drugs/cosmetics Flashcards
Describe drugs and domestics
Line between not as satirgtforward
Describe minoxidil
For baldness
Group of pharmaceuticals
Describe fluoride in toothpaste
Anticavity fluoride
Cavity prevention
Fluoride = drug
Describe what makes ppl vulnerable
Most ppl
Says they are middle attractive = means that they are vulnerable tto something that would make them look better
Vulnearable to advertisements
Describe skin
Largest organs
Some drugs can help
Complex, innervation and blood supply
Muscles to move hair
Describe epidermis
Outermost layer of skin
No vasculatre
Hair above epidermis does not contain living cells anymore
Describe dermis
Contains bv, hair follicles, various sweat glands and sebaceous glands
Muscle that pulls on hair follicles - sebaceous gland near here
Diff levels of pigment eumelanin and pheomelanin - relative proportion makes skin colour
Describe sunburn
Melanocytes increase production and insertion of melanin = risk of cancer
Injury to skin, tanning is bad
Melanocyte = at base, expands projections to a variety of keratinocytes and insert melanin pigment
Tanning triggers hyperactivity of melancocytes
Overall colours of skin changes if injured - exposed to us light
Describe tanning
Reflect sunlight onto skin in order to activate tanning response and develop colour
What happens in tattoo
Pigment injected into skin dermis
Pigment taken up by dermal macrophages = phagocytose foreign particles
Macrophage gets older then dies then creates pigment then pigment taken back up by another macrophage = pigment sticks around
Some pigment lost in turnover - dispersed over more macrophages = tattoos become fuzzy
What in skin
Sense organs
Heat, pain, touch, pressure
Describe what skin structure does
Adapts to location
Skin of feet/hands or anywhere
Diff types of sensory receptors, sweat glands and stuff
Thinnest layer = behind ear - good for patches for motion sickness
Thickest = bottom of feet
What about skin varies with age
Thickness and relative surface area
Describe photosensitivity
Antibiotics, diuretics, antipsychotics, nsaids, many plants, herbal mixtures
Short amount of time in sun but burned badly, skin can react to compounds
What happens when sunburn - warning
5 sunbirds double the risk of skin cancer = v bad
Important fo children
Tanning = reaction to injury
Describe sun
Light = UVA, UBV
—penetrate to diff depths in skin=need to be protected against both
Need protection on both suny and cloudy days
Up to 80% of sun’s rays get through light cloud, mist and fog =
What happens when out at water
Sun can be reflected off water and increase risk of severe burning
Why tanning beds bad
Melanoma risks = increase by 59%
Tanning beds are carcinogenic = very bad, dangerous
Describe photoaging
Sun damage
Describe basal cell carcinoma
Bad cancer
Won’t kill you tho
What is spf
Sun protective factor
= measure of efficacy, indication of how long can stay in sun
Out for long time = use spf 25-30
Buy broad spectrum spf 15-30 waterproof if swimming
When do you need sunreen
All the time
Even when snow = snow reflects up to 85% of uv radiation in winter
Children highly vulnerable
Describe acne
Increase sebum, keratin deposited and bacteria multiply = inflammation
Describe abnormal kertainocytes
Early stage = oxidized sebum
Trapped sebum
Bacteria proliferate and leukocytes = inflammation
What is comedo
ACNE = whitehead or blackhead
Describe blackhead
Localized to opening of follicle
Blackhead = open comedo
Bacteria growth, sebecaous sections
Describe whitehead
Swelling greater
Many wbcs
Is acne in animal models
Dcrescried throughout human history
No animal model - none can capture
Describe acne - def
Many cells = interleukins, cytokines, inflammatory mediators
Chronic inflammation of pilosebaceous unit
Pathogenesis complex, incompletely understood
Describe how to treat acne
Better understanding of pathogenesis - now have effective therapy, can grow in lab
Inhibit sebaceous gland = insoretinoin, hormonal ocs
