Complex, high molecular weight biomolecules composed of amino acids joined together by peptide bonds
How many a-amino acids are normally found in proteins?
Twenty (20)
Reactions of proteins may be divided into three (3) categories, what are these?
The (3) three categories are reactions due to:
1. presence of specific chemical groups or linkages
2. acidity or basicity
3. colloidal nature
[Of the proteins]
> Indicates the presence of peptide linkages
> Purplish to violet color due to cupric ions and 4 nitrogen ions
> All substances with 2 or more peptide bonds give the test and
> color produced is proportional to the number of peptide bonds present.
Biuret test
> Amino acids react with ninhydrin (triketohydrindene hydrate) to yield CO2, NH3 (Ammonia), and aldehyde containing one less carbon than the amino acid
> Blue or purple color for colorimetric determination of amino acids
Ninhydrin test
> Positive for proteins and amino acids containing an aromatic side chain
> Yellow
Xanthoproteic test
What compound does not respond readily to the Xanthoproteic test?
Phenylalanine requires what compound as a catalyst because of the absence of an activating group in the ring?
H2SO4 (Sulfuric Acid)
> The phenolic group of tyrosine reacts with Millon-Nasse reagent (HgSO4 in H2SO4)
> Old rose or pink to red complex (upon heating)
Millon-Nasse test
What is the complex of the phenolic compound in the Millon-Nasse test?
Mercury salt
> Pyrrole ring of tryptophan undergoes halogenation with Br2 water in the presence of amyl alcohol
> Pink or lavender color in the alcohol layer
Bromine water test
> A type of test that forms a brown-to-black precipitate of lead sulfide
Unoxidized sulfur test
> Orange or red color with a-naphthol and sodium hypobromite
Sakaguchi reaction
What are the materials needed for this experiment?
1% solution of egg albumin
1% casein
1% gelatin
0.1% solutions of tryptophan
0.1% solutions of ninhydrin
saturated lead acetate
5% CuSO4 (Copper Sulfate)
10% & 20% of NaOH (Sodium Hydroxide)
Millon-Nasse reagent
Bromine water
Hopkins-Cole reagent
n-amyl alcohol
a-naphthol solution
distilled water
litmus paper
What are the apparatus needed for this experiment?
Hot plate/stove
Alcohol lamp
600 mL beaker
50mL beaker
test tubes
test tube rack
10mL graduated cylinder
litmus paper
wire gauze
results to: purplish to violet color
biuret test
results to: blue or purple color
ninhydrin test
results to: yellow color
xanthoproteic test
results to: old rose or pink to red complex (color)
millon-nasse test
results to: pink or lavender color
bromine water test
results to: brown to black precipitate (of lead sulfide)
unoxidized sulfur test
results to: orange and red color
sakaguchi reaction
results to: violet or red-purple color
hopkins-cole test