DT10 Nutrion Flashcards
Deine Nutriotion
Sciecnce that studies food and how it affects our bodies and overall health
explain how nutrients are consumed absorbed and stored.
List 3 indications of healthy eating.
Healthy hair and skin, reduced susceptibility to disease, healthy cholesterol levels.
Protein, fat , carbohydrates , vitamins, minerals , water
. List 3 indications of poor nutrition.
Lack of energy, inadequate diet, lack of physical activity
. List 3 barriers to healthy eating.
Cost of healthy eating, lack of time to prepare food, stress low motivation to eat well.
List the 4 Canada Guidelines for healthy eating
Have plenty of vegetables and fruit
,eat protein foods,
choose whole grain foods,
make water drink choice.
. What drink is recommended by the Canada Guidelines?
What do the Canada Guidelines state about the consumption of highly processed foods?
Consumption of highly processed food should be limited.
Explain what is meant by “Healthy eating is more than the foods you eat”
Being mindful of eating habits, cook more often, enjoy your food, eat meals with others
Nutrients are___ which are required for____ body functions.
oraganic substances
regulating body functions.
The 6 essential nutrients are:
Protein, fat , carbohydrates , vitamins, minerals , water
. What are the 4 macronutrient
Which does the body need more of?
and the 2 micronutrients? Which does the body need more of?
1. Protein 2. Fat 3. Carbohydrates 4. Water
Macro (body neds more of)
role of Proteins
Promote growth, maintenance, and repair of body tissues
role of fat
- Used for energy, and help the body to absorb vitamins
role of carbohydrates
E. - Main source of energy for body (Easily absorbed and converted to energy)
role of vitmains and minerals
A. - the 2 “micronutrients” required in small amounts, essential for cellular growth and help with disease prevention. They work together to perform hundreds of roles in the body
Role of water in nutriotion
B. - Helps the body remove waste, prevents dehydration, lubricates, and protects body tissues
What is the purpose of nutrition labels?
Help make healthier and informed choices when selecting food
. What are the 3 things that nutrition labels include?
Nutrition Facts table, ingredient list, Optional nutrition claims
What information is in the “Nutrition Facts table?”
Information on core nutrients, calories, % on daily value
When using the nutrition facts table to compare foods, what are the 3 things you need to do?
Look at serving size, % daily value (dv) , compare products for best option
What is %DV and what is considered very little? What is considered a lot?
5% or less is low, 20% is hig
cavity casueing e.g dried fruit
sticks to teeth
non cariogetic
fruits-high in water content
Fermentable carbs
sugar or cooked starches cause oral bacteria
-> produce acid-> Demineralization
how long it satys in mouth
More retetive:dried fruit
Less retentive: juice
how often consumed
frequent snacking likely to develop caries
can be controlled
Stimulation of saliva
speeds food clearance
systemic fluoride
helps reminalize
Caries process
Bacteria+ fermentable carbs= acid (deminerlize)
Acid+ sucaptible tooth= cavity/decay
Role of Drc
set good example
act proffesional
well informed and educated