DSM - V Disorders (Mental Health) Flashcards
What are the 3 Domains of Intellectual Disability/Intellectual Developmental Disorders?
(Previously called mental retardation)
In order to properly diagnose, assessment of BOTH cognitive capacity (IQ) and adaptive functioning is needed
Adaptive functioning deficits include 3 domains:
1) conceptual (learning)
2) Social
3) Practical (personal care)
SPECIFY SEVERITY: mild, moderate, severe, or profound
SEVERITY is based on adaptive functioning, not on IQ
What is Autism Spectrum Disorder? (ASD)
(Combination of autism/Asperger’s from DSM 4)
What are the 2 core domains?
What are the 3 severity levels?
Must be present since early childhood
1) Deficits in social communication and social interaction
- Failure to hold convo, reduced sharing of interest, failure to initiate social interactions, lack of eye contact/facial expressions, maintaining and understanding relationships, absence of interest in peers
2) Restrictive repetitive patterns of behaviors, interest or activities
- Motor Stereotypes, lining up toys, inflexible routines, distress at small changes, strong attachment, hyper/hypo reactivity such as smelling or touching objects every day
1) Level 1 (requiring support)
2) Level 2 (requring substantial support)
3) Level 3 (requiring very substantial support)
This is based on the amount of support needed due to ASD challenges
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Who does it apply to?
Criteria includes various age groups
1) Inattentive Symptoms - Failure to pay attention or misses details related to school, work, activities. Difficulty sustaining attention in tasks. Difficulty staying organized. Forgetful.
2) Hyperactivity symptoms - fidgets, taps hands, squirms in seat. Leaves classroom or workplace. Often runs or climbs in situations where inappropriate. Talks excessively. Difficulty waiting his/her turn.
What is Schizophrenia?
How long does the disturbance need to last?
How many symptoms are always needed to diagnose/ how many total symptoms are there?
(Schizophrenia Spectrum)
Disturbance persists for AT LEAST 6 MONTHS or greater
TWO symptoms are always needed
1) Hallucinations
2) Disorganized thinking (speech)
3) Disorganized or catatonic behavior (muscular rigidity)
4) Mental Stupor (NO psychomotor activity)
5) Not speaking
6) Echolalia (repeating another’s words)
7) Echopraxia (repeating another’s movements)
What is Schizophreniform?
How long does the duration need to be? (Minimum/Maximum)
(Schizophrenia Spectrum)
Same symptoms as Schizophrenia but is AT LEAST 1 MONTH and LESS THAN 6 MONTHS
Triggered by turmoil or high stress in several areas of daily functioning
What is Schizoaffective Disorder?
Schizophrenia Spectrum
Same symptoms as Schizophrenia WITH any of the following:
1) Major Depression
2) Mania
3) Mixed Episode
What is a Brief Psychotic Disorder?
How long does the duration need to be? (Minimum/Maximum)
(Schizophrenia Spectrum)
Same symptoms as schizophrenia.
What is a Delusional Disorder?
What are the 4 Types of Delusional Disorders?
How long does the duration need to be? (Minimum/Maximum)
The presence of 1 OR MORE Delusions for 1 MONTH OR GREATER
Irrational Beliefs.
1) Persecutory - Being maliciously treated
2) Grandiose - false belief that one is a genius. Has special powers (delusion of grandeur)
What is Bipolar 1?
How many episodes necessary for diagnosis?
** Manic depression - 1 OR MORE manic episodes**
- Abnormally elevated, irritable mood
- Pressured speech
- Excessive pleasurable/high-risk activity
- Cycling between mania and depression
What is Hypomania?
Less manic episode
What is Bipolar 2?
How many episodes necessary for diagnosis?
** Major Depressive episodes with AT LEAST 1 HYPOMANIC EPISODE**
Hypomanic –> Less manic
What is Cyclothymic Disorder?
- Chronic/Fluctuating mood with MANY Hypomanic episodes
- Mild Depressive Symptoms
What is Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder?
Up to what age can it be diagnosed?
(Depressive Disorders)
Can be diagnosed up to the age of 18
- Persistent irritability and anger
- Frequent SEVERE temper outbursts (3 or more times a week and occurs in at least 2/3 settings)
What is Major Depressive Disorder?
How long do symptoms need to last?
Feelings of:
1) Feeling sad, empty, worthlessness
2) Significant weight loss/grain
3) Insomnia/excessive sleep, loss of interest
4) Thoughts of suicide Duration of symptoms 2 WEEKS OR MORE
What is Persistent Depressive Disorder?
How long do symptoms need to last?
(Dysthymia) Chronic Depression
- Symptoms are LESS SEVERE than Major Depression but last longer
2 Years or More
What is Separation Anxiety?
How long must symptoms be present in children/adults?
