Duties of Prosecutors; Zeal - July 18 Flashcards


Do the MRPC impose special ethical duties on prosecutors regarding charging decisions, evidentiary decisions, and the treatment of criminal defendants? (Q)


Yes. The MRPC impose special duties on prosecutors regarding charging decisions, evidentiary decisions, and the treatment of criminal defendants. Specifically, a prosecutor must:

refrain from prosecuting a charge that the prosecutor knows is not supported by probable cause;

make reasonable efforts to ensure that an accused has been advised of the right to and procedures for obtaining counsel and has been given a reasonable opportunity to obtain counsel;

not seek a waiver of important pretrial rights from an unrepresented person, except one who is appearing pro se with the court’s approval;

disclose exculpatory evidence before trial and mitigating evidence before sentencing; and
not subpoena a lawyer to present evidence about a current or former client unless the prosecutor reasonably believes the information is unprivileged, essential to the prosecution, and otherwise unobtainable.

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Do the MRPC impose special ethical duties on prosecutors regarding possible wrongful convictions? (Q)


Yes. The MRPC impose special duties on prosecutors regarding possible wrongful convictions. Specifically, if a prosecutor knows of new, credible, and material evidence that creates a reasonable likelihood that a defendant was convicted of a crime that he did not commit, the prosecutor must:

promptly disclose that evidence to the appropriate authority and

if the conviction was obtained in the prosecutor’s own jurisdiction, promptly disclose the evidence to the defendant and start an investigation into whether the defendant was wrongfully convicted.

If a prosecutor knows of clear and convincing evidence that establishes the actual wrongful conviction of someone in the prosecutor’s own jurisdiction, the prosecutor must seek to remedy the conviction. The procedures for remediation will vary from one jurisdiction to another and are not prescribed by the MRPC.

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A prosecutor successfully prosecuted a defendant for robbing a convenience store. Subsequently, the prosecutor received security footage from a store across the street showing that the robbery was committed by the defendant’s cousin. The prosecutor did not tell anyone about the video and stored the videotape with the other files for the case.

Has the prosecutor engaged in misconduct? (Q)


Yes. The prosecutor has engaged in misconduct. If a prosecutor learns of new, credible, and material evidence that creates a reasonable likelihood that a convicted defendant did not commit the crime, the prosecutor must:

promptly disclose that evidence to an appropriate court or authority (e.g., the jurisdiction’s chief prosecutor) and

if the conviction was obtained in the prosecutor’s jurisdiction, promptly disclose the evidence to the defendant and investigate whether the defendant was convicted of an offense that he did not commit.

Here, the video footage was new, credible, and material evidence that created a reasonable likelihood that the defendant did not commit the robbery, because the video showed someone else committing the crime. The prosecutor was therefore required to disclose the video instead of storing it away. Thus, the prosecutor has engaged in misconduct.

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May a lawyer seek to influence a judge, juror, prospective juror, or other official by unlawful means? (Q)


No. A lawyer may not seek to influence a judge, juror, prospective juror, or other official by unlawful means. Any desired influence should instead be brought to bear through the practice of lawful, ethical, and zealous advocacy.

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A lawyer’s client was being deposed by opposing counsel. The lawyer was concerned that opposing counsel was going to elicit truthful but damaging information from the client. In an effort to distract the opposing counsel from her line of questioning, the lawyer began objecting to opposing counsel’s questions without having a legal basis to do so.

Did the lawyer’s unfounded objections constitute professional misconduct? (Q)


Yes. The lawyer’s unfounded objections constituted professional misconduct. A lawyer is prohibited from engaging in conduct intended to disrupt a tribunal. This rule applies to any collateral proceeding connected to a tribunal, including a deposition.

Here, the lawyer was not objecting to opposing counsel’s questions at the deposition to uphold the client’s legal rights or because opposing counsel’s questions were improper. Instead, the lawyer was making baseless objections in an effort to disrupt the deposition by distracting opposing counsel and keeping her from asking proper questions that could reveal damaging information. This was nothing more than an attempt to disrupt a tribunal, which is prohibited. Thus, the lawyer’s unfounded objections constituted professional misconduct.

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If a lawyer believes a judge is abusing his authority, may the lawyer reciprocate in an effort to zealously represent her client? (Q)


No. If a lawyer believes a judge is being abusive, the lawyer may not reciprocate in an effort to zealously represent her client. The misconduct of a judge does not excuse or justify abusive conduct by the lawyer. A lawyer fulfills her duties as an advocate by presenting the case and protecting the record for subsequent review; belligerent or theatrical behavior is unnecessary. The lawyer must preserve professional integrity at all times and should remember that the function of an advocate is to present evidence and arguments so that the case may be decided according to the law.