Reduce bacteria= benzoyl peroxide, antibiotics, reduce inflammation, corticosteroids
Normalize follicular kertainization = topical retinoids, isoretinoin - inhibit excess keratins
Where can retinoids target acne
Comedo genesis
Sebum production
Antibacterial effects
Describe vitamin a
Generic term retinol, retinaldehyde, retinoic acid and related compounds - act as hormones and alter gene expression
Major role in cellular differentiation
All related to beta carotene
Describe new acne drugs
Many derivatives to treat disorder = acne
Play around with stature and more selective and better drugs
New frugs are more selective and less toxic
4th gen drugs
Describe retinoids receptor
Recpetors in nuclear hormone receptor fam
Rxr and rar form heterodimers and
Then regulate gene expression
Describe combinations of Rxr and rar
Many variants
Enter nucleus and bonds dna = induce gene activation and repression, can influence 500 genes
Alter = differentiation, proliferation and apoptosis and immune modulation
Drugs vary in affinity for subtypes of rar = tailor treatment bc some ppl are diff, some
better for dif ppl
Rxr and rar have alpha, beta, gamma subtypes
Cis retinoids binds Rxr and trans retinoids binds rar
Describe drugs for acne
Tretinoin rream - 1st gen
Adapalene - 4th gen
Describe issues with retinoic acid
Beware internet ads - can buy anything even if banned in Canada
Accurate - isotretinoin = standard drug
Teratogen at low doses, 1st month - before ppl knew about pregnancy
Malformations of pace, skull, palate, ears, jaw, kidney, heart
Psychological and intellectual impairment
Retinoic acid = actuate - for acne has affected thousands
Describe another effect of retinoids
Gastrointestinal disorders
=probably shouldn’t take if have ibs or if taking nsaids
Isoretinoin associated with inflammatory bowel diseases - including regional ileitis - in patents without prior history intestinal disorders
Also possible interaction with NSAIDs/ acetominophen = producing gi distress
Describe skin - beauty aids
1880 - cures
Skin creams advertsuzed to cure everything
Soap = good, helps keep us clean = reduce transmission of colds
Anti bacterial soap not effective - does not work in bacteria in pores
Describe moisturizers
Many things sold
Plentitdue L’Oréal = reduces signs of aging
Describe creams - how made
Combine all 3 = rub on skin
Mixture of 3 things determines feel, texture of cream
= combo of power, grease (ointments, oils), and liquid (lotions, wet soaks, compress)
Anything pharmacologically active = added on here
Describe st ives
Clever, healthy woman good skin
Advertszied as woman is a nurse - so trust more since know what talking about
Trust the Swiss
Re d cross symbols
St Ives = appeals to religion bc Saint
Present in skin = says has colllgen and elastin
Signed by physician = endorsed
Plant put here so think plant based
Describe other ex of products that make dramatic claims
Clearings - body lift
La prairie = extract of skin caviar firming complex
Estée Lauder- thigh Zone, make fat though go away
Dior svelte - cellulite control complex = will not work
Are cosmeceuticals safe
St Ives is safe
But some contain many things = fragrances, surfactants, 1,4dioxane formaldehyde, paraformaldehyde, - pereservates
What is found in cosmeceuticals
Trace metals = Associated with issues, Depends on usage - frequency and timing
What are phthalates
Can cause preobelms
Perfumes, lotions, nail polish, hair care problems
Carcinogenic =
Reproductive issues
Endocrine disruption
Developmental toxicity
Lower sperm count
Describe parabens
No monitoring of these products
Can be carcinogenic, genotoxicity, immunotoxicity, reproductive dysfunction, metastasis and proliferation
Describe plant products
Worrying since plants full of chemicals
Created for the plant - not for human skin
Not magical plant remedies
Describe antiviral drugs
cold sore = herpes virus
Enters skin early in life
Describe herpes
Primary infection = enters skin, travels up and enters ganglia, when inside neurons = immmune systemic cannot get rid = protected
