Dumas APWH Unit 8 Flashcards
Cold War
Rivalry that doesn’t use military confronting, but the powers used propaganda campaigns, secret affairs and arms races.
Non-Aligned Movement
A pact of nations that aren’t associated with any of the big alliances (United Nations, Warsaw Pact, etc.)
Kwame Nkrumah
One of the independence leaders for Ghana from Great Britain in 1957, and advocated for tribal unity for all Africans.
Proxy Wars
Wars in which armies in smaller countries are just stand-ins for bigger superpowers, (Like the Korean War, where the United States and Soviet Union split Korea into two regions for war).
Communist Revolution in China
The systems of Communism and Nationalism began conflicting which other, and Communism began to win because of the way they opened the door for peasants, had a low-tolerance for cruelty from soldiers. Eventually in 1949, Communism came to China and they started developing five year plans.
Great Leap Forward
Land reforms in China where peasant lands were taken over for agricultural purposes for the state had control of the produce.
Communist Revolution for Vietnamese Independence
Vietnam had vowed freedom from Japanese and French Control, so in response Vietnamese Communists won over the population and declared control by redistributing land to peasants.
Countries began to demand independence from colonizing countries through challenging colonial rule, revolting, and political negotiations.
Indian National Congress
A group united in the 19th century by the common desire to eliminated colonial British rule over the Indian land (Led by Mohandas Gandhi).
Muslim League
Founded in 1906, a group united in contrast to the Indian National Congress in that they want a SEPERATE Indian Muslim Nation.
Partition of India
A dividation of Colonial India where there were two regions divided for religious reasons: Muslim India and Muslim Pakistan.
Creation of Israel
In the aftermath of WWII, many European Jews had been spread out and displaced because they fled their country, so they had been giving land near the Mediterranean called Israel.
A large city of a former colonial ruler.
Mohandas Gandhi
Indian independence leader who advocated for a free Indian population and unity among Indians in regards to religion.
Martin Luther King Jr.
Civil rights activist for African Americans in the 1950-1960s who encouraged many resistance tactics to achieve the goal of equality of race (speeches, protests, etc).
Nelson Mandela
Due to apartheid, a physical racial segregation, Nelson Mandela in the 20th century advocated for black resistance against this unfair treatment through non-violent protests.
Francisco Franco
Spanish dictator in the mid 1900s who had overthrown another elected government, and was very anti-communism.
Shining Path
The Shining Path, led by Abimael Guzman, was a series of violent events such as bombings and assassinations in order to overthrow the existing government.
Soviet-Afghan War
Soviets had invaded Afghanistan in order to help the country’s communist government against Muslim fighters.