Dural Sinuses Flashcards
At the point of crossing
Trochlear Nerve
In font of the crossing point
Oculomotor Nerve
Anterior clinoid process
Free margin
Posterior clinoid process
Attached margin
Occipital sinus
Falx cerebelli
Attached to the anterior and posterior clinoid processes
Diaphragma sellae
Attached to the internal occipital crest and inferior surface of tentorium cerebelli
Falx cerebelli
It ends by passing through the posterior compartment of the jugular foramen to continue as the internal jugular vein.
Sigmoid sinus
The right sinus is usually bigger than the left, because?
it is usually the continuation of the superior sagittal sinus.
It may open into a dilatation called confluence of sinuses at the internal occipital protuberance.
Superior sagittal sinus
They form with the cavernous sinuses a venous circle (circular sinus) around the hypophysis cerebri.
Intercavernous sinuses
It is the smallest of the cranial sinuses.
Occipital sinus
It is situated in the attached margin of the falx cerebelli.
Occipital sinus
- It is usually single, but occasionally there are two, right and left sinuses. They arise from the right and left transverse sinuses. They fuse together to form a single sinus which ends into the sigmoid sinus in each side. It communicates around the margin of the foramen magnum by several small meningeal veins.
Occipital sinus
Occipital artery
External carotid artery
Supratrochlear and supraorbital
Internal carotid artery
Superifical temporal
External carotid artery
Posterior auricular
External carotid artery
Angular artery
Facial artery
It has a lower border which is concave and free
Falx cerebri
It forms the tentorial notch around the midbrain
Free margin of tentorium cerebelli
It runs along the posterior half or two thirds of the free margin of falx cerebri
Inferior sagittal sinus