DWO ?s Flashcards
- Who works for you as UW OOD?
QMOW and the EOW collectively working together for the safety, efficiency and well being of the crew and cutter.
- What are your duties as the deck?
- What are your duties as the Conn?
- Conn will concentrate on keeping a lookout and conning the ship.
- Deck assists with navigation, lookout, radar, communications and watch reliefs.
- Explain a proper pre-watch round and relief process.
- Walk around the ship looking for gear adrift items.
- Look at the POD or Night orders for the Op plan or from the relieving OOD.
- Proper relief pass down regarding Mach, Plant and pump status, contacts visually/Radar and ROS, auto-pilot or FFU.
- What is your greatest skill as UW OOD?
To always stay calm during every situation and most importantly to notify my crew and ask for help when needed.
- What logs are you responsible for?
4380A Smooth
4380B Wx
- Explain Bridge Resource Management and how it applies to your watch?
An integrated command and control system combining sensor inputs, display, and communications to meet specific tactical/navigational requirements of the Coast Guard.
- What are the reasons to call CO?
Watch standing:
a. Cannot comply with night, standing, navigation rules or CG regulations.
b. No night orders by 2200.
c. cannot assume the watch.
d. uncertain.
a. doubt about position.
b. exceeding xtrack in coastal and open waters.
c. CMG is more than 10 degrees from ordered course.
d. water depth diff from charted depth.
e. Loss of nav equipment
f. offsta aid.
g. when approved route shall be altered for any reason.
a. Visibility can drop below 2 nm, confirm when opens back up.
b. Wind speed increase 10 kts or more in one hr, sustained true wind of 30 kts.
c. barometric change of 0.04 in one hr.
d. wave height increase by 2ft.
e. unusual or unexpected wx phenomenon.
Personal and equipment:
a. emer sound on bridge
b. accident or injury to personnel.
c. When starting and stopping MDE’s if not outlines in night or day orders.
a. other vessel fog signal detected.
b. pop up contact 3nm.
c. Vessel has a CPA of less than 1nm by day and 2 NM by night and is less than 30 min CPA.
d. sighting of another Military vessel or CGC.
a. Distress radio or message traffic
b. Spotting a TOI
c. Prior to launching and recovering small boat.
d. OPCON and TACON change.
- What do you do if you come up to watch and previous watch section is 4,000 yds left of track and there was no report to CO or other tasking?
Ask them if they know when they should’ve contacted the CO Iaw Nav standards and the X-track error distance. Before we blame, we find out the reasoning,
then have them make the report to CO on why and the plan to get us back on course prior to relieving.
- Who is your best lookout?
Myself and my Qmow
- EPOs standing orders/night orders conflict with COs. What do you do?
- Do not relieve or assume the watch until it’s resolved. Call CO and EPO to address it.
o What is it & why/when do we set it?
o What is the equipment status during RMD?
o When does the EOW have the authority to secure equipment when RMD is set? i.e. the “exceptions”
o What is the red button on the bridge right next to the start and stop engine buttons? What does this button actually do to the engines
is an agreement between the CO and the EPO, and by extension the OOD and EOW, that there are certain circumstances when the operation and navigational safety of the ship takes precedence over combatting engineering casualties.
a. SSD
b. Close quarters w/ other vessels.
c. Towing.
d. Low Vis
e. GQ (Conditions I and III).
f. Underway Replenishment (UNREP) and Refueling at Sea (RAS).
g. As directed by the Commanding Officer.
Equipment Status;
a. Two MDE’s
b. One Gen w/backup and EDG
c. Two steering pumps tested one online
d. Fin Stabilizer
e. bow thruster
EOW- can secure if:
Atomized spray
Major F/O leak
Personnel entanglement
Safety system override- temporary disables or bypasses safety mechanisms set in place to protect the ship and systems.
doesn’t allow the EOW to take control, only will secure the engine for Lolo or Run-away engine.
- What lube oil pressure does the MDE need to build to for MDE to start?
o Can you bypass this? How?
- if lube oil doesn’t reach 0.4 within 120 seconds aborted. If it exceeds 0.4 before 120 seconds its initiated.
- Yes, in the front of the MDE is the Priming pump switch that you have to turn off to bypass.
Bad practice because not enough oil is in the cylinders to lubricate. Priming puts oil into the cylinders. Therefore if you try to start without turning the bypass off it will try to lube the cylinders.
- Based on best practices exercised by TEZANOS, what temperature do we wait for T-Coolant to build to prior to clutching in the engine? What temp before exceeding 1500 rpms?
- Between 40-60 C
- 60+
- What are the various engine “modes”
o What is trolling mode? What temperature are we specifically mindful of when in trolling mode?
o What is start-up mode?
- Trolling 945rpms and warm-up
- Controlled slippage of the reduction gear, that lowers the RPM’s while maintaining the MDE RPM’s.
- Allows the Engine to warm without engaging throttles.
- What is a reduction gear?
reduce the high rotational speeds of the engine to a usable, slower speed at the props.
- What is the max RPMs on a single engine
- What happens to the propeller of the offline engine when the other is engaged? What is this called?
free wheeling or windmill, which can cause Drag which can reduce fuel efficiency. Also is bad for the seals and bearings because it’s not being lubricated as it spends!
- Immediate actions for:
o Metallic noise on #1MDE
o Lo-lo lube oil P on #1MDE. EOW Investigates and IDs a major lube oil leak on inboard side of #1 MDE
What are the first several things that need to happen IAW MSFD/emergency checklists?
o Collision with submerged object off the port bow
o Attempt to mark your turn since we got to the edge of our box, and you don’t seem to have any rudder control
- Let the EOW know, come to neutral and secure the engine.
- Come down to nuetral, secure 1MDE.
Lube oil leak, so I will set GE iaw MSFD.
- Pipe the rapid response team to investigate.
- Set Zebra
- Secure all engines
- Energize fire pump 1
- Raise stern gate
- Notify Sector
- Come down to neutral, mark my position, look to see what we hit.
* Pipe CGC Tezanos has hit a submerged object off the port bow all hands investigate and report to bridge. TWICE
* Check all the frame areas for flooding. - Loss of steering switch to FFU.
* Report to EOW and pipe loss of steering.
* Eow will check to see if system is intact before switching Pumps, if not intact Set GE iaw MSFD.
* If that doesn’t work switch to steering in the GEN, if that fails switch to aft steering.