Early Embryonic Development Flashcards
When is the pre-embryonic period?
weeks 1 + 2
When is the embryonic period?
weeks 3 - 8
When is the fetal period?
weeks 9 to term
How many weeks are there in total in a pregnancy?
38 weeks
Where is the oocyte fertilised?
In the ampulla of the fallopian tube
What is the name given to a fertilised oocyte?
Define a zygote
A single cell product of fertilisation of an ovum by a sperm produced by fusion of male and female pro nuclei
Define cleavage and when does it occur?
Dividing of cells into two masses called blastomeres, it is the first mitotic division, day 2
What is the morula a result of?
The cleavage of the fertilised ooycte
What are the cells in the morula?
Totipotent (they have the ability to form any cell type)
What occurs to form a blastocyst?
Compaction which occurs on day 4 giving us the first cavity the bastocyst cavity
What is the name given to the glycoprotein shell prevnting polyspermy?
Zona pellucida
What does hatching from the zona pellicuda allow the blastocyst to do?
It allows it to enlarger and can interact with uterine surface to implant
When does implantation begin?
Day 6/7
Where is the ideal side for implantation?
The posterior uterine wall
An ectopic pregnancy occurs when?
Implantation doesn’t occur inside the uterine cavity, the most common site for this is the fallopian tubes = medical emergency
What is placenta pravia?
This is when implantation occurs at the lower uterine segment so the placenta grows across the cervical opening. This requires a c-section delivery
Differentiation occurs at the start of week 2 giving us what?
An outer cell mass : trophoblast
A inner cell mass: embryoblast
The trophoblast becomes….
the cytotrophoblast and the the synctiotrophoblast
The embroyblast becomes…
the epiblast and hypoblast = bilamner disc
At day 9 at the embryonic pole and abermbroynic pole?
Embryonic pole -> rapid development of synctioctrophoblast
Abembryonic pole -> primitve yolk sac formed
At day 11?
The primitive yolk sac is pushed away from the cytotorphoblast by acellular extraembryonic reticulum
At day 12?
- Maternal sinosoids are invaded by synchiotrophoblasts
- lacunae become continous with sinosoids
- uteroplacental circualtion begins
- uterine stroma prepares for support of embryo
Day 13?
Formation of secondary yolk sac as it pinches off from primary yolk sac
What does the acellular extraembryonic reticulum become?
extraembryonic mesoderm