DSM Diagnosis Flashcards
0-5 y/o onset
- deficiency in communication and social interaction (infant not making eye contact with CG, not accepting toy, or having back/forth play) older child (3-4) no companion play, not playing with peers, limited in play
- stereotype repetitive behaviors (speech - says thing over and over again, hand flapping),
- difficulties with transitions, fixated on certain interests, hyper or hypo sensitivity to sensory input
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Impaired social communication only (no stereotype repetitive bx)
Social (Pragmatic) Communication Disorder
Difficulty learning basic academic skills, different than way most people learn (e.g. processing disorder, dyslexia) - rule out learning dx before ADHD
Specific Learning Disorder
- Sxs need to be present prior to 12 y/o in two settings (school and home)
- Attention issues and hyperactivity - looking for those who can’t sustain attention, bx issues (talking out of turn, difficulty organizing, and staying on task) - fidgeting, hard time sitting still
- Adults can be diagnosed with ADHD (learn how to compensate growing up)
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Compulsive eating disorder in which people eat nonfood items
Repeated regurgitation of food (reflux disorder) - not related to any other disorder
Rumination Disorder
- Onset from 0-5 y/o
- Children have hard time building vocabulary
- Delayed with learning words, will use simple sentences, hard time with anything longer than 5 word sentences, limited sentence structure
Language Disorder
- Onset from 0-5 y/o
2. Stuttering, broken word, pause between multi-syllable words
Child Onset Fluency Disorder
When someone has both motor/vocal tics
Tourette’s Disorder
Only one either motor or vocal tic
Persistent Motor/Vocal Tic Disorder
Pattern of soiling pants when older than 4 y/o
5 y/o or older - Urination in bed or clothes intentional or unintentional (pattern overtime, more than 1x)
Anxiety specific to separating from significant attachment figures - can be diagnosed in adulthood (dx after 6 mos), with kids (dx present after 4 weeks)
Separation Anxiety Disorder
Worrying about variety of things (across multiple domains), physical sxs (tension, trouble sleeping, etc), sxs have to be present for 6 mos for diagnosis
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Fails to speak in particular situation (ex. usually seen with kids a school, but fine at home)
Selective Mutism
Similar to separation anxiety, anxiety associated with particular context - social situations, concerns about being observed, judged - stick with people they’re comfortable with
Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia)
- See at early age (9mo-5 y/o)
- Result of persistent neglect/abuse, or multiple caregivers
- Sometimes called failure to thrive, child withdrawn/don’t seek comfort or respond to comfort, limited positive affect, sit in corner/don’t look for attention, fall under radar because they don’t act out
Reactive Attachment Disorder
- See at early age (9mo-5 y/o)
- Result of persistent neglect/abuse, or multiple caregivers
- Overly comfortable with strangers, more “out there,” attach over-easily, no boundaries.
Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder
Defiant, problems with authority, argumentative, don’t want to follow rules
Oppositional Defiant Disorder
Violation of rights of others, law breaking activity, people who start fights, destroy property, lack of remorse - feed into antisocial personality as adult
Conduct Disorder
- Usually diagnosed between 6-10 y/o and up to 17 y/o
- Chronically irritable/moody, temper tantrums (at least 3x/wk), negative mood even without outbursts (used to call bipolar in children)
Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder
- Sxs up to 1 month
- Sxs include: delusions (belief that is false, bizarre/non-bizarre), hallucinations (visual, auditory, tactile), disorganized speech, disorganized bxs (gestures that don’t make sense, reactions to hallucinations), negative sxs (flat affect, don’t respond to discussion, lost in own world)
Brief Psychotic Disorder
- Sxs from 1-6 months
- Sxs include: delusions (belief that is false, bizarre/non-bizarre), hallucinations (visual, auditory, tactile), disorganized speech, disorganized bxs (gestures that don’t make sense, reactions to hallucinations), negative sxs (flat affect, don’t respond to discussion, lost in own world)
Schizophreniform Disorder
- Sxs for 6 months or longer
- Sxs include: delusions (belief that is false, bizarre/non-bizarre), hallucinations (visual, auditory, tactile), disorganized speech, disorganized bxs (gestures that don’t make sense, reactions to hallucinations), negative sxs (flat affect, don’t respond to discussion, lost in own world)
- Sxs need to be present for at least 2 weeks
- Sxs include: depressed mood, anhedonia (lack of interest in things), lack of motivation, changes in bio-functioning (sleeping issues, appetite), SI
Major Depressive Disorder
Does’t meet full criteria for MDD, person reporting functioning but some mild disturbances in mood/biological functioning
Unspecified Depressive Disorder
- Depressed mood for at least 2 years in adults and 1 year in child
- Depressed mood not as intense as in MDD, more so chronically mildly depressed
Persistent Depressive Disorder
- Need manic phase present (elevated mood that leads to significant impairments for at least 1 week)
- Sxs include: irritability, elation/euphoria, higher risk activities, lack of need for sleep, excessive energy
- Often people in denial they’re in manic phase, usually followed by depressive episode (but don’t need depressive episodes for dx bipolar I)
Bipolar I Disorder
- Need hypomanic phase (only needs to last 4 days) and major depressive episode
- Hypomania usually doesn’t cause significant impairments in relationships compared to manic episode
Bipolar II Disorder
- Sxs need to be present for at least 2 years
2. Hypomanic state alternating with low level depressive episode (mood disturbances go up and down)
Cyclothymic Disorder
Psychotic features present all of the time + mood disorder comes in/out (core of disorder is psychosis)
Schizoaffective Disorder
Core of disorder is mood disorder, psychotic features come in/out
Bipolar w/ Psychotic Features
Core of disorder is mood disorder, psychotic features come in/out
Major Depression w/ Psychotic Features
- Only diagnosed after losing someone significant
- Grief/loss, responding to death/loss, sadness, anger, depression
- Depression can be diagnosed with bereavement if loss influences biological functioning issues (sleep/appetite), feelings of worthless/guilt/self-blame, SI and self-harm
- Sxs have to be present within 3 months of stressor and not last longer than 6 months (if sxs present longer than 6 months look for other dx)
- Dx is in reaction to something in environment (looking for recent life stressor)
- Not diagnosed with bereavement
Adjustment Disorder w/ Depressed Mood
Recurrent, unexpected panic attack and fear of them happening again, feels like you’re dying/going crazy, room spinning, disconnected from reality, shape life around avoiding situations that may trigger panic
Panic Disorder
- Fear of going out in public in at least 2 different situations (crowds, transportation, etc.)
- Fear is excessive and impacts functioning
Both obsessive thoughts and compulsive bxs, intrusive thoughts that involve bxs used to soothe
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
- Diagnosis after 1 month after incident, life threatening incident or witness to life threatening incident
- Four categories of sxs (intrusive memories/flashbacks/nightmares, negative mood, avoidance bxs, arousal - hypervigilance/easily agitated/startle response, negative beliefs of self/others/world)
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Sxs present within 1 month of incident
2. Same sxs of PTSD just shorter timeline, life threatening incident or witness to life threatening incident
Acute Stress Disorder
- Sxs have to be present within 3 months of stressor and not last longer than 6 months
