Ear Flashcards
After vibrations are transmitted through the scala vestibuli, then tympani to the oval window, the resulting vibrations are transmitted through the _____ that causes the ____ ___ to vibrate which stimulates the receptors in the ___ ______
Basilar membrane
Spiral organ
What does the dorsal end of the ventral mandibular cartilage give rise to?
The lateral semicircular canal forms a small impression on this wall
Medial/labyrinthine wall
Sensory nerve supply to the ear is from what?
Auriculotemporal N (of mandibular division, trigeminal)
Auricular branch of vagus
Greater auricular N (C2/C3)
What is wrapped around the modiolus?
A central tube from the bony part of the cochlea
The anterior auricular branch that supplies the EAM is a branch from what?
Superficial temporal artery
What does the tectorial membrane cover?
Hair cells of the spiral organ of the inner ear
What it’s the pyramidal eminence?
Opening within the mastoid/posterior wall that the tendon of the stapedius muscle passes through
Auricle develops from?
Groove next to first pharyngeal groove
The ______, an impression made by the cochlea that is covered by the _______ _____ which is formed by the branch of CN ____ and branches of the ___ _____ _____
Tympanic plexus
CN 9 and branches of the internal carotid plexus
What are the auditory tube and tympanic cavity derived from?
First pharyngeal pouch
The scala tympani is ______ the cochlear duct. Vibrations that are transmitted through the scala vestibuli pass to the scala tympani via the helicotrema. The base of the scala tympani is the ____ _____
Oval window
What forms the floor/jugular wall of the middle ear?
A thin layer of bone separating the cavity from the internal jugular vein
The placode ________ giving rise to the ____ ____ then ____ _____
Auditory pit
Auditory vesicle
The posterior auricular muscle inserts on the _____, ______ aspect of the _______
Lower, posterior
The tympanic membrane develops from?
Interstitial mesoderm
The _____ of the cochlea, the _____ _____, is directed _______
Cochlear cupula
The cochlear duct is separated from the scala vestibuli by the ____ ____ and from the scala tympani by the _____/_____ ______
Vestibular membrane
Basilar/spiral membrane
What does the first pharyngeal groove give rise to?
External acoustic canal
Temporal and posterior auricular branches give what supply to the ear?
The foot of the _____ articulates with the oval window, which forms the base of the scala vestibuli. The ___ ____ is smaller than the ____ ______ and this causes the vibrations to be amplified another ____ times
Oval window
Tympanic membrane
What are the parts of the the vestibular labyrinth (membranous labyrinth)
Utricle, saccule, semicircular ducts, utricosaccular duct, endolymph duct and sac and ductur reuiens
The dorsal end of the first pharyngeal arch gives rise to what?
What does the carotid wall separate?
The cavity from the internal carotid artery
What does the cochlea contain?
Cochlear duct
What does the vestibule contain?
Utricle and saccule
The superior auricular muscle inserts on the ______ side of the _____
What does the petrous part of the temporal bone form
The roof/tegmental wall of the middle ear
The spiral organ has numerous hair-like projections that project ______ from the _____/______ membrane and are sensitive to _____ and _____ of sound waves that enter the cochlea
Amplitude and frequency
The incus, malleus and stapes are found within what portion of the ear?
Middle ear
The cochlear nerve is composed of axons from cells in the _____ ____. Information is relayed through the _____ _____ to the ____ ____ and ____ ___ in the medulla oblongata. then carried to the ___ ___ to the ___ ___ and _____ ___ ___ then to the ____lobe, and broadmann areas ___ and ____
Spiral ganglion Cochlear nuclei Superior Olivary and trapezoid nuclei Lateral lemniscus Inferior colliculi and medial geniculate bodies Temporal lobe and areas 41 and 42
What is the name of the opening between the mastoid air cells and the tympanic cavity within the mastoid/posterior wall
Aditus of mastoid antrum
The external acoustic meatus is covered by skin the entire length, therefore there are _____ _____ _____ that produce cerumen
Modified sweat glands
What two muscles are located in the tympanic cavity?
Stapedius and tensor tympani
After the vibrations reach the ossicles of the middle ear, they are transmitted through the ______ of the ____ ____ then the ___ ___ finally reaching the ___ ____
Scala vestibuli
Scala tympani
Round window
The posterior auricular branch that supplies the EAM is a branch of what?
External carotid A
What is the auricle composed of?
The _____ _______ is the opening that the tendon of the ______ muscles passes through within the mastoid/posterior wall
Pyramidal eminence
The malleus is derived from what?
Dorsal end of the ventral mandibular cartilage
Information will be conveyed from receptor cells of the spiral organ to ____ ____ ____. The cell bodies for these neurons are located in the ____ ____
Primary sensory neurons
Spiral ganglion
The cochlea is made up of 3 channels:
Cochlear duct, scala vestibuli, scala tympani
The auricular branch that supplies the EAM is a branch of what?
Occipital artery
Anterior auricular muscle inserts on the ______ of the _____
Front of the helix
The incus develops from what?
Dorsal end of the first pharyngeal arch
The utricle detects what kind of accelerations
Centrifugal and vertical accelerations
The cochlea (within the bony labyrinth) has a tube that is coiled around a cone-shaped central body structure called the _______. the cochlea wraps around this __ - __ times.
External acoustic canal develops from?
First pharyngeal groove
Hair-like projections from the spiral organ within the inner ear are sensitive to what?
Amplitude and frequency of sound waves that enter to cochlea
What is the sensory supply to the middle ear?
Tympanic nerve of CN 9
What does the semicircular canal contain?
Anterior/superior, lateral and posterior semicircular canals contain the semicircular ducts
The scala ____ and scala ____ communicate with each other at the apex through a channel called the ______
Scala tympani and vestibuli
What will the auditory vesicle give rise to?
Most of the membranous inner ear
What makes up the cochlear labyrinth?
Cochlear duct
What is the blood supply to the labyrinth?
Internal auditor artery (branch of basilar A)
Style Astrid artery (branch of posterior auricular A)
Motor supply to the ear is given by what?
Temporal and posterior auricular branches of the facial nerve
Sound waves cause the _____ ____ to vibrate. The ossicles of the middle ear, _____, _____, ____, transmit vibrations. This amplifies the vibrat ions by ___ times.
Tympanic membrane
Malleus, incus, stapes
Nerve supply to the labyrinth?
Sympathetics from cavernous and internal carotid plexuses
Cochlear nerve
Vestibular nerve