E7 Flashcards
What is predation?
Consumption of one organism by another organism in which the prey is alive and attacked by the predator. This excludes detritivory (consumption of dead matter).
What percentage of species obtain energy by feeding on other organisms?
> 50%. All = exploitation = one organism benefits by feeding on, thus directly harming another.
What are the three levels of taxonomic classification?
Carnivores consume animals
Herbivores consume plants
Omnivores consume from both trophic levels
What are the four levels of functional classification?
True predators, grazers, parasitoids, parasites.
What do true predators do?
Kill prey immediately after attack. May kill and consume many different prey types or individuals.
What do grazers do?
Attack large amounts of prey, but only remove a part of each prey individual. Harmful but rarely lethal.
What do parasites do?
Consume parts of their prey, harmful but rarely lethal in the short term. An intimacy of association, only one or a few hosts in a lifetime. Tapeworm, liver fluke, plant galls. Also plants,
What do parasitoids do?
A group of insects, mainly Hymenoptera. Free-living adults lay eggs in/on other hosts. Larvae live within host until they emerge and destroy host. 10% of worlds species
What are some traits of true predators?
Broad diets, forage throughout habitat for food. Others sit-and-wait predators, remain in one place and attack prey that move within striking distance or enter trap. Some predators forage on most abundant prey, switching may occur because the predator forms a search image of the most common pret type and orients towards the prey. Or learning enables them to become proficient at capturing this prey.
What are some traits of herbivores?
Specialises on one tupe of plant part, most commonly leaves. Feed on narrow range of plants species
What are some adaptations for predation?
Life changed radically with appearance of the first macroscopic predators roughly 530 millions years ago. Before that the seas were dominated by soft-bodied organisms. Prey develop defences. Predators exert strong selection pressure on their prey if prey are not defended well they die. Physical defences or toxins or aposematic warnings.
What are some tradeoffs between behavioural and physical defences?
Snail defence to crabs either thick shells or detection of crab odours.
How do plants respond to herbivores selection pressures?
Avoidance, tolerance, defences.
What is avoidance?
Avoidance on a large time scale some produce huge numbers of seeds in some years and hardly any in other years. Plants hide from seed eating herbivores then overwhelm them by sheer numbers. Avoidance on a short time scale producing leaves at times of the year when herbivores are scarce.
What is tolerance?
Tolerance - compensation growth responses that allow the plant to compensate for herbivory. Removal of plant tissue stimulates new growth. Removal of leaves can decrease self shading resulting in increased plant growth. Removing of apical buds may allow lower buds to open and grow. For some plants herbivory can be a benefit in some circumstances, herbivory early in the growing season results in compensation.