Ductile Deformation Flashcards
is the bending or warping of rock strata caused by a compressive stress.
A double flexture connecting strata at one level with the same strata at another level
An arch shaped fold
A trough shaped fold
the two sides or legs of the fold
the direction of an imaginary line connecting the point of maximum flexture of the fold
an imaginary plane containing all the fold axes within a deformed layer of rock layers
Axial plane
The angle of most folds are inclined. The angle of dip of its axis is the ____.
Anticlines and synclines are_______ if tehir limbs have equal dips.
symmetrical folds
if one limb is steeper than the other the fold is _____.
assymetrical folds
An assymetrical fold in which one limb has been tilted beyond the vertical
Overturned fold
A fold in which the axial plane has been overturned
Recumbent fold
fold in which the beds on both limbs are nearly parallel, wether upright, overtuned or recumbent
Isoclinal fold
Sed rocks covering the interior have been mildly warped into…
_____ circular or elliptal structural or topographic highs in which bed dips away to all directions, when eroded , the oldest rocks are exposed at the center
circular or elliptal structural or topographic lows or downwarps in whic bed dips toward the center; when eroded, the youngest rocks are exposed to the center