Ear History and Exam Flashcards
What questions should you ask about the presenting complaint (dizziness)?
- Room spinning? Going to faint? Unsteady on your feet?
- Slowly or suddenly?
- Ringing in your ears?
- Deafness? Unwell? Pain? Sickness?
- All the time or comes and goes? What are you doing when it starts?
- Anything bring it on? Better/worse? Head turning?
What questions should you ask as part of a neurological screen (dizziness)?
- Numbness/tingling?
- Changes in vision/eye pain?
- Weakness? Difficulty with ADLs?
- Trouble with speech?
- Headaches?
- Seizures? Blackouts?
- Weight loss? Appetite?
What should you ask about in past medical history (dizziness)?
Strokes, recent infections, recent trauma
What should you ask about in medication history (dizziness and hearing loss)?
- Allergies
2. Any recent - gentamicin, vancomycin, vincristine, chloroquine
What should you ask about in social history (dizziness and hearing loss)?
Occupation, smoking, drugs, alcohol, loud music
What are the differentials for vertigo?
- Acute labyrinthitis
- Meniere’s disease
- Acoustic neuroma
- Ototoxicity
- Ramsay Hunt syndrome
- Trauma
What questions should you ask about the presenting complaint (hearing loss)?
- Which ear did it start in? One better than the other?
- Slowly or suddenly? What were you doing when it came on?
- Any particular noise difficult to hear?
- Ringing in your ear?
- Always been hard of hearing? Any change?
- Better or worse? Background noise affect?
What associated features should you ask about (hearing loss)?
- Room spinning? Balance issues?
- Discharge? Cotton bud cleaning?
- Numbness or tingling anywhere? Weakness?
- Ill/feverish recently?
- Weight loss/appetite?
What should you ask about in family history (hearing loss)?
Problems with hearing/tinnitus/vertigo?
What are the differentials for hearing loss?
- External canal pathology - wax, foreign body
- Tympanic membrane perforation
- Otitis media with effusion
- Otosclerosis
- Cholesteatoma
- Nasopharyngeal tumour
- Presbycusis
- Meniere’s disease
What do you inspect in the oral cavity and throat?
Lips, tongue, buccal mucosa, gums, uvula, floor of mouth, soft and hard palates, tonsils.
What investigative procedures can you perform in the nose?
Anterior rhinoscopy +/- rigid nasal endoscopy
What do you inspect in the ears?
Pinna, external auditory canal, tympanic membrane (otoscope)
What is Rinne’s test?
512Hz tuning fork placed on mastoid process and in front of ear.
What is Rinne’s test positive and what does it indicate?
- Air conduction louder than bone conduction
2. Normal or mild/moderate sensorineural hearing loss on that side
What is Rinne’s test negative and what does it indicate?
- Bone conduction louder than air conduction.
2. Conductive or severe sensorineural hearing loss on that side.
What is Weber’s test?
512Hz tuning fork placed on forehead.
What does Weber’s test not lateralising indicate?
Normal or symmetrical hearing loss.
What does Weber’s test lateralising indicate?
Ipsilateral conductive hearing loss or contralateral sensorineural hearing loss.
How is the larynx investigated?
Wooden stick + light +/- laryngoscopy
What should be examined in the neck?
Palpation of cervical lymph nodes and thyroid gland.