Derm/EENT Anatomy Flashcards
junction of sphenoid, temportal, frontal and parietal bones
Pterion–lies over MIDDLE MENINGEAL ARTERY BRANCH (off maxilary artery)
Passes through Superior orbital vissure (5)
3, 4, 51, 6
passes throuh optic canal
Passes through inferior orbital fissure
CN V2 (connection btwn inferior ophthalmic vein and pterygoid plexus)
foramena of mandible
Mandibular foramen, mental foramen
scalp mneumonic (5) 1-3 fused
- Skin
- Connective tissue
- Aponeurosis
- Loose areolar connective tissue (allows scalp to move in relation to skull)
- Periosteum
physical connection of BV that allows for collateral circulation
collateral circulation
alternate pathway for blood to reach a specific region of the body
Arteries of scalp (2)
External and internal carotid arteries
external carotid artery feeds
- occipital a.
- posterior auricular a.
- superficial temporal a.
internal carotid artery feeds
- supraorbital a.
2. supratrochlear a.
arteries to face (5)
- external carotid artery
- lingual a.
- facial a.
- superficial temporal a
- Maxillary a. (middle menigeal a., and inferior alveolar artery)
veins of face (6)
- supratrochlear v.
- supraorbital v.
- superficial temporal v.
- maxillary v.
- retromandibular v.
- internal jugular v.
infections from face spread to dural sinuses + venous routes (facial veins enter cavernous sinus–can spread infection to brain)
Danger triangle of face (superior ophthalmic v, inferior ophthalmic v., and pterygoid plexus)
CN VII think
muscles of facial expression and taste to ANTERIOR 2/3 of tongue
Branches of facial n VII
1-5 motor fibers of facial expression
- temporal (pinky)
- zygomatic (ring)
- buccal (middle)
- mandibular (pointer) *
- cervical (thumb)
- chorda tympani
facial n VII mneumonic
2 zebras bit my cockatu
bell’s palsy may be due to (4)
- CN VII inflammation
- virus
- sleeping w/ cold air on face
- stroke
Trigeminal nerve divisions OMM
- Ophthalmic division V1 – S
- Maxillary division V2 – S
- Mandibular division V3 – S + M (mastication) *
Trigeminal nerve think
chief sensory n of face + muscles of mastication
muscles of mastication (4)
All innervated by ________
- temporalis m (elevates mandible)
- masseter m. (elevates/grindes)
- medial pterygoid m. (elevates/grindes)
- lateral pterygoid m. (depresses/protrudes)
- -Mandibular division of Trigeminal n. V3
TMJ type
hinge synovial joint–loose synovial capsule
articulations of TMJ (3)
- mandibular fossa of temporal bone
- mandibular condyle
- articular tubercle of temporal bone
Parotid gland structures (3) superficial to deep
Exocrine gland –> parotid duct
- Retromandibular v.
- external carotid a.
Nerve, vein, artery
Oral region components (4)
- teeth
- palate
- tongue
- pharynx
Types of teeth (2)
deciduous and permanent
types of teeth and purpose (4)
- incisors (cutting)
- canines (tearing)
- premolars (grinding/ crushing)
- Molars (grinding/crushing)
Teeth types and numbers
Primary 20
secondary 12
Total = 32
Nerve supply to teeth
- Maxillary teeth – CN V2
2. Mandibular teeth–CN V3 (inferior alveolar nerve through mandibular foramen)
Hard palate formed by _______ and _________ bones
maxilla (palatine process) and palatine bones
Soft palate formed from
moveable fibromuscular tissue
muscles of soft palate innervated by _____, moves _______ against pharynx when _____
muscles of tongue: types and innervation
extrinsic (origin and insertion in different organs) and intrinsic (origin and insertion in organ–change shape of tongue),
Papillae posterior to anterior
- Vallate papillae
- filiform p.
- fungiform
general sensory and taste innervation for posterior 1/3 of tonue
CN IX – glosopharyngeal
Anterior 2/3 of tongue general sense vs. taste innervation
- CN V3
2. CN VII (spec. Chorda tympeni)
motor innervation of entire tongue
CN XII hypoglossal
Roles of nose (4)
- olfaction
- respiration
- filtration of dust
- humidify air
opening into nasopharynx
posterior nares or choanae
sides of nose
bones of nose
nasal, frontal, maxillary
bones of nasal septum
- perpendicular plate of ethmoid
2. vomer
mucosa of nose
- respiratory mucosa
2. olfactory mucosa
new name for turbinates (turbulence)
conchae and bone
- superior–ethmoid bone
- middle–ethmoid bone
- inferior–separate bone