-Persistent and EXCESSIVE distress when SEPARATED from HOME or ATTACHMENT FIGURES
Children Criteria: Clinging, school refusal, sleep refusal (unless that person is nearby)
Children & Adolescents - At least 4 weeks
Adults - at least 6 months
Could be any significant relationships; siblings, spouse, adult child.
Persistent worry about major attachment figures
What is Agoraphobia?
anxiety disorder
Fear of being in public spaces, enclosed spaces, standing in a crowd, outside of the home
What is a Panic Disorder?
anxiety disorder
- *Brief/recurrent intense Fear**
- Panic Attacks
Treatment- Relaxation Techniques
What is Generalized Anxiety Disorder? (GAD)
How long must symptoms last?
-Sweating, nausea, agitation, headache, stomachache
Symptoms must last 6 MONTHS OR GREATER
What is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder?
Intrusive RECURRENT thoughts or COMPULSIVE behaviors
Ex: Hand washing, ordering, mental (counting, repeating words), time-consuming tasks
What is Trichotillomania?
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Compulsive urge to pull out one’s own hair leading to noticeable hair loss
What is Reactive Attachment?
Trauma & Stress-Related Disorder
Lack of attachment to caregiver
Ex: Foster Children
What is PTSD?
How long do you need to have symptoms and when do they typically start?
- Symptoms must last 1 or more months
- Symptoms start within 3 months of incident
What is Acute Stress Disorder?
When does it occur?
Occurs within 1 months of experiencing a trauma
- Severe anxiety
- Dissociative symptoms
May include directly experiencing, witnessing or learning about an event
What is Adjustment Disorders?
Trauma & Stress-Related Disorder
Emotional or behavioral symptoms responding to a SUDDEN stressor
Occurs within 3 MONTHS of stressors
Specify: With depressed mood with anxiety, mixed anxiety and depressed mood
What is Illness Anxiety Disorder?
Somatic Disorder
Preoccupation with having or acquiring a serious illness.
Repeatedly checks for signs of illness
No physical symptoms required.
Specify: whether client seeks medical attention or avoids doctors
What is Somatic Symptom Disorder?
1 or more somatic symptoms that cause distress and disrupt daily activities
Persistent thoughts, feelings and behaviors in relation to somatic complaints
Specify: Mild, Moderate, Severe
What is Conversion Disorder?
Physical pain/symptoms with no medical cause due to Stress/Emotional CONFLICTS
Alters motor or sensory functions
Symptoms: Numbness, paralysis loss of sensation
What is Factitious Disorder Imposed on Another?
previously by proxy
Abuse of another/falsification of physical/psychological symptoms in another (Typically a child) in order to seek attention or sympathy for the abuser
What is Malingering?
An Illness for personal gain or purpose (condition associated with factitious disorder)
EX: Faking an injury to collect disability payment
What is Oppositional Defiance Disorder? (ODD)
What are the 3 types?
What is Conduct Disorder?
1) Angry/irritable mood - loses temper, easily annoyed
2) Argumentative/Defiant behavior: Argues with adults/authority figures, does not follow rules, blames others
3) Vindictiveness: Spiteful or vindictive AT LEAST TWICE WITHIN THE PAST 6 MONTHS
Conduct Disorder - SERIOUS VIOLATIONS. Violates others rights, bullies, shoplifts, TRUANCY
Korsakoff’s Syndrome
Short-term memory loss and other cognitive related symptoms associated with chronic alcohol use
What is Delerium?
How long does it take to develop?
(Neurocognitive Disorder)
Disturbance in attention/awareness/consciousness, disorientation
Develops over a SHORT PERIOD OF TIME (hours/days)
Medical or Substance-induced (Dehydration, Head Trauma, Malnutrition)
What are Major Neurocognitive Disorders?
Specify: Alzheimer’s, TBI, HIV, Parkinsons, or medical condition
Significant decline from a previous level in cognitive domains
- Complex attention (difficulty with multiple stimuli)
- Executive functioning (difficulty multitasking)
- Learning and memory (require frequent reminder)
- Language (recalling names)
- Perceptual-motor (difficulty driving, walking at night)
- Social Cognition (identifying emotions)
What are Mild Neurocognitive Disorders?
Specify: Alzheimer’s, TBI, HIV, Parkinsons, or medical condition
Early cognitive decline from a previous level in cognitive domains:
- Complex attention (errors in routine tasks)
- Executive functioning (difficulty multitasking)
- Learning and memory (difficulty recalling events)
- Language (word-finding difficulty)
- Perceptual - Motor skills (rely on others for directions)
- Social Cognition (decrease in recognizing social
How long do you need to have symptoms for the following:
Brief Psychotic Disorder
Schizophrenia - 6 months or greater
Schizophreniform - less than 6 months
Schizoaffective - involves mood episodes
Brief Psychotic Disorder - less than 1 month
What is hoarding disorder?
- Difficulty discarding or parting with possessions, regardless of their actual value
- Living in an overly congested and cluttered life surrounded by an accumulation of possessions