Early Nazi Germany Flashcards
why did hitler attempt a putsch in 1923?
- the nazi party had 55 000 members and was very strong
- weimar rep. was about 2 collapse
- hitler had the support of nationalists across germany
- hitlers SA were bored and he wanted to give them something to do
what were hitler‘s aims?
- destroy TOV
- create lebensraum: space for german-speaking people
- abolish communism
- rearm germany
- nationalise the industry
- remove jews from positions of power
how did hitler change his strategy to gain power after the putsch?
- hitlerjugend
- propaganda campagins
- public meetings and local nazi branches
- more moderate ideas to appeal to a wider range of people
what plans were made to help germany?
- dawes plan (1924): loans from USA to be invested into economy
- locarno treaty: germany accepts borders and TOV
- young plan (1929) reduced germanys reparations payments
how did the depression help the nazis?
hitler was an ideal solution to weal leadership
nazis designed work schemes to combat unemployment
the nazi sa promoted to wipe out communism
seat changes
1928: 12 seats
1930: 107 seats
1932: 230 seats
what methods did nazis use to gain votes? FOPP
organisation: very organised and skilled
propaganda: stirred up communist violence for the SA to crush
promises: made promises (e.g reduce unemployment
flexibility: dropped unpopular ideas to suit the voters
how did the nazis try to get the majority vote to pass the enabling act?
they prevented other parties from campaigning
intimidated voters by watching them as they voted
arrested and imprisoned opposition politicians
why did hitler come to power? LIMP PAPER
- long term bitterness: deep anger about the first world war
- ineffective constitution
- money: financial support from wealtjy businessmen gave hitler the ability to run large propaganda campaigns
- propaganda
- programme
attacks on other parties: stormtroopers attacked jews and people who opposed hitler
personal qualities: hitler was a demagogue, a brilliant public speaker and was very driven
economic depression: october 29th 1929: mazi party seats rose from 12 to 230 in july 1932
recruited by hindenburg: 30th january 1933 hitler becomes chancellor
what were the eight steps to becoming dictator?
rigged german election leads to psychopath nazi fuhrer
- reichstag fire: 27 feb 1933/ van der lubbe, a communist, was found at the scene: hitler used this to arrest many of his KPD opponents
general election: march 1933/ 44% of people vote nazis: hitler arrests 81 communist deputies
enabling act: 26 april 1933/ gave hitler the power to make his own laws
local government: nazis took over local governments and the police, tens of thousands of unerwünschte were sent to KZ lager
trade unions banned: may 1933/ introduced german labour front which reduced workers pay and destroyed right to strike
political parties banned: 14 july 1933
night of long knives: 30 june 1934/ hitler ordered SS using the codeword hummingbord to kill 400 SA men
führer: 19 august 1934: hindenburg dies, hitler declares himself führer of germany
seven ways 2 control germany
overdo the power you worthless ranting rogue
- one party state: the law against du formation of parties (july 1933) made germany the only political party
- terror: hitler set up the gestapo in april 1933. tens of thousands of jews, communists, gypsies, alcoholics and prostitutes were sent to Kz- Lager. the night of the long knives in june also served as a instrument of fear
propaganda: 1936 olympics, book-burnings, cinema, mein kampf, volksradio, parades
youth: german boys were required to attend the Hitlerjugend, the girls went to the bund der deutschen mädels
workforce: german labour front, kraft durch freude,
religion: hitler signed a concordat with the pope, agreeing to leave the roman catholic church alone if it stayed out of politics
racism: racial purity law (sept 1935) took away german citizenship from jews and kristallnacht (9-10 november 1938)
how did nazis improve life for ordinary people?
- kraft durch freude: holidays, excursions, cars
- autobahns
- frequent ceremonies, rallies
- schönheit der arbeit: gave people pride in work
- nazi propaganda gave people hope
how did hitler control women?
- child-bearer
- law for the encouragement of marriage: gave newly wed couples a loan of 1000 marks
- mothers who had more than 8 children were given a gold medal
- kinder küche kirche
- job discrimination against women
- not allowed to serve in armed forces
- lebensborn
how did hitler control the youth
- many parents were afraid that tjeir chuldren would report them to the gestapo
- hitlerjugend provided a community feeling for many young boys
- lebenborn programme affected true aryan girls
- gangs like edelweiss pirates
- membership of HJ was made compulsory in 1936 and by 1939 90% of german boys aged 14 and over were members
how did hitler eliminate untermenscjem
- jews were put in ghettos, concentration camps, and used for medical experiments
- black people were sterilized and killed
- 72,000 mentally ill patients were killed
between 1939 and 1941- euthanasi - beggars, homos and alcoholics were regarded as antisocials and were put into Kz Lager
- euthanasia- over 100,000 physically and mentally
what was the final solution?
- endlösung
- systematically murder jewish „race“
- SS authorities murdered 1 million jews from various european countries in auschwitz birkenau
- make mass murder happen in an organised and methodical way
- wannsee conference in january 1942
what was the kraft durch freude program?
- offered leisure activities such as concerts, plays, libraries and day trips. large ships were built specifically for cruises, and resorts were built, like „prora“ in rügen.
it was also used to stimulate the german tourist industry. by 1934, over 2 million had participated in a KDF trip, by 1939 the numbers lay around 25 million people
what were concentration camps?
- they were large scale prisons for opponents of the nazi party
- they were run by the SS Totenkopf Division
- some concentration camps were later converted into extermination camps where jews were killed in gas chambers
- groups such as homosexuals, jews, political opponents and gypsies were sent there as inmates
what were the consequences of the spanish civil war for peace in europe?
- hitler was able to test his blitzkrieg strategy for the luftwaffe
- the LON was shown to be ineffective
- germany and italy had now formed the rome-berlin axis
- france and britain had begun to rearm
why were women important in hitlers plans for germany?
- they were key in creating the aryan race. they would be able to increase the birth rate, which would be used as soldiers.
- „kinder küche kirche“
- support family at home
why did stalin sign the nazi soviet pact
- all capitalist: potential enemies
- be on the winning side