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Under what circumstances is a lawyer prohibited from communicating with a juror or prospective juror after the jury has been discharged? (Q)


A lawyer is prohibited from communicating with a juror or prospective juror after discharge of the jury if:

the communication is prohibited by law or court order;

the juror has informed the lawyer that the juror does not desire to communicate; or

the communication involves misrepresentation, coercion, duress, or harassment.

Otherwise, a lawyer may communicate with a juror or prospective juror after the jury is discharged. Lawyers sometimes find these communications useful in understanding the case or the verdict.

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In general, is a lawyer permitted to engage in ex parte communications with a judge, juror, prospective juror, or other official during a proceeding before a tribunal? (Q)


No. In general, a lawyer is prohibited from engaging in ex parte communications (i.e., oral or written communications that occur without notice to or the presence of all interested parties) with a judge, juror, prospective juror, or other official during a proceeding before a tribunal. This rule is intended to prevent improper influence, or even the appearance of improper influence, by the lawyer.

However, ex parte communications are permitted if authorized by law or court order (e.g., many jurisdictions allow a lawyer to seek a temporary restraining order or other emergency relief ex parte).

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A lawyer arrived at the courthouse for the third day of his client’s trial and saw one of the jurors from the trial in line at a coffee cart. The lawyer joined the line and began chatting with the juror about how nice the lawyer’s client was.

Has the lawyer committed professional misconduct? (Q)


Yes. The lawyer has committed professional misconduct. In general, a lawyer is prohibited from engaging in ex parte communications (i.e., oral or written communications that occur without reasonable notice to or the presence of all interested parties) with a juror during a proceeding before a tribunal, unless authorized by law or court order. This rule is intended to prevent improper influence, or even the appearance of improper influence, by the lawyer.

Here, chatting with the juror in the coffee line gave the lawyer the opportunity to advocate for his client without the opposing party being able to object or the conversation being recorded. This was an inappropriate ex parte communication between the lawyer and the juror. Thus, the lawyer has committed professional misconduct.

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What is an extrajudicial statement? (Q)


An extrajudicial statement is a statement about any aspect of a legal matter that is made outside the context of formal judicial proceedings, such as a statement made by a lawyer to a member of the press.

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Under what circumstances is a lawyer prohibited from making extrajudicial statements regarding the investigation or litigation of a matter in which the lawyer is participating or has participated? (Q)


A lawyer is prohibited from making extrajudicial statements about the investigation or litigation of a matter in which the lawyer is participating or has participated if the lawyer knows or reasonably should know that the statement will:

be communicated to the public and

have a substantial likelihood of materially prejudicing an adjudicative proceeding.

These prohibitions also apply to any lawyer in the same firm or government agency as the restricted lawyer.

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What topics do the MRPC specify as being especially likely to prejudice a proceeding when made the subject of extrajudicial statements? (Q)


The MRPC specify that the following topics are especially likely to prejudice a proceeding when addressed in extrajudicial statements:

the character, credibility, reputation, or criminal record of a party, suspect, or witness;

a witness’s identity;

a witness’s expected testimony;

the possibility of a guilty plea or the contents of a confession;

the results of a test or the refusal to submit to a test;

the identity or nature of expected physical evidence;

an opinion as to a defendant’s guilt or innocence;

information that the lawyer knows or should know will be inadmissible as evidence; and

the fact that a defendant has been charged with a crime, without an explanation that a charge is merely an accusation.

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What kinds of extrajudicial statements do the MRPC expressly allow a lawyer to make if the lawyer is participating or has participated in the adjudication or investigation of a matter? (Q)


The MRPC expressly allow a lawyer who is participating or has participated in the adjudication or investigation of a matter to make the following types of extrajudicial statements:

the claim, offense, or defense involved in the investigation or matter and, except as prohibited by law, the identity of the persons involved;

that an investigation of the matter is in progress;

the scheduling or result of any step in the litigation;

a request for assistance in obtaining evidence and information necessary for that request; and

a warning about the danger presented by a person involved, if there is reason to believe that there is a likelihood of substantial harm to an individual or to the public interest.

The MRPC specify that this is not intended as an exhaustive list of permissible extrajudicial statements.

