E1 class Antepartum Flashcards
What are some barriers to seeking prenatal care?
-Financial issues
-Cultural issues
-Gender issues
-Gender of HCP
-Sexual orientation
Uterine changes during pregnancy
-Enlargement due to hypertrophy
-Fibrous tissue increases
-Increase in blood flow
-Braxton Hicks contractions
Which of the following answer options identifies the following uterine/ cervical changes in the order listed:
1. Softening of the cervix
2. Softening of the uterus
3. Bluish discoloration of the cervix
Goodell’s/ Hegar’s/ Chadwick’s
What is the mucus plug?
Thick piece of mucous that blocks the opening of the cervix during pregnancy
What changes happen in the ovaries during pregnancy?
-Stop producing ova during pregnancy
-Secretes progesterone until 7th week to maintain the endomedtrium
-Stops.. placenta assumes task
What vaginal changes occurs during pregnancy?
-Mucosa thickens
-Increase in secretions, loosening of connective tissue
What breast changes occurs during pregnancy?
-Grandular hyperplasia AND hypertrophy
-Areolae darken
-Striae may develop
-Colostrum is secreted
-May leak fluids
Respiratory changes for pregnant clients include increased O2 consumption and increased in what type of breathing?
What are cardiac changes are seen in pregnant women?
-Physiologic anemia
-Increased CO
-Somewhat hypercoagulable
A pt is in her 3rd trimester reports feeling dizzy, lightheaded, and nauseated while lying on her back during foley catheter placement. What should the nurse suspect as the cause?
The uterus is compressing the Vena Cava
A patient in her 3rd trimester reports feeling dizzy, lightheaded, and nauseated while lying on her back during foley catheter placement. What should be the nurses first intervention?
Turn the patient to the side/off her back
What is some changes that happens in the GI system during pregnancy?
-Softening and bleeding gums
-Increased saliva (ptyalism)
-Heartburn (pyrosis)
You are rooming a pregnant patient who has complaints of increased urinary frequency in the third trimester. What is the nurses best initial response?
Are you having any pain or burning in addition to the frequency ?
Urinary changes seen in pregnancy?
-Increased residual volume and urine stasis
-Increased risk of bladder adn kidney infections
-Increased risk for preterm labor
A pregnant client is concerned about the change in pigmentation across her checks and forehead. What condition is the client most likely experiencing?
What musculoskeletal changes happen in pregnant changes?
-Pelvic joints relax
-Center of gravity changes
-Seperation of rectus abdominus
A client has a normal pre-pregnancy BMI. How much weight (Ibs) should she anticipate gaining in total?
Which of the following hormones directly affect lacation?
Oxytocin & Prolactin
What are the presumptive signs of pregnancy?
-Excessive fatigue
-Urinary frequency
-Breast changes
What are the probable signs of pregnancy?
-Changes in pelvic organs
-Enlargement of abdomen
-Braxton hicks contractions
-Abdominal striae
-Other pigmentation
-Uterine souffle
-Positive prego test
-Palpation of fetal outline
What are the Positive signs of pregnancy?
-Auscultation of fetal heart doppler
-Fetal movement felt by hands or seen on US
-Visualization of fetus on US
What is couvade?
proposed condition in which a pregnant woman’s partner experiences some of the same symptoms and behaviors as her during pregnancy
What does each letter of GTPAL stand for?
G- total number of pregnancies
T- >37 weeks
P- Between 20 & 36 weeks
A- <20 weeks, includes abortions
L- number of currently living children
Naegele’s rule
Subtract 3 months and add 7 days, need LMP to be accurate
EDB wheel
Need LMP to be accurate
Uterine size
Start at 20 weeks (cm=wks +/- 2cm)Q
Start at 16-20 weeks
What is the most accurate was to estimate EDB?
A client reports that her last menstrual period was June 18, 2022. What is her estimated date of birth (EDB) when using the Naegele’s rule?
March 25
Dundal Height (Mcdonald’s method)
Start measuring at 20 wks gestation
If >2cm discrepancy, investigate
A client is at 28 weeks gestation. Approx. what level would the nurse expect the fundal height to be located?
Between 26-30 centimeters with a measuring tape
client is 35 weeks gestation and attending her routine prenatal appointment. She reports being a heavy smoker and wanting to quit. You complete her fundal height measurement and calculate that it is 32cm. What is the nurses most appropriate next step?
Report the fundal height to the OB provider and prepare the patient for an ultrasound
A term pregnant patient comes to the clinic with multiple complaints. Which of the following would warrant prompt investigation?
Headache that started yesterday with dizziness and blurry vision
Danger signs of pregnancy
-Absence of fetal movement
-Gush of fluid from vagina <37 weeks
-Vaginal bleeding
-Abdominal bleeding
-Persistant vomiting
-Dizziness, blurred vision, spots before eyes
-Persistant headache
-Muscular irritability or convulsions