Ear Flashcards
What nerves are responsible for sensation to the outer ear?
Posterior portion of ear = Lesser occipital
Most of pinna = Great auricular
Most of external meatus= Auriculotemporal
Tympanic Membrane = Auricular/auriculotemporal
Portions of the concha=Facial
Inner face of tympanic membrane=glossopharyngeal
What is the basic sound pathway through the ear from the tympanic membrane to the oval window?
To what surface does the incus attach?
The posterior wall of the epitympanic recess
How is sound to the oval window dampened?
Via the stapedius muscle (VII)
How is the movement of the tympanic membrane dampened?
Via the tensor tympani (V3)
What portions make up the anterior wall and the floor of the epitympanic cavity?
The passage of the carotid artery through the petrous temporal bone and the opening of the Eustachian tube
How is the Eustachian tube protected on its journey to the nasopharynx?
The lateral superior portion is surrounded by bone; re remainder is surrounded by cartillage
How does the Eustachian tube open?
It must be actively opened (usually closed)–and will be opened by levator and tensor veli palatini with swallowing and yawning
What are the functions of the vestibulocochlear nerve?
The vestibular nerve senses equilibrium and supplies the semicircular canals; the cochlear nerve is for hearing
Which of the semicircular canals are sensitive to linear acceleration?
the saccule and the utricle