Breeding Management Flashcards
How long is the interestrus interval in the bitch?
4-12 months
What is unique about a dog’s oocytes and ovulation timing?
Ovulate primary oocytes, can’t be fertilized until secondary oocytes
How often do cats cycle?
Every 18-21 days (like sheep & goats); they are induced ovulators and seasonally polyestrus
How is Brucella canis transmitted?
Mucous membranes, vaginal, urine, abortal, & seminal fluids
Why do bitches with brucellosis abort their pregnancy?
Due to placentitis
What effect does Brucella canis have on the stud dog?
Can cause orchitis/epididymitis
What is the gold standard test for Brucella canis in breeding animals?
Cornell Multiplex Test
If you send a Brucella canis test to Idexx, are they using the gold standard test?
No, they are using IFA which is okay but not the best; not the same test as Cornell Multiplex
What 4 things must semen evaluation include?
- Color, clarity
- Total & progressive motility
- Morphology**
- Concentration
What is considered one semen dose of small breed dogs?
100-150 million
What is considered one semen dose of large breed dogs?
200 million
If you see blood in your seminal fluid collection, what could it indicate?
A problem with the prostate (BPH, prostatitis) or defect on penis (often frank blood)
If you have white blood cells in your seminal fluid, what is that indicative of?
Is the patient clinically well with prostatitis? What about if they have BPH?
Sick with prostatitis, normal with BPH
For breeding management, you should start counting on day 1, which is indicated by what?
First day of vulvar discharge
Once you identify the first day of standing estrus in the bitch, how often should you breed her?
Every 2-3 days until she no longer stands
T/F: The more breedings you can get, the more likely you are to cause ovulation & have a full litter.
T, the same applies to cats
T/F: The rate at which progesterone rises is the rate at which oocytes mature.
Match the following progesterone levels to the stage in cycle:
A) No luteal tissue present
B) LH peak
C) Ovulation
D) Diestrual phase
Match the following progesterone levels to the stage in cycle:
A) No luteal tissue present
B) LH peak
C) Ovulation
D) Diestrual phase
Match the following progesterone level to the stage in cycle:
A) No luteal tissue present
B) LH peak
C) Ovulation
D) Diestrual phase
C; range is 3-10ng/ml
Match the following progesterone level to the stage in cycle:
A) No luteal tissue present
B) LH peak
C) Ovulation
D) Diestrual phase
How long after the LH surge will ovulation occur?
~48-72 hours post LH surge
What is the lifespan of oocytes?
4-6 days
When should you start progesterone testing & how often should you test?
Start of day 5-7 of cycle & retest every other day
What does vaginal cytology tell us?
Tells us if she is under the influence of estrogen and if there is evidence of inflammation
T/F: Cytology tells us when the bitch will ovulate.
F, it has nothing to do with ovulation
How long does fresh semen last? What about shipped chilled & frozen semen?
Fresh & shipped chilled semen last 5-7 days
Frozen lasts 12-24 hours, if lucky
If you plan to inseminate with frozen semen, you need to inseminate on the most fertile days. Which is?
3-4 days post ovulation or 5-7 days post LH peak
T/F: If you collect semen on a Saturday, it should still be okay by Monday.
F; it is better to inseminate on a Saturday and reinforce on a Tuesday.
What type of semen can you use if doing vaginal artificial insemination?
Fresh or shipped-chilled
If you are performing vaginal AI, where are you putting the semen?
As close to the cervix in the cranial vagina
What type of semen can be used for trans-cervical AI?
Fresh, shipped-chilled, or frozen
Where is the semen placed when performing trans-cervical AI?
Directly in the uterus
What are the only cases in which surgical AI would be used?
Infertility of the bitch in a specialist’s hands
Why is TCI a better option for artificial insemination instead of surgical AI?
Because surgical AI is invasive & not necessary because TCI is less invasive & has the same success rates
How many days post-ovulation will a bitch whelp?
63 days
How many days post-LH peak will a bitch whelp?
65 days
How many days post-diestral shift on cytology will a bitch whelp?
57 days
If you have performed progesterone testing in a bitch but have missed her LH peak, is it okay to still proceed with insemination?
It’s not a big deal if using fresh or shipped-chilled semen, but it’s not okay if using frozen semen.
How do you calculate total normal motile sperm?
(Total sperm) x (% normal morphology) x (% motile)
Typically, the more inseminations performed over a wider range of days that you put semen in, the better off you will be. What type of semen does this NOT apply to?
Frozen semen - doesn’t make a difference how many inseminations are performed; you would only be wasting money and valuable semen