Ear Conditions Flashcards
tuning fork test used to confirm unilateral hearing loss–to determine wether loss is sensorineural or conductive–details
Weber Test
- -conductive: heard best on affected side
- -sensorineural: heard best on unaffected side
causes of conductive hearing loss (3)
- cerumen impaction
- auditory (eustachian) tube dysfunction associated w/ URI
- Otosclerosis (stapes bone impeded)
- -medical and surgical
weber test heard best on ________ side
air conduction > bone conduction –but not __:__ ratio like normal hearing
Rinne test,
sensory hearing loss etiology (5)
- age
- excessive noise exposure
- diabetes
- head trauma
- ototoxicity
patient hears sound when tuning fork is pressed on mastoid bone
Rinne test
progressive loss of high-fq sounds w/ age advancement
Neural etiology of presbyacusis
- MS
- Cerebrovascular disease
- acoustic neuroma
- CN VIII lesion
SUDDEN sensorineural hearing loss etiologies:
usually idiopathic, ototoxic, vascular infarct,
–oral steroids asap
most frequent cause of PROGRESSIVE sensory hearing loss
presbycusis–most pt’s notice loss of speech discrimination
acoustic neuroma aka
vestibular schwannoma
non-malignant tumor of CN 8–most of cerebellopontine angel tumors CPAs in adults–
vestibular schwannoma,
etiology of tinnitus (4)
- conductive hearing loss
- sensorineural hearing loss
- ototoxic drugs
- head and neck injury
______ _____ activated w/ tinnitus, exacerbated by emotional cues
limbic system
conductive ________ fq
sensorineural _____ fq
________ tinnitus has vascular etiology
prevention of tinnitus: screen for (4)
- Hypertension
- cholesterol
- thyroid
- diabetes
treatment for tinnitus
- steroid for sudden sensorineural HL
- benzos
- habituation
- sleep hygiene (Trazodone for sleep)
hematoma of subperichondrial space caused by blunt trauma
Traumatic auricular hematoma aka caulaflower ear –
insect in canal
paralyze w/ lidocaine
most common etiology of otitis externa (7)
- Staph. epidermidis
- S. aureus
- pseudomonas (may become necrotizing)
- anaerobes
- fungal (candida, aspergilis nigres)
- contact dermatitis
- seborrheic (chronic)`
Physical exam otitis externa(4)
- pain w/ tragal pressure
- pain when auricle pulled superiorly
- edema and erythema of canal
- debris (yellow, brown, white)
Tx otitis externa (3)
- remove debris
- antibiotic (Cipro) and steroid
- Fungal (Fluconazole)
otitis extera may progress into _______ may require ____ _____
cellulitis ,
IV antibiotics
erythema and pruritus of external auditory canal from contact w/ allergen; ex causes
Contact dermatitis,
hair spray, cheap ear rings, etc.
differential Dx of contact dermatitis (2)
- seborrheic dermatitis
2. psoriasis
Rare, very aggressive tumor of ear canal.
Most common type?
External auditory canal carcinoma,
squamous cell carcinoma
external auditory canal carcinoma presentation (3)
- bloody otorrhea
- friable lesion in ear canal–surrounding pus
- hearing loss/ facial paralysis
bony overgrowths of ear canal
exostosis and osteomas
exostoses generally acquired from repeated exposure to cold water–rq surg removal
“surfer’s ear”