Ear, Nose, & Throat Flashcards
What are the parts of the external ear
Helix Antihelix Tragus Lobule (lobe) External auditory meatus
Which cranial nerve sends the auditory info from the ear to the brain & is responsible for proprioception
CN #8
What is the umbo
The center of the TM, represents the handle of the maleus
Lack of TM mobility (against pressure) suggests…
Fluid build up behind the TM
Tenderness when pushing on the tragus is a sign of…
Otitis externa
The most common cause of ear damage is…
Signs of an ear infection include…
Ejection, inflammation, discharge, loss of light reflex, loss of landmarks (such as umbo), signs of fluid build up behind the ear
What does a normal TM look like
Pearly gray, non-injected, non-erythematous, intact, light reflex in tact
Overgrowths of the ear canal that can obscure the TM; caused by repeated exposures to cold water, as in surfers or divers
Bony exostoses
The most common cause of conductive hearing loss is…
Cerumen impaction
Cerumen impaction is a normal variant. It is abnormal if it causes…
Pain, tinnitus, or conductive hearing loss
Treatments for cerumen impaction are….
warm water in the ear, mineral oils
Hardening of the TM that is essentially scar tissue and common in pts with frequent OM is…
Signs of acute otitis media include…
Bulging, erythema, loss of landmarks and red cone of light, injection, non-mobile TM with bulging
Serous otitis media is most often caused by
Viral URI, pressure changes, or seasonal allergies
The main problem in serous otitis media is…
ET tube not working properly causing serous fluid to accumulate
What is a Myringotomy tube (AKA tympanotomy tube or T-tube)
It is a tube placed in the TM that may be a solution for ET dysfunction which has SxS of tinnitus, hearing loss, vertigo
Indications for T-tube include…
chronic middle ear effusion with hearing loss; reccurent OM with cumulative duration > 6 months; suppurative complications of OM (meningitis, mastoiditis, brain abscess, facial nerve palsy)
Common causes of perforated TMs are
very load noise, extreme pressure
Pt complains of immediate pain (intense, 10/10) with d/c that slowly subsides is most likely due to…
Perforated TM
Infection of the external auditory canal, occurs when the epithelium is breached and becomes infected is called…
Otitis externa
Most common cause of otitis externa is…
Pseudomonas auriginosa
Otitis externa is also called…
Swimmer’s ear
Fungal infections of the ear are common in…
Pts with DM or that are immunocompromised
Discharge seen in OE or AOM with perforation and often seen with perforated TM or with infection is called…
One of the most common forms of skin cancer, very benign & hardly has Mets
Basal cell carcinoma
Appearance of telangectasias and necrosis/ulceration is indicative of…
Basal cell carcinoma
Hypertrophic scar tissue; more common in blacks; can grow in any area where there has been trauma to the skin, not painful
Chronic inflammatory lesion on helix or antihelix
Chondrodermatitis helicis
What do you need to do with chondrodermatitis helicis
Biopsy to rule out carcinoma
Pain in the ear canal, not due to direct infection, more common in people who live in poor socioeconomic conditions
Bug in the ear canal that can erode through the TM
Air conduction phase characterized by…
sound waves conducted through the ear, TM, ossicles, to choclea
Bone conduction phase characterized by…
sound waves travel through the bone, bypass the external/middle ear structures, and reach the choclea, muffled sound
Which conduction phase should normally be louder
Air conduction
This test measures bone conduction vs air conduction
Rhinne test
A normal rhinne test result is…
Louder noise with air conduction
Most common causes of conductive hearing loss
cerumen impaction then AOM
Sensorineural hearing loss is caused by…
Disorder of the Inner Ear, Brain, or CN VIII
Normal SN hearing loss due to aging
This test checks for sensoroneural hearing loss by checking for lateralization of sound
Webber test
Webber test with sensoroneural loss result is…
Laterilzes to the good ear because the sound won’t be transmitted through the bad side
Webber test with obstruction/conduction loss result is…
Lateralizes to the blocked ear because it will travel through the obstruction
Functions of the nasal mucosa
Cleanse, Humidify, Control temperature of inspired air
Nasolacrimal duct drains into
The inferior meatus
This drains the maxillary sinuses into the middle meatus; drainage from this common in sinus infections
Sinus ostia