- Sxs of anxiety linked to event but event was not life threatening (e.g. moving, job loss, etc.) not going to have flashbacks/nightmares, hypervigilance, time-limited
Adjustment Disorder w/ Anxiety
If sxs are less than 6 months or severity of sxs are not as significant to meet full criteria for specific anxiety disorder
Unspecified Anxiety Disorder
- Comes on quickly, marked shift in awareness process, seen in hospital settings, usually associated with medical problem, memory impairment, executive functioning impairments
- Usually last few hours to 1 day
Issues with cognition, memory, executive functioning, perceptual motor skills, requires accommodation, loses ability to care for self independently
Major Neurocognitive Disorder (Dementia)
- Precursor to major neurocognitive disorder
- Noticeable decline in functioning, still able to maintain independence (can pay bills, make appointments, etc)
- People around them may notice person become more forgetful
Mild Neurocognitive Disorder (Dementia)
- Somatic issue present (illness) + health related anxiety, devotes lots of time/energy to sxs
- Needs to be present for 6 months for dx
Somatic Symptom Disorder
- Intense fear around having illness/disease, limited somatic sxs present, anxiety persists even when cleared by MD, hypochondriac
- Needs to be present for 6 months for dx
Illness Anxiety Disorder
Psychological issue converts into somatic one (e.g. “blind rage” someone gets so angry they go temporarily blind OR paralyzed by trauma - limb goes numb/paralyzed)
Conversion Disorder
Wants attention that comes from being sick
Factitious Disorder (Munchausen Syndrome)
Faking an illness in order to get out of something (e.g. claim mental illness to get disability, for gain, or some kind of avoidance)
Other person makes someone sick for attention
Factitious Disorder by Proxy (Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy)
Restricts diet to point it does not meet physical needs, intense fear of gaining weight, distorted body image (always coordinate with MD)
Anorexia Nervosa
- Binge eating and purging
2. Sense of out of control, autopilot putting food into body
Bulimia Nervosa
Only engages in binge eating, no purging, usual feelings of disgust/shame
Binge Eating Disorder
Does not meet criteria of AN, Bulimia (e.g. purging w/o binging, normal body weight with other ED bxs)
Unspecified Eating Disorder
Distinct displeasure with body part (not about weight)
Body Dysmorphic Disorder
Feeling outside of body, world feels surreal
Depersonalization/Derealization Disorder
Sudden forgetting of personal information, occurs during shock or times of intense stress (war, natural disaster, etc)
Dissociative Amnesia
2 or more distinct personality states, can’t remember the other state when in different state, result of extreme trauma
Dissociative Identity Disorder
Pain during intercourse or fear of pain during intercourse, great displeasure of thought of having sex
Genito-Pelvic Pain/Penetration Disorder
Lack of sexual interest/arousal, no sexual thoughts or fantasy, temporary state or pattern over lifetime
Female Sexual Interest/Arousal Disorder
- Difficulty sleeping at least 3 nights/week for 3 months
2. Difficulties falling asleep and staying asleep, need to rule out mania, MDD, and anxiety
Insomnia Disorder
Excessive sleepiness, difficulty being fully awake, sleeping excessively, rule out MDD and substance use
Hypersomnia Disorder
Wakes up with nightmare, quickly oriented/realize had nightmare, can recall content of nightmare
Nightmare Disorder
- Recurrent episode of incomplete waking
- Can’t remember nightmare/waking up
- Don’t fully wake up can engage in sleep walking
Non-Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Disorder
Stop breathing during sleep for up to 1 min, prevents REM sleep, fatigue
Sleep Apnea
Sudden attack of sleep, sudden loss of muscle tone, some possible hallucinations during in/out of sleep, reports fatigue during day
- Problems with controlling aggressive impulses, destructive, verbal outburst disproportionate to situation
- Can’t be explained by other dx (e.g. personality disorder, ODD, substance use)
Intermittent Explosive Disorder
Compulsive stealing for unnecessary purpose (don’t need what they’re stealing), do it for the rush
- Compulsion to pull out hair (eyebrows, eyelash, hair, arm hair)
- Often abuse/trauma reaction, self-inflicted punishment at times
Mild to severe depending on sxs present, failure to perform major obligations, impact social relationships, previous attempts to stop usage
Substance Use Disorder
When someone experiences ONLY delusions (bizarre/non-bizarre) no other sxs associated with schizophrenia
Delusional Disorder
- Thoughts, impulses, and behaviors that are felt to be repugnant, distressing, unacceptable or inconsistent with one’s self-concept.
- Person is aware of disorder and does not like/fit in with sense of self (e.g. depression/anxiety)
Ego Dystonic
Compatible with the ego or conscious view of self - bxs not problems to person (personality disorders)
Ego Syntonic