Derm Conditions Flashcards
christmas tree sign think / Herald patch
Pityriasis Rosea (not ringworm)
DDX for generalized rash w/ fever (5)
- measles (viral WILL blanch)
- rubella
- rocky mtn spotted fever
- viral exanthem
- scarlet fever
DDX for generalized red rash w/ bullae (4)
- erythema multiforme (major)
- toxic epidermal necrolysis
- pemphigus vulgaris
- bullous pemphigoid
does the rash blanch?
scabies test
mineral oil preparation
stain for HSV sore
Tzanck smear
bathing over 15 min will _____ skin–although soak 10-15 min before ______ application will ^ absorption
If its ____ wet it, if its _____ dry it.
use of corticosteroids near eye can cause
greasy lotions–“moisturizers”
best combo for itchy rash
topical antihistamine and oral steroid
most common skin disorder
ezcema (atopic dermatitis–itchy rash
the “itch that rashes”
eczema (itch-scratch cycle)
eczema is a
IgE Type I hypersensitivity rxn
eczema typically on
flexeral surfaces
flat red blotches as eczema
eczema sufferer likely to have (3)
- family hx
- allergy
- asthma
eczema (atopic dermatitis)
If eczema goes on too long
lichenification (highest potency steroid appropriate for location and pt)
pathogens associated w/ secondary ifx of eczema
- Staph (yellow crusting)
- candida
- molluscum contagiosum
Tx for atopic dermatitis
Triamcinolone ointment + anti-itch meds + tx for secondary infx
(2) types of contact dermatitis CD
- allergic: poison ivy–Type IV hypersensitivity rxn (nickle)
- irritant: inflammation due to chemicals
Tx for contact dermatitis
high-potency corticosteroid
zit =
small flat discolored area of skin–usually less than 1 cm
“end stage” disease of a variety of PRURITIC and ECZEMATOUS disorders
Lichen Simplex Chronicus esp. atopic dermatitis
Tx for lichen simplex chronicus (3)
- break itch/scratch cycle
- ^ potency flucocorticoid
- tight time sedation w/ oral antihistamine
adolescents/young-middle aged rash more common in females, “papulopustular”–aggravated by topical glucocorticoids
perioral dermatitis TX w/ METRONIDAZOLE gel (antiinflammatory)
candida think
satalite lesions
“cradle cap” similar presentation to lupus
seborrheic dermatitis (presents as severe DANDRUFF on head and face/ear canals)
yellowish –> white greasy scales over erythematous patches/plaques
seborrheic dermatitis
cause of seborrheic dermatitis
Yeast–pityrosporon ovale
^ risk groups for seborrheic dermatitis (3)
- Parkinson’s
- stroke
- HIV+
Tx seborrheic dermatitis
ketoconazole and selenium sulfide shampoo
-babies: olive oil and shampoo
rash secondary to venous incompetence and chronic edema
stasis dermatitis (extremely common)
easily mistaken for cellulitis–rash in pt’s w/ diabetes or DVT
stasis dermatitis
stasis dermatits is a
cutaneous marker of venous insufficiency
tx for stasis dermatitis
- leg elevation
- compression stockings
- emolliants for rash
dyshidrosis aka
hyperallerfic disorder IgE (eczema, allergic rhinitis, asthma)
Dyshidrosis triggers (2)
- emotional stress
2. hot/humid weather
“tapioca-like” rash of small papules and vesicles
pompholyx – always examine soles of feet if lesions found on hands
(2) stages of dyshidrosis
- vesicular stage
2. fissure stage
treatment for almost all derm disorders
topical steroid
“measles -like”
drug eruption characteristics (4)
- utricarial
- papulosquamous
- pustular
- bollous
Tx for drug eruption (IgM thing)
- discontinue offending drug
- oral antihistamine
formation of a solitary erythematous patch or plaque that will recur at same site w/ re-exposure to the drug
fixed drug eruption
targe lesions think
erythema multiforme minor
erythema multiforme associated w/ (
- pregnancy
- radiation therapy
- internal malignancy
- mycoplasma pneumonia
- herpes
erythema multiforme MAJOR (more groin involvement)
erythema multiforme
systemic drug rxn–like steven-johnson syndrome
Tx for erythema multiforme major
tx as if burn (like SJS)
type IV hypersensitivity Sulfa drug rxn
Steven-Johnson syndrome (around mouth, face, eyes)
Use drug again?
Morbilliform drug rxn:
Fixed drug rxn:
- yes (not allergic rxn)
- no
- no
chronic inflammation connected w/ drugs, metals, and Hep C–“gray-white lines”
Lichen Planus (LP)
gray-white lines
Whickham straie (pathognumonic) –Lichen Planus
lichen planus most commonly on (4)
- wrists
- shins
- lower back
- genitalia
Tx lichen planus
topical or systemic glucocorticoids–occlusion dressing
herald patch
pityriasis rosea PR – looks like ring worm–“heralds” rash by a week
christmas tree pattern
pityriasis rosea–along cleavage lines of trunk
pityriasis rosea course and tx
antipuritics + antihistamine
common chronic inflammatory process w/ acute flairs–“scurf”
psoriasis–genetic component T-cells
2 peaks for psoriasis first onset
- 20-30 yo
2. 50-60 yo
psoriasis typically on
extensor surfaces – areas of thick skins
pick off loose skin:
- no bleeding
- bleeding
psoriasis classifications based on morphology (5) slide 93
- plaque
- inverse/flexural
- guttate
- erythrodermic
- pustular
well-demarcated plaque overlying SILVERY SCALE
life threatening form of psoriasis
pustular psoriasis – DON’T give ORAL CORTICOSTEROIDS
oppposite presentation of normal psoriasis–lack scales
Inverse/flexural – don’t confuse w/ candida
“raindrop” type psoriasis–w/ scales –often preceded by strep pharyngitis
Guttate psoriasis
bright red entire skin surface–fever, chills, malaise
psoriatic erythroderma