Dynamics of Abuse & Neglect Flashcards
List the 4 types of Child Maltreatment
physical abuse
sexual abuse
emotional maltreatment
physical neglect
define physical abuse (child maltreatment)
involves the nonaccidental physical injury to a child caused by a parent or other caregiver. It may result from an act of commission or from an act of omission (failure to protect the child).
a disproportionate number of known cases of child physical abuse involve _____-_____ families.
although child physical abuse occurs across all socioeconomic classes
The perpetrators of child physical abuse are more often ______
with young, low-income, single mothers with young children are at greatest risk of abusing their children.
Children of all ages are physically abused. Which group(s) are subjected to the most severe forms of violence.
toddlers & adolescents
In childhood, _____ are at higher risk & experience more severe forms of abuse; in adolescence, the risk increases for _______.
Define sexual abuse of a child.
involves the initiation of an interaction with a child by an adult or older child for the purpose of sexually gratifying or stimulating the adult or older child or another person.
Give examples of child sexual abuse.
genital fondling, molestation, rape, incest, sexual exploitation, exhibitionism, pedophilia
Examples of sexual exploitation of a child includes
possession, manufacture, and distribution of child pornography;
online enticement of children for sexual acts;
child prostitution
child sex tourism
The majority of known victims of child sexual abuse are _______, but studies suggest that ______ are sexually abused much more often than reports have indicated.
The majority of child sexual abuse victims are assaulted by someone they _____ & _____.
know & trust
parent, parent surrogate, other relative, friend
Only a small minority of sexual abusers use physical violence; instead, most use ____, _____, and other forms of ______ and/or the existing relationship with the child to gain the child’s cooperation.
bribes, threats, coercion
Most known child sexual abusers are ______, and most perpetrators report being ________ in their adult sexual orientation.
______ perpetrators are more likely to abuse boys and are more likely to rely on _________ ________.
emotional manipulation
____ occurs in all social classes and is not found disproportionately in any particular ethnic or cultural group and the vast majority of victims are female.
Stepfathers or fathers: Which are more likely to sexually abuse a daughter.
Often, the victim of father/stepfather-daughter incest is the ______ female child in the household, and her vulnerability may be _____ when she has taken on the household duties of her mother or emerged as the central female figure in the family.
Most incestuous relationships are triggered by the abuser’s _______ needs and many incest episodes occur when the abuser is ________ ____ ______ __ ____.
nonsexual (need for affection, power, belongingness)
under the influence of alcohol
Mothers ___ or _____ __ be aware of the father/stepfather-daughter incest. Those who are aware may not take action for fear of losing ______ and ______ support from their husbands.
may, may not
emotional, material
In incestuous households, the family household is often ______ and _______ impoverished.
chaotic; emotionally impoverished
In incestuous households, there is commonly _____ discord and ______ ________.
marital; spousal overdependence
In incestuous households, family relationships often are characterized by
role reversal, role confusion, and enmeshed boundaries between family members and family isolation is extremely common. In addition, family members may fear abandonment and family disintegration.
Define emotional maltreatment (a.k.a. emotional abuse or neglect) of a child.
involves a failure to provide for the appropriate emotional development of a child resulting in psychological damage to the child. It may consist of acts of commission or acts of omission.
Give examples of child emotional maltreatment.
verbal or emotional assault (frequent belittling or other rejection of a child, terrorizing the child); isolation or close confinement (locking a child in a closet for a long period of time, separating the child from social contact); attempted physical assault, exploiting or corrupting the child; withholding necessities from the child as a form of punishment; and withholding emotional responsiveness from the child.
Any acts of commission or omission that put a child in danger constitute child _________, and _______ _____ is the most common type of child _________.
endangerment (driving w/out car seat)
physical neglect
Define physical neglect of a child.
involves a parent’s or other caregiver’s persistent lack of attention to the child’s basic physical needs (food, shelter, clothing, supervision, health care).
Give examples of types of physical neglect of a child.
abandonment/lack of supervision; nutritional neglect; hygiene neglect; medical neglect; shelter neglect (no heat in child’s room); educational neglect (parent allows chronic truancy); and some cases of failure to thrive (signs of undernutrition).
List some characteristics that are associated with a high risk of abuse.
prematurity and low birth-weight, difficult temperament (nonresponsivity, irritability, hyperactivity) poor health, and younger age (children under age 3 are at highest risk for physical abuse). Overall children who are perceived as “different” such as those with a difficult temperament or disability are at increased risk for both abuse and neglect.
List 3 parent factors that are consistently linked with child maltreatment.
History of child deprivation
personality or behavioral deficits
deficits in knowledge