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What types of extrajudicial statements do the MRPC expressly allow a lawyer to make in a criminal case, in addition to those allowed in other matters? (Q)


The MRPC expressly allow a lawyer who is participating or has participated in a criminal case to make the following types of extrajudicial statements, in addition to those allowed in other matters:

an accused person’s identity, residence, occupation, and family status;

information necessary to aid in apprehension of the accused if the accused has not yet been apprehended;

the fact, time, and place of arrest; and

the identity of the investigating and arresting officers or agencies and the length of the investigation.

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Do the MRPC impose special ethical duties on prosecutors regarding extrajudicial statements? (Q)


Yes. The MRPC impose special duties on prosecutors regarding extrajudicial statements. Specifically, a prosecutor must:

refrain from extrajudicial comments that are likely to heighten public condemnation of the accused, unless those comments serve a legitimate public-information or law-enforcement purpose and

take reasonable care to prevent law-enforcement and other personnel assisting or associated with the prosecutor from making extrajudicial statements that would be prohibited to the prosecutor.

These limitations apply in addition to the limitations on extrajudicial statements in criminal cases imposed elsewhere in the MRPC.

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Despite the general restrictions on extrajudicial statements, may a lawyer make a statement that is reasonably necessary to counteract prejudicial publicity that was not initiated by the lawyer or the client? (Q)


Yes. Notwithstanding other restrictions on extrajudicial statements, a lawyer may make a statement that a reasonable lawyer would believe is needed to protect a client against substantial, undue prejudice resulting from recent publicity that was not initiated by the lawyer or the client. A statement of this kind must be limited to whatever information is necessary to counteract the adverse publicity.


A lawyer represented a client in a high-profile murder case. A national television news reporter had been following the case and had called the client a “filthy murderer” during several broadcasts. Subsequently, the lawyer appeared on another national news show and emphatically stated that the client was not a murderer and that this would be proven at trial. There was a substantial likelihood that the lawyer’s statement might prejudice potential jurors in the case.

Was the lawyer allowed to make this extrajudicial statement? (Q)


Yes. The lawyer was allowed to make the statement. A lawyer normally may not make extrajudicial statements if the lawyer knows or should know that the statements are likely to prejudice a trial. However, a lawyer may make a statement that a reasonable lawyer would believe is required to counteract substantial, undue, and recent publicity not initiated by the lawyer or the client. The statement must be limited to information necessary to mitigate the adverse publicity.

Here, the reporter’s broadcast references to the client as a “filthy murderer” were prejudicial to the client. Neither the client nor the lawyer initiated this adverse publicity. The lawyer’s response stated simply that the client was not a murderer and that the trial would prove it. This was a minimal amount of information designed to mitigate the adverse publicity. Thus, the lawyer was allowed to make the statement.


A lawyer was representing a class of plaintiffs against a business for injuries caused by the business’s alleged unlawful dumping of toxic waste. The lawyer held a press conference stating that he had filed a civil case against the business on behalf of the class of plaintiffs based on the business’s dumping of toxic waste. The lawyer asked the public for assistance in obtaining any evidence that might be helpful to the plaintiffs’ claims.

Was the lawyer’s public statement permissible? (Q)


Yes. The lawyer’s public statement was permissible. Although a lawyer may not make public extrajudicial statements that the lawyer knows or reasonably should know will have a substantial likelihood of materially prejudicing an adjudicative proceeding, statements about certain topics are permissible. These permissible topics include: (1) the claim, offense, or defense involved; (2) the identity of the persons involved, except as prohibited by law; and (3) a request for assistance in obtaining evidence and the information necessary for that request.

Here, the lawyer publicly identified the parties and the offense involved and requested the public’s assistance in obtaining helpful evidence. These are all categories of information about which the lawyer could speak publicly. Thus, the lawyer’s statement was permissible.


In general, is a lawyer permitted to act as an advocate at a trial in which he will likely be a necessary witness? (Q)


No. In general, a lawyer may not act as an advocate at a trial in which he will likely be a necessary witness. This could create confusion and prejudice the opposing party, while creating a conflict of interest with the lawyer’s client.

However, a lawyer may act as both an advocate and a witness if:

the lawyer’s testimony is about an uncontested issue,
the lawyer’s testimony concerns the nature and value of legal services in the case, or
disqualifying the lawyer would cause a substantial hardship to the client.


In general, may a lawyer act as an advocate in a trial in which another lawyer in her firm is likely to be called as a witness? (Q)


Yes. In general, a lawyer is permitted to act as an advocate in a trial in which another lawyer in her firm is likely to be called as a witness. However, if the testifying lawyer would be disqualified from acting as an advocate due to a conflict of interest, then that conflict will be imputed to the firm’s other lawyers unless the client gives proper informed consent.


