Dystocia Flashcards
If a patient presents for a dystocia, you should feather the dorsal/ventral (choose one) vaginal wall with finger to see if she initiates a Ferguson’s reflex.
How do we perform gestational aging in early gestation?
Inner chorionic cavity diameter (ICCD) - this is the most accurate for gestational aging
How do we perform gestational aging in late gestation?
Biparietal diameter (BPD)
When performing a c-section, you can only administer Oxytocin & Buprenorphine to the dam before/after (choose one) the puppies have been removed.
When is medical management of a dystocia appropriate?
- When there is no obstruction
- Cervix is fully dilated
- No more than 2 fetuses remaining in utero
- Fetal heart rates > 190-200bpm (no fetal distress)
Describe the medical management of dystocia.
- Supportive care (IV catheter, LRS)
- Lubrication of birth canal
- Give oxytocin IM/SC (if no response, repeat 20-30 minutes later, maximum of 1-2x for the same puppy); can also put born puppies on dam to nurse to stimulate oxytocin release from posterior pituitary
- 10% calcium gluconate if hypocalcemic (may also help if Ca levels normal & given 15 min. prior to oxytocin)
- Glucose if hypoglycemic
T/F: Medical dystocia management can still be used even if a Ferguson’s reflex is absent
F; need to perform C-section
What are the 2 common types of dystocia in the bitch? (Generally speaking)
Obstruction or uterine inertia (insufficient or absent uterine contractions)
What are the 2 most common causes of obstructive dystocia in the bitch?
- Abnormal fetal presentation/position/posture or size
- Abnormal birth canal in the bitch
What are the treatment recommendations for the causes of obstructive dystocia?
- Abnormal fetal presentation/position/posture/size -> manual correction & vaginal delivery OR c-section if manual correction not possible
- If bitch has an abnormal birth canal, recommend c-section
Describe primary uterine inertia.
- She either doesn’t have any contractions or she has them but they aren’t strong enough to expel puppies
- NO puppies born yet
- No obstruction, normal birth canal
What is the treatment recommendation for a bitch with primary uterine inertia?
Describe secondary uterine inertia with obstruction
Prolonged contractions due to obstruction, followed by uterine fatigue & cessation of contractions.
What is the treatment recommendation for a bitch with secondary uterine inertia that is obstructive?
Manual correction & vaginal delivery OR C-section
Describe secondary uterine inertia without obstruction.
No obstruction & fetuses already delivered, but contractions stop due to uterine fatigue (i.e. large litter)
What is the treatment recommendation for a bitch with secondary uterine inertia that doesn’t have an obstruction.
Medical management or c-section
Green vaginal discharge in the bitch and reddish-brown discharge in the queen prior to delivery of the first puppy/kitten indicates what?
Indicates the beginning of placental separation; this is indicative of dystocia during stage 1 of labor
T/F: Indicators of dystocia before the birth of the first puppy include persistent abdominal straining for more than 30 minutes without delivery of a puppy & intermittent abdominal straining for more than 4 hours without deliver of a puppy.
After the birth of the first puppy, if more than ______ hours passes before the birth of the next puppy, then that would be indicative of a dystocia.
2 hours