Developmental Stages Flashcards
Birth-1 y/o
Interaction with world through mouth - derives pleasure through oral stimulation
Oral Stage
1-3 y/o - focus on controlling bladder/bowel. Too much pressure can result in excessive need for order later in life - too little pressure can lead to messy bx later in life
Anal Stage
3-6 y/o - energy focused on genitals - become aware of gender identity
Phallic Stage
6 - Puberty - sexual feeling dormant. Children develop social skills, values, and relationships outside of family
Latent Stage
Puberty-Adult - people develop sexual interests in others. If development has been successful, person becomes well-balanced
Genital Stage
Assimilation (Piaget Development Theory)
Incorporation or new information into existing schemas
Accommodation (Piaget Developmental Theory)
Modification of existing schemas
Sensorimotor Stage (Piaget)
Birth-2 y/o
- object permanence
- causality
- symbolic thought (using language to think about actions before doing them)
Pre-operational Stage (Piaget)
2-7 y/o
- symbolic function (child learns through mental images, language, other symbols that represent objects no present)
- symbolic play and problem solving
Concrete Operational Stage (Piaget)
7-11 y/o
- kids capable of performing mental operations using logic and abstract thinking
- more mature problem solving
Formal Operational Stage (Piaget)
11+ y/o
- able to think abstractly, hypothetically, and realistically
- increase in “thinking about thinking”
0-18 mos
- task to achieve balance between trust/mistrust
- failure to master task = pervasive mistrust of others OR dependency
Trust vs. Mistrust (Erikson)
18 mo - 3 y/o
- task to achieve sense of independence over own body in relation to primary caregivers (helps gain confidence)
- failure if over-controlled leads to limited autonomy (child will likely feel doubtful of abilities and experience shame)
Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt (Erikson)
3-6 y/o
- task to set goals and carry out plans w/o infringing on rights of others
- failure leads to guilt and challenges in making plans/setting goals in future
Initiative vs. Guilt (Erikson)
6-12 y/o
- task to develop sense of competence by starting school and learning to do things on own
- peer groups get more important
- failure leads to doubting own abilities
Industry vs. Inferiority (Erikson)
12-18 y/o
- tasks to learn the roles they’ll occupy as adult and developing sense of personal identity
- failure leads to weak sense of self
Identity vs. Role Confusion (Erikson)
18-40 y/o
- task to form intimate relationships with sense of commitment and care
- failure leads ot isolation, loneliness, and feeling of exclusion
Intimacy vs. Isolation (Erikson)
40-65 y/o
- task to participate in activities that give sense of purpose (e.g. career, children)
- failure leads to little connection with others, sense of uselessness, and rejection
Generatively vs. Stagnation (Erikson)
- task to look back on life and feel sense of fulfillment and accomplishment
- failure can lead to depression and hopelessness
Ego Integrity vs. Despair (Erikson)
Autistic Stage (Mahler)
newborn - 1 mo
- focused on self
- unresponsive to external stimuli
Symbolic Stage (Mahler)
1-5 mos
- begins to perceive the “need-satisfying” object
- mother as separate being
Separation-Individuation Stage (Mahler)
5-24 mos
- differentiation (5-9 mos) ex. crawling
- practicing (9-14 mos) ex. walking/playing
- rapporachment (12-24 mos) ex. wants to act independently
- object constancy (after 24 mos) ex. object permanence