Recurrent infection = reactivation and comes back out and causes localized lesion - where nerve ending exists
Only smal lesion bc immune system prevents further spread
Know a lot about structure, how it works etc
Describe antiherpes drugs
Acyclovir, framciclovir, ganciclyvir = VIR
Ppl can feel it come on = should take meds immediately
Describe acyclovir meds
AcycloGTP inhibits dna pol so cannot reproduce
May also cause chain termination = no significant lesion
Viral thymidine kinase
Describe skin psoriasis
Psoriasis =
Problem with turnover of skin - outer layer of skin deepens
Increase turnover, increase thickness, increase flaking of skin,
Not serious, localized, mild
Itches, painful
Describe treatments for psoriasis
Started w/ photo therapy and topical agents
Recent = mabs against cytokines - which are involved in pathogenesis of psoriasis, block immunological and inflammatory reaction
Describe goood frug for psoriasis
Biologic agent = infliximab
Mabs, block tnf Alpha and interleukin = involved in immunological reaction that causes psoriasis
Immunosuppressive agents and retinoids, phototherapy, topic agents= work but not as well for severe cases
Describe hair- gen
Everyone uses shampoo, conditioner sprays, dyes
Important for body
Describe hair on body
Body has 5 million, 100k on head
No nerve endings on hair projecting into surface
At base much growth = high cell turnover, melanocytes - give pigment, subacoeus gland = lubricate, arrector pili muscle - contract = goosebump
Hair grows 6 inches per year
When can hair grow very long
Max usually = 3ft
Normally never see more
Abnormal gene = not limiting hair growth
What is structure of hair
Microfibrils made of protfibrils —> wound to make macrofibrils = packaged in cortex
Describe moisture of hair
Hair less curly if less moisture in hair
Water content of hair at aiff relative humidities
Heat dried hair retains a lower moisture content= tends to stay in shape for a while
Describe how hair grows
3 stages
When hair falls out or pulled out = stem cells replenish matrix, sebaceous gland, epidermis
Stem cell located in bulge then migrates down
Describe specific stages ahir grow
Growing = 2-6 years, 5 years to grow = anagen active growth phase
Transition = weeks, Cartagen transition phase, starts to retract
Resting = telogen resting phase, 5-6 weeks, base pulls upward and ahir falls out
Return to anagen = starts new cycle
When does beard growth peaks
In July
Do not know why = maybe sun protection
Growth varries by season
Scalp hair sheds in summer more
Describe hormones and hair growth
Hormones alter ahir growth = rate and thickness
Anagen hairs = inscreases after onset pregnancy
Hormonal changes result in retaining your hair = does fall out at normal growth phase stage
Postpartum = all extra ahir comes out = much ahir loss
Describe hair damage
Cuticle - base of hair = proximal
Distal = looks more stuffy,has been along for more time
Split end
Chlorine damage = very damaging if swim without swim cap
Describe types of cuticles of hair
Normal = lies flat, ordinary combing doesn’t ruffle cells on cuticle
Back combing or teasing = damages cell structure, goes against cuticle grain, lifting and tearing the cells
Curling irons = if used to hot or long = can cause blisters, hair melts
Beached and back combed = shaft seriously damaged, resulting in a dull look
What does ahir lacquer do
Hair spray - not permanent dmaage
Coats and thickens the Shaft
Dried coating links and stiffens ahir
Describe shampoos
Washes it out
No real dmaage up to 4-8msuqared
What can we change about ahir =
Shape colour thickness
What is hair mostly made of
Disulphide bond
Describe curly vs straight hair
To alter curl = chemically break and reform disulphide bonds
Put chemical on hair that breaks bond and warp on something then add 2nd chemical to reform disulphide bond
Wetting hair = makes h bonds come apart temporary
Describe hair colour