A lawyer had been representing the plaintiff in a trial that was the culmination of a 10-year-long, complex patent dispute. Shortly before trial, the defendant accused the plaintiff of using the lawyer’s work to engage in a fraud. The defendant raised the fraud accusation as a last-minute issue for the trial. To counteract the defendant’s allegation, the plaintiff’s lawyer must likely testify as a witness at trial.

Is the lawyer likely to be able to testify while continuing to represent the plaintiff? (Q)


Yes. It is likely that the lawyer will be able to testify and continue to represent the plaintiff. In most cases, a lawyer may not act as an advocate at a trial in which he will likely be a necessary witness. This could create confusion and prejudice to the opposing party, as well as a conflict of interest with the lawyer’s client. However, a lawyer is permitted to be both an advocate and a witness in some situations, including if the lawyer’s disqualification would be a substantial hardship to the client.

Here, the lawyer had represented the client for 10 years in a complex patent case. The client would likely have severe difficulty finding another lawyer who could promptly learn the matter for trial, and accordingly, disqualification of the lawyer would cause the client substantial hardship. Thus, it is likely that the lawyer may both testify and continue to represent the client.


Mindy is a criminal defense lawyer. Judge Gonzalez appoints Mindy to defend Samantha in a murder case.

Which grounds likely constitute “good cause” for seeking to avoid the appointment?


Mindy has a severe illness affecting her ability to handle her caseload - correct

The case would take a great deal of Mindy’s time and impose an unreasonable financial burden on her - correct

Mindy believes that Samantha is guilty - incorrect

Mindy represents another client in a pending lawsuit against Samantha, and that client refuses to give consent to Mindy representing Samantha - correct

Mindy strongly disapproves of violence - incorrect

A lawyer must not seek to avoid such an appointment except for good cause. One example of good cause is when representing the client would require the lawyer to violate a law or disciplinary rule, in which case the lawyer must decline the appointment. Mindy’s severe illness is good cause because the rules of professional conduct require a lawyer to decline or withdraw from a case if their physical or mental condition materially impairs their ability to represent the client. Additionally, Mindy has an unwaivable conflict of interest with another current client, so representing Samantha in that situation would violate the rules of professional conduct.

Another example of “good cause” is where accepting the appointment would impose an unreasonable financial burden on the lawyer, so Mindy can seek to avoid the appointment on that basis.

Finally, a lawyer may seek to be excused from a court appointment if the lawyer finds the client or the cause so repugnant that the lawyer-client relationship would be impaired or the lawyer could not represent the client effectively. For example, if Samantha’s alleged crime was similar to a traumatic event from Mindy’s past, Mindy could properly seek to avoid the appointment. However, Mindy’s belief that Samantha is guilty and her strong disapproval of violence probably do not rise to the level of good cause. A lawyer can effectively represent a criminal defendant while believing she is guilty, and most people disapprove of violence—these considerations are not unique to Samantha’s case.


Aidan participates in a “quick advice hotline” sponsored by a local nonprofit organization. He properly obtains each caller’s informed consent to the limited scope of the representation.

For what actions will Aidan be subject to discipline?


Aidan gives incompetent advice to Cassidy - correct

Aidan gives advice to Noah, whom he recognizes as one of his neighbors, and then tells another neighbor about Noah’s legal problem - correct

Aidan gives advice to Logan, not realizing that Logan is an opposing party in one of his pending cases for a different client - incorrect

Aidan gives advice to Josiah, knowing that a different attorney at his firm is representing a client against Josiah in a different case - correct

A lawyer may participate in a limited legal services program sponsored by a court or nonprofit organization. The rules of professional conduct apply in this situation, except that the conflicts of interest rules are relaxed somewhat. Aidan will be subject to discipline for violating his duties of competence (for giving Cassidy incompetent advice) and confidentiality (for disclosing information about Noah’s case to the neighbor).

A lawyer who participates in a quick-advice program ordinarily has no time to conduct an ordinary conflict of interest check, so the general rules for current-client conflicts and former-client conflicts don’t apply unless the lawyer actually knows that giving the quick advice creates a conflict of interest. Aidan knew he had a conflict when he gave advice to Josiah, so he’ll be subject to discipline (recall that even though Aidan’s partner was representing the client against Josiah, that conflict was imputed to Aidan).

However, Aidan will not be subject to discipline for giving advice to Logan because he didn’t realize there was a conflict. (But note that if Aidan’s relationship with Logan continued past the quick-advice stage, the conflicts rules would apply to that further service.)