Dyes and Anesthetics (M1) Flashcards
What emission filter used with NaFl isolates out the wavelengths needed to “excite” the fluorescein molecules? 1. What is the wavelength? 2
- cobalt blue
2. 490 nm
What emission filter used with NaFl is used for enhanced viewing by isolating the green emission spectra emitted from molecules? 1. What is the wavelength? 2
- Handheld Wratten Yellow
2. 520 nm
What is individual cell staining with NaFl called?
What is clump cell staining with NaFl called?
What is is called when NaFl and tears diffuse into the stroma and go beyond the borders of an epithelial defect?
stromal streaming
What is the name of the procedure in which NaFl is injected into the venous system of the eye and a photo is taken to see the vascular integrity and possible leakage?
Fluorescein Angiogram (FANG)
What is the advantage of Lissamine Green over Rose Bengal? 1. What is the disadvantage? 2
- little to no irritation and can see lid wiper
2. harder to see and to evaluate
In a patient with a possible microbial keratitis, what should be done before anesthetics are given?
obtain cultures
When are injectable anesthetics used for ocular reasons?
- retrobulbar injection for cataract surgery
- lid procedures (chalazion removal or lesion biopsy)
- intracameral injection during cataract surgery to aid topical
What is the purpose of using epinephrine in conjunction with injectable anesthetic?
- epi in vasoconstrictor so limits bleeding
- concentrates anesthetic to localized area
- limits systemic affects of anesthetic