All melanins start with tyrosine - add enzymes and either get to pheomelanins or eumealnins
Tyrosine —> dopa —> dopaquinone —> eu or pheomelanin
Enzyme = tyrosinase
Describe white hairs
As age= ppl may stop making melanin = so no more putting in hair shaft = gray hair
Describe bleaching hair
Peroxide = bleach same way
And sun too
Eumelanine to Melanin peroxide intermediate
Excessive sun can also alter melanin structure and cause hair to bleach a bit, sunlight breaks melanin
How to dye hair
Some sticks to surface or some goes inside
Temporary = coat surface of hair
First = need to treat hair so can separate shells in surface layer to allow dye to diffuse through
Semi permanent = dye mostly on cuticle
Bleach = damaging, destruction of normal hair colour pigments and cuticle raised
permanent= chemically expand cuticle to allow dye to enter, Many chemicals
Dmaage surface cells and make them retract then put mixture of 2 smaller molecules that can get through to Center of hair fibrils and combine to make permanent due then try to rinse everything off and restore surface of hair with another substance to flatten cut curl DYE IN CORTEX, CUTICLE RIASED TO GET DYE IN
Describe hair loss
Normal = 50-100 hairs per day
Baldness = terminal hairs replaced by vellum = hair or nothing
Diff patterns
Male pattern baldness= m shape, forms horseshoe eventually
Hair loss in women = usually ahir just becomes thinner for women
describe ads for baldness
Then and now
Describe a way that will work to treat baldness
Transplant;anted plugs of hair from back of head = will work
Describe rogaine
First of comsmecuticals
Monoxidil = increase folllicular size, prolongs anagen - growth phase
Describe finsasteride
Blocks dihydrotestosterine production
Inhibits 5 alpha reductase
Baldness = have more enzyme or dihydrotestosterone = lose hair
TERTAOGEN for male fetus - not used in women and not advised for men
Dutasteride - suppressive ddt, another med
Name 2 products to repair damaged keratin
Broken s-s bond = makes hair look bad
Describe olaplex
Creates cross Lin between broken bonds
Makes ionic bond and inserts itself between 2 keratin molecules
Describe k18
Works well
Delinks broken keratin strands
10 diff peptides in it
18 as
What can drugs affect - for teeth
Can affect both sets, grows, while still have first set teeth
Describe tetracycline
Tooth discolouration
Usually given meds as kid
If exposed - in early fetal life or during first 8 years of life
Describe phenytoin
Anti seizure drugs = gingival hyperplasia
Excessive growth of gums
Describe meth mouth
Teeth become flat from repeated grinding and clenching
Advanced tooth decay
More common than Cocaine
Describe cocain jaw
Teeth = increase caries, tooth loss, periodontal disease
Describe toothpaste
Drug used twice daily
Prevents cavities
Describe interaction of floride with hydroxyapatite mineral lattice of teeth
Surface = hydroxyapatite, susceptible to cavities
When fluoride binds = fluorapatitie = makes much for resistant, promotes cavity resistance
Where is fluoride found
In fruits veggies
Describe floride in water
Compared placed where have low vs high amount floride in water
= less cavities the more floride
What does floride do
Narrows gap between rich and poor
Poor can’t pay for dental care
Reduced cavities in poor Holden
What does fluoride do to teeth
Sugars acidify saliva = demineraliztion = leads to decay
Floride incorporation = greater strength
More resistant to acidity of mouth,
Eating any suagr = makes saliva acidic
What are side effects of flroide
Amount of fluoride = keep in range were no/little side effects
Only side effects = white spots on teeth
Is Fluoride in Montreal water
Safe and beneficial = recommended
BUT NOOO bc ppl do not want it
Describe gum disease
Will lose teeth
Gingivitis = periodontal disease
Red swollen, bleed easily
Brush teeth regular and dentist appointments often = needed
How to prevent gingivitis
Active ingestions = phenols
Antibacterial, antifungal, anti inflammatory = to prevent gingivitis