with hairs which detect endolymph movement
What do the utricle and saccule each detect?
Utricle (hair on floor)- Detects horizontal acceleration
Saccule (hair of medial wall)- Detects vertical acceleration
What is the role of the semicircular canals?
Carry the semicircular ducts- contain receptors called ampullary crests. These detect movement of endolymph at the ampulla of each duct (detects angular movement)
Which type of movement is each semicircular canal responsible for detecting?
Ant (sup): Flex/ extension (nodding)
Post: Lat flexion (Head to shoulders)
Lat: Axial rotation (shaking head)
Describe the shape of the cochlear
Shell shaped, contains cochlear duct. Begins at vestibule and makes 2.5 turns around the modiolus (bony core). The modiolus contains BV’s and branches of cochlear nerve
What is the neonatal hearing screening test?
Done in the first few weeks of life. Send clicks and check if echo is received
Is the ear normally more sensitive to air conducted or bone conducted sound?
Air conducted
What does a Weber test result of right lateralisation show?
Right conductive deafness or left sensorimotor deafness
How would a left conductive deafness present with Weber and Rinne tests?
Weber: Lateralises left
Rinne: -ve (mastoid louder) on Left
How would a left sensorineuro deafness present with Weber and Rinne tests?
Weber: Lateralise right
Rinne: Both R+L would be normal (+ve)
What is an air-bone gap?
Pure tone audiogram done with bone conduction test (mastoid vibrated). BCT bypasses middle ear so tests for conductive deafness.
Gap should be (air) greater than 10db difference
What is conductive deafness?
Where sound not transmitted to inner ear
(Wax, infections, perferated TM, otosclerosis)
Diagnose with air-bone gap of less than 10db (so air has got much worse than bone)
What is a sensorineural deafness?
Due to damaged hair/ nerves. Usually happens with age and usually seen with unequal losses for different frequencies
What is tympanometry?
Tests middle ear conduction. Fires 226Hz signal at ear drum. Middle ear problems cause drum stiffness so more sound is reflected back
Which tests could be done to diagnose balance (vestibular) disorders?
Hallpikes- Rapidly lie down with head titled. Nystagmus and vertigo show postitional vertigo
Caloric test- Injected cold/ warm water into ear. Norm response COWS (cold opp, warm same- nystagmus)
When does the external ear begin to form in the embryo? Where does it form from?
From hillocks of his (mesoderm)
1st pharyngeal arch: Tragus, helical crus, helix
2nd pharyngeal arch: Antihelix and antitragus
In the embryo, what does the inner ear form from?
Otic placode (ectoderm)
What are the milestone points for a) cooing b) 1 word c) 50 words and d) simple sentences in development?
a) 2 months
b) 1 year
c) 18 months
d) 2 1/2 years
What is the most key developmental period for language acquisition?
4yrs to 12yrs
What are the differences between perilymph and endolymph?
Perilymph: Found in scala vestibuli/ tympani - Low K, High Na
Endolymph: Found in scala media - High K and low Na
Where is endolymph produced?
Stria vascularis
It is high in K and low in Na- found in the scala media
Which is more positive, endolymph or perilymph?
Endolymph is about 80mV more positive
This is the endocochlear potential
Which geniculate nucleus is associated with hearing?
What is the ganglion for the vestibular system?
Scarpa’s ganglion
Cell bodies of bipolar neurons
Distal process from utricle, sacule and SSC’s
Central process going to vestibular nuclei
What is the name for the area of the utricle and saccule which divides the hair cells into two populations with opposing polarities?
The vestbular nuclei in the brain stem is involved in what reflexes? Which part of the nucleus is involved in each reflex?
1) Projects to nuclei of CN III/ IV/ VI for vestibular-occular reflex (from sup and medial part of nucleus)
2) Vestibular spinal reflex (lateral nucleus)
3) Vestibular cervical reflex (medial nucleus)
What is Pendred’s syndrome?
Autosomal recessive congenital disorder
Leads to bilateral sensorineural deafness
What is Meniere’s disease?
Disorder of inner ear charecterized by low pitched tinnitus, hearing loss and vertigo
What order does sound pass though each of the bones in the middle ear?
Malleus, incus, stapes
What is the role of the sup olivary complex
Cochlear nucleus > SOC > Inf colliculus
Lat sup olive: Interaural amplitude dif
Med sup olive: Interaural time dif
What is the pathway for nerve impulses in the vestibular system?
Utricle/ sacule/ SSC’s > scarpa ganglion > vestibular nuclei
What is the name for when you turn to look towards a sudden loud sound?
Vestibular spinal reflex (turn body)
Vestibular cervical reflex (turn neck)
Vestibular occular reflex (move eyes)
What is the role of the annular ligament in the ear?
Connects the stapes to the oval window