Antibiotic-Steroid Combos, Antifungals, ans Antiprotozoals (M2) Flashcards
What is a collection of WBC at the limbus that is a direct inflammation response to Staph?
What are the two forms of Acanthamoeba? 1. Which form is medication useful against? 2
- trophozoite and cyst
2. trophozoite
What are the ways toxoplasmosis is transmitted?
- cat feces ingested after not washing hands
- soil into livestock which then is undercooked meat
- mother to child
When is toxoplasmosis OK to monitor?
- no loss of VA
- lesions peripheral
- lesion less than 1DD
- resolves on own in 1-2 months
How long is PK delayed following a Acanthamoeba keratitis?
3-12 months to avoid recurrence
What ocular findings are in a patient with active toxoplasmosis?
- retinochoroiditis (#1 cause of posterior uveitis)
2. vitreal blur (headlight in the fog)
What are the conditions for the use of stand alone topical ophthalmic steroid use?
- uveitis
- allergic eye disease (with conj chemosis)
- episcleritis and inflammed pinguecula
- Non-infectious keratitis (Thygeson’s, solution toxicity, SLK, dry eye)
- post-surgical maintenance
What are the hallmark signs of fungal keratitis?
- satellite lesions
2. feathery central lesions
What are the conditions for the use of stand alone topical ophthalmic antibiotic use that are true infections?
- bacterial conjunctivitis
2. microbial keratitis
What are the ways that people generally get Acanthamoeba keratitis?
- CL wearer that exposed lens
2. painful redeye misdiagnosed and not responding to Tx
What is commonly found in swimming pools, hot tubs, lakes, streams, saliva, tap water and homemade saline?
What are the conditions for the use of stand alone topical ophthalmic antibiotic use that are not true infections?
- anterior blepharitis
- prophylaxis
What is the histoplasmosis triad?
- histo spots, punched out lesions
- peripapillary atrophy 360deg
- Maculopathy
When does toxoplasmosis warrant treatment?
- any lesion inside posterior pole
- lesion larger than 1DD
- significant vitritis causing a 2 line dec in VA
- no resolution for 1 month
What are the hallmark features of Acanthamoeba keratitis?
- more pain than expected
2. presence of ring infiltrate